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RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

For the people asking for the trademark list:
(You can find it in the "Confirmed Fake / Unconfirmed Rumor Catalog" thread by Kitana Coldfire)

Charizard (Confirmed x2)
Blastoise (Confirmed)
Gengar (Confirmed)
Pinsir (Confirmed via leaks)
Gyarados (Confirmed via leaks)
Aerodactyl (Confirmed via leaks)
Scizor (Confirmed via leaks)
Houndoom (Confirmed via leaks)
Tyranitar (Confirmed)
Heracross (Confirmed via leaks)
Gardevoir (Confirmed via leaks)
Medicham (Confirmed via leaks)
Banette (Confirmed via leaks)
Aggron (Confirmed)
Abomasnow (Confirmed via leaks)

Seems like they were simply missing the other megas that are coming up, however this list is pretty legit.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Still need help on Boutique Couture. How do i get in? The woman keeps telling me to try out various things in Lumiose.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Just found a video with a couple of Shinies, Greninja looks awesome!

RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

TayBee said:
For the people asking for the trademark list:
(You can find it in the "Confirmed Fake / Unconfirmed Rumor Catalog" thread by Kitana Coldfire)

Charizard (Confirmed x2)
Blastoise (Confirmed)
Gengar (Confirmed)
Pinsir (Confirmed via leaks)
Gyarados (Confirmed via leaks)
Aerodactyl (Confirmed via leaks)
Scizor (Confirmed via leaks)
Houndoom (Confirmed via leaks)
Tyranitar (Confirmed)
Heracross (Confirmed via leaks)
Gardevoir (Confirmed via leaks)
Medicham (Confirmed via leaks)
Banette (Confirmed via leaks)
Aggron (Confirmed)
Abomasnow (Confirmed via leaks)

Seems like they were simply missing the other megas that are coming up, however this list is pretty legit.

Am I the only person surprised to see Latias/Latios on this list? I mean it's a good thing, but I kind of forgot them after gen III, they weren't very important pokemon (for me), but maybe that's just me.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Rusty Sticks said:
Shiny Amaura.


Found the shiny I'll be hunting for first. :D

Seems like shinymons really are more common this gen?
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Keeper of Night said:
Rusty Sticks said:
Shiny Amaura.


Found the shiny I'll be hunting for first. :D

Seems like shinymons really are more common this gen?

I know some people don't like the fact that shinies look like they're going to be more common, but I don't have the time to SR all day long, and shiny hunt all the time.

I've played every pokemon game to date and only had shiny gyrados (duh) and a shiny umbreon on a 2nd hand platinum (I felt blessed).

I need to see shiny goomy, now.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Rusty Sticks said:
Shiny Honedge


I want a shiny Honedge it is just a Pokemon I am going to use anyway XD I hope to find one, thank you for sharing :D
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Rusty Sticks said:
Shiny Honedge


Shiny Honedge looks like a blood-stained blade.

Edit: Greninja'd
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Exar said:
Keeper of Night said:
Found the shiny I'll be hunting for first. :D

Seems like shinymons really are more common this gen?

I know some people don't like the fact that shinies look like they're going to be more common, but I don't have the time to SR all day long, and shiny hunt all the time.

I've played every pokemon game to date and only had shiny gyrados (duh) and a shiny umbreon on a 2nd hand platinum (I felt blessed).

I need to see shiny goomy, now.

I like that shiny pokemon are a bit easier to find. Now, there's actually a good possibility of finding them without hunting extensively.
I've only ever found 3 wild Shinies (excluding Gyarados): Sandshrew in Emerald, Ponyta in Diamond, and Durant in White2.
It would be nice to have a few more. :D
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

This guy got a shiny charmander ...


Anyone else got the feeling they're going to get shinies, but like just weedles, and the stuff you wouldn't want ...? Lol I have that feeling in my gut.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Exar said:
This guy got a shiny charmander ...


Anyone else got the feeling they're going to get shinies, but like just weedles, and the stuff you wouldn't want ...? Lol I have that feeling in my gut.

Yeah, everyone else receives the good shizzles, and those of us trying get the derps :(
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

MetalPharoah said:
Exar said:
This guy got a shiny charmander ...


Anyone else got the feeling they're going to get shinies, but like just weedles, and the stuff you wouldn't want ...? Lol I have that feeling in my gut.

Yeah, everyone else receives the good shizzles, and those of us trying get the derps :(

I don't know what's worse, finding a shiny bidoof or not finding any.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

I've always seemed to have better luck finding shinys, so I'm curious to see if it follows through with these games.

But seriously, has anyone thought to check if Nidorina/Nidoqueen can finally breed?
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

Exar said:
This guy got a shiny charmander ...


Anyone else got the feeling they're going to get shinies, but like just weedles, and the stuff you wouldn't want ...? Lol I have that feeling in my gut.

Arceus dammit!! Just after I gave up and saved after getting a regular one <____<
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

The only time I had absolute luck on my side was when I started Sapphire and chose Mudkip. Loe and behold, it is shiny! I was very excited. Then later on in life, when I would play Sapphire on the emulator, shiny Electrike lol!
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

The only shiny I have was a shiny Machop. I will immediately transfer it once Pokemon Bank comes out. Can't wait to see my shiny Machamp in 3D glory!
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!

I had a shiny mew on my 2nd hand platinum game, but I always thought that it couldn't be legit.
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