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RE: Rumors and Speculation

CMP said:
98Greener said:
I think that it's a gender difference, though that may be going too far.
Male Vivilons stay their gray-ish color since they were a Scatterbug.
It makes a little bit of sense....

In many species of butterflies the male is the more colorful. Gamefreak has shown it often reflects real-world biology (i.e. male Unfezant vs female Unfezant), so it would make more sense if it was opposite.


Oh, okay. So.....female Vivilon gets the gray coloring.
Well okay.
We've got male Vivilon out of the way. Now, anybody got a female Vivilon?
I've looked all over google images, but I can't seem to find one.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
CMP said:
In many species of butterflies the male is the more colorful. Gamefreak has shown it often reflects real-world biology (i.e. male Unfezant vs female Unfezant), so it would make more sense if it was opposite.


Oh, okay. So....female Vivilon gets the gray coloring.
Well okay.
We've got male Vivilon out of the way. Now, anybody got a female Vivilon?
I've looked all over google images, but I can't seem to find one.
I'm so happy someone actually found it. I was far too lazy lol. Are there any other instances where vivillon is shown?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Ohman177 said:
Zielo said:
Im for the gender difference too actually, so I'd say thats #4. And if you want to add a #5, it could be a form change or the whole "secret behind its wings" thing. As in, not having an "official" form, like Spinda.

And with that, I'd say thats really all we have left to discuss about this recolored Vivillon.
Can someone do a cross check with the genders of the Vivillon we've seen so far?

I think that might boost the gender thing or get rid of it completely.

Well, I just sat through every official X and Y video and screenshot I could find, and it seems there only 2 I could find that even had Vivillon, both of witch used the exact same clip of it battling the Froakie. So we really dont have much evidence on either side as to if gender plays any kind of role. The only Vivillon shown so far is male.
(Also, that doesn't mean only male Vivillon have been shown- there is literally only a single Vivillon they have shown period. They just reused the same screenshots/clips)
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Zielo said:
Ohman177 said:

Sorry for the yelling but I think that might boost the gender thing or get rid of it completely.

Well, I just sat through every official X and Y video and screenshot I could find, and it seems there only 2 I could find that even had Vivillon, both of witch used the exact same clip of it battling the Froakie. So we really dont have much evidence on either side as to if gender plays any kind of role. The only Vivillon shown so far is male.
(Also, that doesn't mean only male Vivillon have been shown- there is literally only a single Vivillon they have shown period. They just reused the same screenshots/clips)

Does it show for the pc box one?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

No, thats something I would have seen. Besides, I'm looking at it now, and flipping to the second screenshot, I did notice something else.


I believe this is what it looks like when selecting a Pokemon in the X/Y PC, meaning that the grayed out selection thing is likely out of the question for the white Vivillon.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

I don't think they would do separate sprites just to show gender differences. Shinys on the other hand...

EDIT: I searched unfezant, and it seems that if the dimorphism is enough, they can make a separate sprite. I still think it's a shiny, though. Makes more sense.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Supposedly tells the story, a Pokédex list, some mega-evolutions and other secrets and special items. Something about ...

RE: Rumors and Speculation

A greyscale Vivillon sounds interesting. Particularly because the suspicious wings are the only thing with hue in the colored design too.
Perhaps it starts off greyscale and then slowly turns into colored by some means.

Zielo said:
Mitja said:
Why do so many people always "talk" about what it might or might not be when something like this shows up? Just freaking look at it and NOTICE IT IS VIVILON. PERIOD. No speculation, no opinion, no guessing necessary, the pictures are as clear as it gets and 100% identical in shape *facepalm*

Its simply colorless, and that's not surprising to me in any way. The pattern on its wings has been speculated to be customizable or Spinda-mechanic or anything along those lines, not just because the pattern is literally made of giant pixels, but because its description even hints at some secret.

Cool your jets. Just because you don't think its interesting enough to talk about doesn't mean we don't. Theres no harm in talking about it and wondering what it could or couldn't be... Isn't that the point of this entire thread? There is always room for speculation because everyone has different ideas on what the meaning of it could actually be.

I never said its not interesting to talk about (otherwise I wouldn't be here eh?). But saying something like "it might be Butterfree" is equivalent to not even comparing any sprites, because it clearly identifiable as Vivillon in shape down to each pixel, from the pictures already posted in the thread alone.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

McFadyen said:
Supposedly tells the story, a Pokédex list, some mega-evolutions and other secrets and special items. Something about ...


what is that?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Ohman177 said:
McFadyen said:
Supposedly tells the story, a Pokédex list, some mega-evolutions and other secrets and special items. Something about ...


what is that?

That looks like the new CoroCoro.
We're expecting to get the leaks on the 12th.

EDIT: Sorry. Someone else had said that it's coming on the 17th. Bummer.
And uh, it reveals the entire Pokedex.
The entire.
*mind explodes*
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Indeed. FYI: See the blocky 4 symbols on top-left corner? They are KO RO KO RO
RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
Ohman177 said:
what is that?

That looks like the new CoroCoro.
We're expecting to get the leaks on the 12th.

Oh so THAT'S what corocoro looks like lol. Can't wait. Still hoping for flygon and tropius megas.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
Ohman177 said:
what is that?

That looks like the new CoroCoro.
We're expecting to get the leaks on the 12th.

EDIT: Sorry. Someone else had said that it's coming on the 17th. Bummer.
And uh, it reveals the entire Pokedex.
The entire.
*mind explodes*

The entire pokedex? YES. It's game preorder time, b****s!
RE: Rumors and Speculation

The entire pokedex? All of it? All of the everything? -eyes bleed-

Of course thanks to fish/life im behind in my savings for my two preorders [already got em down since june] ;-; thankfully there's a high chance my parents will help me. Thank arceus for not being an adult! -shot-
RE: Rumors and Speculation

professorlight said:
98Greener said:
That looks like the new CoroCoro.
We're expecting to get the leaks on the 12th.

EDIT: Sorry. Someone else had said that it's coming on the 17th. Bummer.
And uh, it reveals the entire Pokedex.
The entire.
*mind explodes*

The entire pokedex? YES. It's game preorder time, b****s!
finally the starter evolutions I CAN NOT WAIT until 10/12
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Here's what I hope is in the final CoroCoro before X&Y are released...

~The New Type Matchup Chart (which CoroCoro said we would get in the last issue).

~6 more new Mega Evolutions, Mega Kangaskhan being one of them (CoroCoro said we'd get more Megas in the last issue so my hopes are high). That adds up to 15 Mega Evolutions we'd know about before release.

~7 New Pokémon two of which would be Oorotto and that Llama-esque Pokémon. In total that would be 35 New Pokémon revealed to us before release which in my opinion is a pretty good number.

So yeah I most definitely think this could keep me happy for the time being until the games are released.

Btw just in case some of you were wondering CoroCoro is officially released on the 14th of September this month in Japan...

The Next CoroCoro Issue
RE: Rumors and Speculation

professorlight said:
The entire pokedex? YES. It's game preorder time, b****s!

Better hurry, most places are just about done with pre-orders.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

How do you know it reveals the complete Pokédex?

[private] I'm letting the spam-ish posts be for now since they want to express excitement (release date is getting closer so they won't have much time left to speculate and discuss rumors). If it doesn't get too out of control I won't unapprove. [/private]
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Drohn said:
How do you know it reveals the complete Pokédex?

A majority seems to be saying that Mega Evo's and Fairy typing charts are to be released.
Some people are saying that the entire Pokedex is to be released.
And even fewer and going so far to say that it'll reveal the plotline, all events etc.
Some are rumors, some may be not. I can't confirm that what all they are saying is true, because they're all saying different things. Gaaaaah!

[private]Edited for advertising. I sent a friendly PM to inform him. *Drohn
As for now, I'm just gathering information from all over.
And I mean, ALL over.
Bulbapedia, Serebii, Marriland, and even PokeJungle.
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