RE: Pokemon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms
Prince Dedenne said:
^ I agree w/ MtheW, Mudkip is the best! ^
but I also think Smoochum looks cooler than Jynx,
& Shellos look better than Gastrodon.
In the name of Arceus, Gastrodon is just like a zombie slug (third eye, wtf?), and the West version (pink) is worse that the East, with those lumps on its back and horns. The East version, while also bad, is closer to it's pre-evo at least.
About Mudkip, it's a cute and nice Pokémon; Marshtomp it's ok, while not cute it has that gladiator feeling with the crest and cheek spikes but Swampert, that thing is scarier than a Trevenant, truly a swamp monster!
Pineapple X said:
Definetely Froakie & Frogadier. Froakie's really adorable with it's bubbles and everything... X3 Frogadier is a frog ninja. 'Nuff said. A ninja. Badass.
Then there's Greninja. Well, I wouldn't call it bad; it's actually pretty cool - I think it's a just disappointing to see Frogadier evolving to it. It just feels so... Well, somehow different. Seems like it's from another evo line!
I'm also a little disappointed in Delphox. I would've wanted a fast-looking, badass firefox mage, but instead I got a dark red fox in a dress. The change from Braixen is just a little too big for me.
Don't get me wrong though - I love almost every sixth gen Pokémon! (especially that adorable little Swirlix & Slurpuff <3 aww. X3)
My main problem with Greninja and the thing that gives me the feeling of being worse or not connected to its pre-evos is the lack of a bubble scarf, having instead that Jar-Jar tongue. The lack of light-blue in its body while something that might not help, is at least acceptable since it's now a ninja. Oh, those things connecting the ears are just too weird.
Jakeremix said:
pancakeviksan29 said:
The Kalos Starters are the best example for pokemon that look a lot better than their evolved forms in my opinion. How can GF turn that cute Chespin into that ... thing... called Chesnaught. And the same with Fennekin...No comment!
I'm not sure why you feel that way about Chesnaught but okay...
It took time for me to warm (not to mention liking it in the 1st place) but I can still recall the reasons why I also didn't liked Chesnaugh: it's scheme color is way too drastic in comparison with its pre-evos, its body seems covered in bandages like a mummy, the Sugimori artwork makes it look like a dumb creature looking at nowhere while also having more of a hunch than a shell on its back (thank Arceus for its Dream artwok and some TCG image), it looks like an old and bald dude who still goes to the gym to work out, it has a beard but it also has some kind of chest hair...
The thing that made me starting to like it was to think of it as some kind of Grass Viking Warrior, a veteran capable of fighting but always to protect others and so having a noble intention. Nowadays, I just don't care anymore about its "problems", I just accept it as a Pokémon (even Gastrodon and Swampert, despite calling this Swamp Monster above!) .