Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

hmmmm, let me take a second look *takes a second look* I dont know it almost looks like a squid of some sort, or a jelly. It looks like a backsprite of some sort, I dont know!
I thought it looked like Cradnappy at first, and it is. We already saw this new pokemon, KG.

dmaster out.
is this:
kg we already know what a cradnappy is!
KG, You were supposed to ASK me before posting new Pokémon, and I would have said no anyways :mad:

But, yeah, Cradnappy's cool enough to be revealed twice :O
bacon, add me into your story as the secret guy with like a level trillion pokeymans you don't fight until the postgame cause you'd lose if you fought him at any other time. ;o
PMJ: When a worm hole opens up in front of my computer and remains open for a duration of time allowing me to probe it's destination, you can have what ever it is you're asking for.

Kevin: -__________________-
KG: You Fail. >...>

LOL PMJ. Level 1,000,000,000,000. :0

dmaster out.
Kevin Garrett said:
I'm showing an already revealed Pokemon? Heavenly Spoon should tell me these things first. >:[

Kay Gee got pwnt by Mod :O You phail alot.