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RE: Rumors & Speculation

There are a significant number of human populations that historically regarded facial hair on women (most women who have it these days wax or pluck it) as a sign of beauty. I never get the desire to assign really strict, really recent human beliefs about gender onto Pokemon. If Gardie looks like a girl to someone, it just suggests they've got a pretty uptight ideas about what makes a girl or a boy.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Kitana Coldfire said:
professorlight said:
I believe patrice is officcially sycamore's name, and it's public knowledge you get your starter from tierno, like 1000 sources have said so (don't know where does he gets them, but I'd bet it's from sycamore), Since he gives you the kanto starters, that rumor about all previous starters being available might have something to it, he gives you the local starter, it doesn't megaevolve, he gives you kanto's, megaevolves, gives you johto's, megaevolves, and so on.

Professor Sycamore's first name has already been confirmed to be Augustine.

Patrice could, however, be the first name of the mysterious Professor Sequoia who's been mentioned in a few articles.

Dammit! brain fart, sorry. Couldn't find the name anywhere to confirm.

Y'all realize you are arguing about drawing conventions of gender based solely on some dream someone had about how megameganium has garish makeup, right?
And, no offense, honey, but if your dream by any chance becomes true, I'll hold you personally responsible.
kiwi_tea said:
There are a significant number of human populations that historically regarded facial hair on women (most women who have it these days wax or pluck it) as a sign of beauty. I never get the desire to assign really strict, really recent human beliefs about gender onto Pokemon. If Gardie looks like a girl to someone, it just suggests they've got a pretty uptight ideas about what makes a girl or a boy.

I think you are confusing "looks like a girl" with "can be ONLY female", one thing is recognizing traits normally associated with feminity, another completely different thing is just being close-minded.

Also, facial hair, eew.
(and yes, I do realize the hypocrisy of my statement. I think I've earned the right to be a little close-minded, but I reeeeally dislike facial hair, all of it, on anyone, whatever gender they might be)
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Ok, can we just stop arguing about whether or not pokemon are allowed to have features deemed masculine or feminine for humans despite them being animals (because then male unfeazant would be feminine) and just discuss rumors and speculation?
I mean, I posted that premonition drawing because I wanted to talk about it. But apparently all it caused was an argument on whether or not the Meganium is allowed to even be male.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

This talk about arbitrary gender traits has run its course. Get back on topic, or I'll start removing posts and warning for them.
RE: Rumors & Speculation


RE: Rumors & Speculation

Crafty said:

Where did you find it?

It looks a little on the fake side to me. Especially around the legs, they look like they were shaded the wrong way.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Crafty said:



Impressive. I haven't seen a screenshot with a full party of 6 members, a Pokémon holding an item, and the type symbols for Psychic, Flying, and Fighting. Does anyone know where this is from?

The first one is probably fake, the quality is just too terrible to be real. I like the second one though.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Is that supposed to be Frogadier's evolution? Lose the massive tongue and maybe I'll like it. Seriously what is with that tongue?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Supposedly the image of Froakie's final evolution (I don't know about that bird-thing) was taken from a thread on 4chan, however the thread was taken down almost as soon as it appeared.
Re: RE: Rumors & Speculation

Crafty said:

That looks very very fake... Also, how would they get the image so clear? You can't record directly off the DS unless you're Nintendo or another big games company...

More on the Hawlucha and Greninja, please! :D
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