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RE: Rumors & Speculation

CoolJosh10 said:
I'm surprised Water Pokemon Master didn't update on the leaked Pokemon Center images and the first five gyms.

Also the new Pokemon.

First 5 Gyms? If you mean that rumored 5 Gyms, then you're wrong, as the first Gym is Bug, which wasn't even listed.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
CoolJosh10 said:
I'm surprised Water Pokemon Master didn't update on the leaked Pokemon Center images and the first five gyms.

Also the new Pokemon.

First 5 Gyms? If you mean that rumored 5 Gyms, then you're wrong, as the first Gym is Bug, which wasn't even listed.

They didn't label them in any particular order AFAIK.
I believe Pokebeach's rumour (the original one that has proven correct) only mentioned 3, so perhaps they were just adding on to that.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
CoolJosh10 said:
I'm surprised Water Pokemon Master didn't update on the leaked Pokemon Center images and the first five gyms.

Also the new Pokemon.

First 5 Gyms? If you mean that rumored 5 Gyms, then you're wrong, as the first Gym is Bug, which wasn't even listed.

Do you have reviewer's copy?

My brother has one and he showed me only the first five gyms. Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Steel, My brother left a while ago but the some of the rumors seem to hold up.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

CoolJosh10 said:
Blob55 said:
First 5 Gyms? If you mean that rumored 5 Gyms, then you're wrong, as the first Gym is Bug, which wasn't even listed.

Do you have reviewer's copy?

My brother has one and he showed me only the first five gyms. Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Steel, My brother left a while ago but the some of the rumors seem to hold up.

It was officially revealed when Viola was revealed, as well as Scatterbug and Spewpa and Litleo, and the rivals.
Also, I have nowhere to really put this, but I now realized they revealed at least 1 pokemon of each type except ground for this generation. If they actually for some reason DO reveal 1 last pokemon and it's ground, that will be amazing.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

FloodBadge said:
CoolJosh10 said:
Do you have reviewer's copy?

My brother has one and he showed me only the first five gyms. Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Steel, My brother left a while ago but the some of the rumors seem to hold up.

It was officially revealed when Viola was revealed, as well as Scatterbug and Spewpa and Litleo, and the rivals.
Also, I have nowhere to really put this, but I now realized they revealed at least 1 pokemon of each type except ground for this generation. If they actually for some reason DO reveal 1 last pokemon and it's ground, that will be amazing.

The rumored Bunnelby evo would be a great example if they revealed it.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

CoolJosh10 said:
FloodBadge said:
It was officially revealed when Viola was revealed, as well as Scatterbug and Spewpa and Litleo, and the rivals.
Also, I have nowhere to really put this, but I now realized they revealed at least 1 pokemon of each type except ground for this generation. If they actually for some reason DO reveal 1 last pokemon and it's ground, that will be amazing.

The rumored Bunnelby evo would be a great example if they revealed it.

Maybe the "Koala" is a Ground-type?
I'd like to see it being Ground/Grass or Fairy. (Ground because of Australia's terrain and all, Grass because of Eucalyptus, and Fairy because of the effects Eucalyptus can have and the Koala's appearance)
RE: Rumors & Speculation

WitherSnow said:
CoolJosh10 said:
I didn't, my brother did though.

Okaaaaay soo how did HE get his review copy?

No clue. He didn't want to tell me. I just know about it because when I went to his house, I saw his 3DS playing Pokemon X. I started asking him how he got and all. He just said he was reviewing it but wouldn't let me know all of the details. I asked him about the Gyms and he told me the first five and that everything else is classified.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

CoolJosh10 said:
WitherSnow said:
Okaaaaay soo how did HE get his review copy?

No clue. He didn't want to tell me. I just know about it because when I went to his house, I saw his 3DS playing Pokemon X. I started asking him how he got and all. He just said he was reviewing it but wouldn't let me know all of the details. I asked him about the Gyms and he told me the first five and that everything else is classified.

You have less than 10 posts and registered last month -- makes it really hard to believe you. What does your brother do for a living?

Regardless, the review copies are floating around. While the security and NDAs are apparently much more strict this go around, it wouldn't surprise me if there were leaks before October 4th.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

So the revealed rumored Gym types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Steel, Fire and Dark.
What do you think the last type will be?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

CMP said:
CoolJosh10 said:
No clue. He didn't want to tell me. I just know about it because when I went to his house, I saw his 3DS playing Pokemon X. I started asking him how he got and all. He just said he was reviewing it but wouldn't let me know all of the details. I asked him about the Gyms and he told me the first five and that everything else is classified.

You have less than 10 posts and registered last month -- makes it really hard to believe you. What does your brother do for a living?

Regardless, the review copies are floating around. While the security and NDAs are apparently much more strict this go around, it wouldn't surprise me if there were leaks before October 4th.

I see what you mean by that. I may be new in the forum but I do know what I'm talking about.:) Also I've been using Pokebeach for some years, I joined because I wanted to state my opinions on certain subjects.
Re: Rumors & Speculation

Found this on Twitter!

Pre-battle image for Youngster.


(Sorry, couldn't save the image on my tablet...)

EDIT: And this, could be faked though?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
So the revealed rumored Gym types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Steel, Fire and Dark.
What do you think the last type will be?

I think Poison type. They made him much useful now it will be a great option to show us how much it is better now.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

mastermagpie said:
Found this on Twitter!

Pre-battle image for Youngster.


(Sorry, couldn't save the image on my tablet...)

O_O I swear if I meet one and his name is Joey...
RE: Rumors & Speculation


What do you guys think? Most likely fake. I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to take a picture of a pokemon before the embargo ends. And if they DID they'd probably do it for a pokemon we realllly want to see, like the starter evolutions.

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: Remember to capitalise new sentences. I made some adjustments to your post!*
Re: RE: Rumors & Speculation

Razmos said:

what do you guys think? most likely fake. I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to take a picture of a pokemon before the embargo ends. and if they DID they'd probably do it for a pokemon we realllly want to see, like the starter evolutions.

I'll be honest, it looks fake. The body doesn't look as though it is in the right place in respect to the floor...
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Razmos said:

what do you guys think? most likely fake. I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to take a picture of a pokemon before the embargo ends. and if they DID they'd probably do it for a pokemon we realllly want to see, like the starter evolutions.

Looks fake to me.. Couldn't even get a clear shot of it.

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: I edited your post slightly to correct the grammar. Remember to capitalise!*
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Razmos said:
what do you guys think? most likely fake. I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to take a picture of a pokemon before the embargo ends. and if they DID they'd probably do it for a pokemon we realllly want to see, like the starter evolutions.

The picture is fake, however I think it is reasonable to expect some leaks and screenshots very soon, it's bound to happen.
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