Velivolo said:I wanna know more about THIS (previously mentioned) rumor:
That's the one about the trademarked names, if you don't feel like opening it.
Two of the names just turned out to be real pokemon (which makes sense, since these are supposedly names actually registered by the company) (Oh, and dedenne and horubii are the ones we got off that list in the last corocoro), but now I really wanna know what the rest of these are.
Mafokushii's translation guess sounds pretty awesome, and I really hope it is the fennekin evolution. Gekkouga sounds like a perfect fit for a luna moth to me, and I saw another guess/translation suggesting burigaron could be some kind of blizzard wolf. I'd love to see that one!
TheRoyalXerneas said:So supposedly there's a list going around that these Pokemon would be getting mega evos. I'm not quite sure, but these Pokemon have (I guess) trademarked for this gen.
Scizor (Already confirmed unofficially)
I feel like this may be fake, or that only some of these (or all of these and more) will be getting Mega'd. I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't include Venasaur or the other Hoenn starters, so unless there were names left out, I'm leaning toward it being fake.
The lunar moth thing was my own conjecture based on the possible translation. I should mention I don't know any Japanese. So of course it could be entirely wrong. I'm kinda sad about the blizzard wolf, that sounded like a good one. Do you happen to have the link to the list on hand? I'd love to see itTheRoyalXerneas said:Haribougu, Gekogashira, Borukenion are (I think) the final evolved forms of Chespin, Froakie, and Fennekin respectively. I saw this list somewhere else that went into greater detail of the "translations". From what I remember there was no lunar moth, but that name was an evolution for froakie. Sadly I believe they said there would be no blizzard wolf, but in fact it was something completely different.
Velivolo said:The lunar moth thing was my own conjecture based on the possible translation. I should mention I don't know any Japanese. So of course it could be entirely wrong. I'm kinda sad about the blizzard wolf, that sounded like a good one. Do you happen to have the link to the list on hand? I'd love to see itTheRoyalXerneas said:Haribougu, Gekogashira, Borukenion are (I think) the final evolved forms of Chespin, Froakie, and Fennekin respectively. I saw this list somewhere else that went into greater detail of the "translations". From what I remember there was no lunar moth, but that name was an evolution for froakie. Sadly I believe they said there would be no blizzard wolf, but in fact it was something completely different.![]()
MuhFugginMoose said:TheRoyalXerneas said:So supposedly there's a list going around that these Pokemon would be getting mega evos. I'm not quite sure, but these Pokemon have (I guess) trademarked for this gen.
Scizor (Already confirmed unofficially)
I feel like this may be fake, or that only some of these (or all of these and more) will be getting Mega'd. I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't include Venasaur or the other Hoenn starters, so unless there were names left out, I'm leaning toward it being fake.
I'm gonna have to agree and say it seems fake. I'm sure some of those listed will coincidentally be included. But 2 G1 starters and no Venasaur? I don't see that happening. Also, I don't see the Lati twins getting Mega Evos either. The only reason (I think) Mewtwo got a mega evo is be cause she IS the Genetic Pokemon, and clearly this whole Mega Evo thing is somewhat related to genetic reconstruction. Why choose anyone else but THE Genetic Pokemon to show it off with?
Just a thought.
TheRoyalXerneas said:Latias could use the extra boost though. I would also like to mention that after doing a bit of research, the original list I found contained Absol, Ampharos, Blaziken, Mawile, and Mewtwo. The list could be true, but is most likely incomplete as Lucario wasn't on the list.
MuhFugginMoose said:TheRoyalXerneas said:Latias could use the extra boost though. I would also like to mention that after doing a bit of research, the original list I found contained Absol, Ampharos, Blaziken, Mawile, and Mewtwo. The list could be true, but is most likely incomplete as Lucario wasn't on the list.
Haha, well a lot of pokemon need a boost. . . And some don't. Unfortunately a lot of the Pokes named, are the ones that don't. Haha, Gengar, Scizor, and Gyarados just to name a few. they're already powerful as it is. I think the ones that need Mega Evos are underrated pokes, I.e Amphy and Mawile. But, it is GF, so, no real point in hoping for things when it comes to them.![]()
TheRoyalXerneas said:Gamefreak using logic is about as rare as not running into a zubat in a dark cave.
Anyways, the super powerful Pokemon that are getting Mega'd are very popular well known Pokemon. Since the list is said to be incomplete, there's still a lot to be shown (like Mega Haxorus maybe??)![]()
McMuffins said:I saw a post saying how they wanted the list of names:
Dianshii (ディアンシー) — Possibly a deer Pokémon. It’s name could come from deer + fancy + antsy.
Hariboogu (ハリボーグ) — Most likely the evolution of Chespin — Hari (ハリ) comes from pin/needle, boogu (ボーグ) or bogue, is the name of the shell of a chestnut is French. Thanks to belmad for this tip-off!
Gekogashira (ゲコガシラ) — Possibly from gecko + boss. Gashira means either head or boss. Possibly a Froakie evolution.
Borukenion (ボルケニオン) — Probably Volcanyon — likely boruke (ボルケ) from volcano and nion (ニオン) from canyon.
Dedenne (デデンネ)
Horubii (ホルビー) — Likely comes from horu (ホル) to dig + bee.
Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) — Probably Meowstick, as mentioned in a previous leak
Burigaron (ブリガロン) — Maybe a blizzard wolf: buri (ブリ) from blizzard (burizaado) + garo (ガロ / 牙狼) meaning fanged wolf. It could also come from garou (餓狼) meaning starving wolf.
Jigarude (ジガルデ) — Is possibly from Jiga (ジガ / 自我), which means ego.
Mafokushii (マフォクシー) — Is possibly an evolution of Fennekin: Mafoxy
Fuupa (フーパ) — fuu (フー) is most likely wind, pa (パ) could be many things.
Gekkouga (ゲッコウガ) — Gekkou (ゲッコウ) means moonlight + ga (ガ) is moth. Literally moonlight moth.
Torimian (トリミアン)
Teerunaa (テールナー) — Possibly related to Gekkouga. Teeru (テール) means tail and runaa (ルナー) means lunar.
The blizzard wolf was a name translated by a few sources who all seemed to agree on a fanged wolf. And no the lunar moth (as you can see) is not an evolution of Froakie.
And this list is basically 99% confirmed so...take what you want from it.
The list I found had said Borukenion was an evolution of Fennekin. And, about the froakie evolutions, as someone who isn't the biggest fan of him, I'm glad their going to do a more lizard-like design. I'm pretty sure the design will probably be more salamander than gecko, since I don't think geckos are semi aquatic (I'm not a gecko expert, but I feel like there's any aquatic geckos). Still, I'm curious as to what designs the starter evolutions will be like...McMuffins said:I saw a post saying how they wanted the list of names:
Dianshii (ディアンシー) — Possibly a deer Pokémon. It’s name could come from deer + fancy + antsy.
Hariboogu (ハリボーグ) — Most likely the evolution of Chespin — Hari (ハリ) comes from pin/needle, boogu (ボーグ) or bogue, is the name of the shell of a chestnut is French. Thanks to belmad for this tip-off!
Gekogashira (ゲコガシラ) — Possibly from gecko + boss. Gashira means either head or boss. Possibly a Froakie evolution.
Borukenion (ボルケニオン) — Probably Volcanyon — likely boruke (ボルケ) from volcano and nion (ニオン) from canyon.
Dedenne (デデンネ)
Horubii (ホルビー) — Likely comes from horu (ホル) to dig + bee.
Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) — Probably Meowstick, as mentioned in a previous leak
Burigaron (ブリガロン) — Maybe a blizzard wolf: buri (ブリ) from blizzard (burizaado) + garo (ガロ / 牙狼) meaning fanged wolf. It could also come from garou (餓狼) meaning starving wolf.
Jigarude (ジガルデ) — Is possibly from Jiga (ジガ / 自我), which means ego.
Mafokushii (マフォクシー) — Is possibly an evolution of Fennekin: Mafoxy
Fuupa (フーパ) — fuu (フー) is most likely wind, pa (パ) could be many things.
Gekkouga (ゲッコウガ) — Gekkou (ゲッコウ) means moonlight + ga (ガ) is moth. Literally moonlight moth.
Torimian (トリミアン)
Teerunaa (テールナー) — Possibly related to Gekkouga. Teeru (テール) means tail and runaa (ルナー) means lunar.
The blizzard wolf was a name translated by a few sources who all seemed to agree on a fanged wolf. And no the lunar moth (as you can see) is not an evolution of Froakie.
And this list is basically 99% confirmed so...take what you want from it.
TheRoyalXerneas said:The list I found had said Borukenion was an evolution of Fennekin. And, about the froakie evolutions, as someone who isn't the biggest fan of him, I'm glad their going to do a more lizard-like design. I'm pretty sure the design will probably be more salamander than gecko, since I don't think geckos are semi aquatic (I'm not a gecko expert, but I feel like there's any aquatic geckos). Still, I'm curious as to what designs the starter evolutions will be like...McMuffins said:I saw a post saying how they wanted the list of names:
Dianshii (ディアンシー) — Possibly a deer Pokémon. It’s name could come from deer + fancy + antsy.
Hariboogu (ハリボーグ) — Most likely the evolution of Chespin — Hari (ハリ) comes from pin/needle, boogu (ボーグ) or bogue, is the name of the shell of a chestnut is French. Thanks to belmad for this tip-off!
Gekogashira (ゲコガシラ) — Possibly from gecko + boss. Gashira means either head or boss. Possibly a Froakie evolution.
Borukenion (ボルケニオン) — Probably Volcanyon — likely boruke (ボルケ) from volcano and nion (ニオン) from canyon.
Dedenne (デデンネ)
Horubii (ホルビー) — Likely comes from horu (ホル) to dig + bee.
Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) — Probably Meowstick, as mentioned in a previous leak
Burigaron (ブリガロン) — Maybe a blizzard wolf: buri (ブリ) from blizzard (burizaado) + garo (ガロ / 牙狼) meaning fanged wolf. It could also come from garou (餓狼) meaning starving wolf.
Jigarude (ジガルデ) — Is possibly from Jiga (ジガ / 自我), which means ego.
Mafokushii (マフォクシー) — Is possibly an evolution of Fennekin: Mafoxy
Fuupa (フーパ) — fuu (フー) is most likely wind, pa (パ) could be many things.
Gekkouga (ゲッコウガ) — Gekkou (ゲッコウ) means moonlight + ga (ガ) is moth. Literally moonlight moth.
Torimian (トリミアン)
Teerunaa (テールナー) — Possibly related to Gekkouga. Teeru (テール) means tail and runaa (ルナー) means lunar.
The blizzard wolf was a name translated by a few sources who all seemed to agree on a fanged wolf. And no the lunar moth (as you can see) is not an evolution of Froakie.
And this list is basically 99% confirmed so...take what you want from it.
Blob55 said:TheRoyalXerneas said:The list I found had said Borukenion was an evolution of Fennekin. And, about the froakie evolutions, as someone who isn't the biggest fan of him, I'm glad their going to do a more lizard-like design. I'm pretty sure the design will probably be more salamander than gecko, since I don't think geckos are semi aquatic (I'm not a gecko expert, but I feel like there's any aquatic geckos). Still, I'm curious as to what designs the starter evolutions will be like...
Geckos tend to be tree/forest Reptiles, while Salamanders are Amphibious. IMO it sounds more like they're turning Froakie into a Newt. (A type of Salamander).