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RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Tatertot said:
Greninja's design makes no sense. First of all, where did the bubbles go? Second, why add darker colors to Frogadier's color scheme only to revert back to the light blue and white from Froakie? Also, that tongue...it seems like an obvious rip off Lickitung, and GF generally doesn't copy prominent features like that. I really do hope it's fake, it looks like an abomination.

Where did the leaf on Meganium's head go? I was their prominent feature that made it not only stand out, but also look like a Grass-type. Where did Wartortle's tail go? What about Servine's legs?

Chikorita goes from lime green, to yellow, to green. Orange, Red, Orange for Charmander, Marshtomp is more of a cyan-blue colour than both its evolutions. There isn't a pattern, Just because Oshawott turned darker, doesn't mean all Pokémon do this by default.

It's not as if GameFreak hasn't used concepts before. The tongue in this Pokémon is functionally and aesthetically different from Lickytung's tongue.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
I posted this on a different forum, but i'll post it again here:
To people complaining that the Froakie evolution doesn't have bubbles, I'm assuming that the bubble part of Froakies design comes from the fact that some frogs make nests made of bubbles.

It makes sense that Froakie, essentially a baby frog, would be carrying the bubbles from it's nest with it.

As it becomes an adult, it no longer needs the bubbles.

This idea. I like it.
Also, I agree about the extrasensory post. It's not an amazing move, so I don't see why GF would lower its PP from 30 to 20 so I think the froakie final is fake. Plus, that name for it was confirmed to be a fake made up one.
ALSO, this guy "rdecargh" guy joined today and has all these so called "leaks." First off that makes it fishy to begin with. Second, the whole "I love you" "thanks you too" BS basically confirms it. That type of mannerism is usually only seen on people trying to cover up a lie with kindness (the least likely one because it's such an obvious ploy anyone could spot it) or are treating this whole lying business like a game and that's part of how they have fun, by saying ridiculous random things like "i love you" to see how people react. And in my history on this site, the nicest anyone has been is Professor Light always calling people "hun." And even that could be a form of condescension. Bottom line, I'm not believing a single thing he says.
EDIT: Also his grammar and spelling are terrible and I figure you'd have to be smart enough to at least get that right to get your hands on a review copy.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
sorry didnt want to be fishy or what you said
its fine if you dont believ me, but its true and youll see in some weeks :)
anyway im gonna post the last chesp evo when its evolving, its33 now, so it wont be long
ask me things if u dont believe me. i love you for real no joke please

Well... Picture, or it didn't happen.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Pokequaza said:
rdecargh said:
sorry didnt want to be fishy or what you said
its fine if you dont believ me, but its true and youll see in some weeks :)
anyway im gonna post the last chesp evo when its evolving, its33 now, so it wont be long
ask me things if u dont believe me. i love you for real no joke please

Well... Picture, or it didn't happen.

From 3 different angles at least :D
Since most fakes only have 1 or at most 2 angles.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Ohman177 said:
This idea. I like it.
Also, I agree about the extrasensory post. It's not an amazing move, so I don't see why GF would lower its PP from 30 to 20 so I think the froakie final is fake. Plus, that name for it was confirmed to be a fake made up one.
ALSO, this guy "rdecargh" guy joined today and has all these so called "leaks." First off that makes it fishy to begin with. Second, the whole "I love you" "thanks you too" BS basically confirms it. That type of mannerism is usually only seen on people trying to cover up a lie with kindness (the least likely one because it's such an obvious ploy anyone could spot it) or are treating this whole lying business like a game and that's part of how they have fun, by saying ridiculous random things like "i love you" to see how people react. And in my history on this site, the nicest anyone has been is Professor Light always calling people "hun." And even that could be a form of condescension. Bottom line, I'm not believing a single thing he says.
EDIT: Also his grammar and spelling are terrible and I figure you'd have to be smart enough to at least get that right to get your hands on a review copy.

sorry didnt want to be fishy or what you said
its fine if you dont believ me, but its true and youll see in some weeks :)
anyway im gonna post the last chesp evo when its evolving, its33 now, so it wont be long
ask me things if u dont believe me. i love you for real no joke please
Does Hawlucha have a female version or is only male? and, does it have an evo?
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I know this has nothing to do with the rumored leaks, not does it have any basis in anything other than a hunch...but it is speculation. I feel that between being an even-numbered generation, having such a large number of new Pokémon last generation, and Mega Evolutions, the number of new Pokémon won't be anywhere near what some of you are expecting. I could absolutely be wrong (and hopefully I am), but I get a weird feeling about the number 114. With the number revealed so far, 100 (so far the fewest a generation has introduced) seems too low, as does 107 (the number the only other even-numbered generation introduced).

Before you guys point out that I'm trying to make some kind of pattern (100+7+7), I'm not. I actually didn't even realize it until I started typing out this post. It just really seems like a logical number, given some of Gamefreak's latest choices of seemingly random numbers (107 and 156). It's fitting for a smaller generation, and would mean that there's still nearly 2/3 of the new Pokédex to discover. Plus, with the abundance of older Pokémon available, it would be a good way to introduce a few new ones each route/each of the three Kalos 'dexs...and with the rumored number of Megas anywhere between 20-50, that would being the number of "new" (using that term loosely) Pokémon to 134-164. That would be plenty of new opportunities for team building/new battle strategies, I think.

RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Again that flying pokémon... so froagies final evo could be really real...
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Alella85 said:
Does Hawlucha have a female version or is only male? and, does it have an evo?

i have a female i my pkdx and always met female but i dont know its not very common
sorry if im not helpful :( be kindwith me thanks i love u a lot
i think we can be very good friends
Thank you very much, could you take another when you notice if she has an evo? I'm really interested in this pokemon ^^
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Alella85 said:
Does Hawlucha have a female version or is only male? and, does it have an evo?

i have a female i my pkdx and always met female but i dont know its not very common
sorry if im not helpful :( be kindwith me thanks i love u a lot
i think we can be very good friends

Why is his body red in this one but brown in the others?
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
-binacle is n.21 Pokémon in the coast pkdx, its like a sea creatures with two heads -anemon I think their called?- (i guess its evolution will have three...) and its rock/water
Would it be possible to see some pictures of this rock/water pokemon?
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Haha I actually want to tackleglomp rdecargh with all sorts of questions and picture requests but I try to stay calm and cross my fingers for Chespin's final evolution. Of course I'll stick around if the others bombard him/her with questions/requests :D
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Pokequaza said:
Well... Picture, or it didn't happen.

ok, i hope you like it, i did as best as i could

oops it's on the contrary because i use those browser software for webcame pics (not really good to use pc lol)

Well, that's unexpected, most people just claim to have a review copy. And that clears up all the confusion about Mr. Birdman as well. Looks like a decent Pokémon I think. A lot different from what I imagined a Fighting/Flying would look like.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Ok guys um.... All of these photos are his.... He didn't take them from anywhere. I cross-checked them with an image web search program I have and came up with only images that use the same colors but are of completely different things (one was a plate of sea food lol). So basically he took these photos and hasn't uploaded them anywhere but here.... I honestly don't know what to say.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I still do not believe it. Two weeks before the world output, this is going to be filled with fakes in the same way, and some will seem very real.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Ohman177 said:
Why is his body red in this one but brown in the others?

i dont know, maybe male version? i have female

ok i cant say anything more for today you have anothee question otherwise ill go with the twohead Pokémon and see ya next time

Yes show us the two headed pokemon please :).
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