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RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Okay to start off. I have een observing and readig this thread since page 68. Ill get straight to the point showing why grenibja may be fake. If you look at all the pictures of it, the first one leaked by that italian showing its moves,, if you look at grenibjas arms, there are what look like spiky elbow joints. If you look at the latest screen of it in battle AND the supposed artwork, its not there. Just an observation.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Oblivion_Wing said:
Okay to start off. I have een observing and readig this thread since page 68. Ill get straight to the point showing why grenibja may be fake. If you look at all the pictures of it, the first one leaked by that italian showing its moves,, if you look at grenibjas arms, there are what look like spiky elbow joints. If you look at the latest screen of it in battle AND the supposed artwork, its not there. Just an observation.

That latest screen is just fan-art, they used the official/Sugimori-like fan-art, and made a 3D model out of it. The only assumed real picture we have of Greninja is the original one.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Oblivion_Wing said:
Okay to start off. I have een observing and readig this thread since page 68. Ill get straight to the point showing why grenibja may be fake. If you look at all the pictures of it, the first one leaked by that italian showing its moves,, if you look at grenibjas arms, there are what look like spiky elbow joints. If you look at the latest screen of it in battle AND the supposed artwork, its not there. Just an observation.

There are two pics of Greninja? <.< Have I missed something?
There was another pic of Greninja, but it was just a shop of some fan-art.
The illustration is clearly fan-art, it has the illustrators name right in the center of it and isn't even in the Sugimori style.

Pokequaza said:
Oblivion_Wing said:
Okay to start off. I have een observing and readig this thread since page 68. Ill get straight to the point showing why grenibja may be fake. If you look at all the pictures of it, the first one leaked by that italian showing its moves,, if you look at grenibjas arms, there are what look like spiky elbow joints. If you look at the latest screen of it in battle AND the supposed artwork, its not there. Just an observation.

That latest screen is just fan-art, they used the official/Sugimori-like fan-art, and made a 3D model out of it. The only assumed real picture we have of Greninja is the original one.

They didn't even make a 3D model of it though, it was just mirrored and then distorted in Photoshop. Even then it's not of the same caliber as the original, and given that it appeared hours after the original, it's almost certainly faked.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Imagine if Greninja is actually a real pokemon, how i feel sorry for him that everyone practically denying and trying so hard to prove it's fakeness :(

And this is just because several days earlier, someone supposed to leak the description of Fro's 2nd stage (being poison dart frog and all), and a talented artist come up with that description to make Gallantoad, which surprisingly getting all the love from the fans despite it's proved fakeness.

Not to mention that Hawlucha, the pokemon that leaked alongside with Greninja also get the chance to be appreciated as a real pokemon, contrary to the Greninja itself..

Poor you Greninja..:(
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Ririka said:
Imagine if Greninja is actually a real pokemon, how i feel sorry for him that everyone practically denying and trying so hard to prove it's fakeness :(

It's a Starter-Evo, people will nitpick it to death. It's very frustrating, I know.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Pokequaza said:
palkia07 said:
We cannot tell anything. The leaker may have posted the picture cause they are real or he posted fake and remove them to make people believe they were real. There's still no clear proof about Greninja being true or fake. The two "leakers" can also be really smart friends..

Hawlucha and Binacle, along with the overworld and battle scene cannot be photoshopped, you cannot just do something like that within 30 seconds. He didn't just post them, people asked for specific pictures, for proof, and he gave them (the same happened to the first leaker). The second leak of Hawlucha provided even more credibility for the existence of Hawlucha, but it also provided more credibility for Greninja, which was posted along with the first picture of Hawlucha.

Also, the fact that the type symbols match the new font, which was only visible for a few seconds in the Torchic distribution clip, provides even more evidence of this being real. At first, the different fonts were used as a counter argument, however after some investigation people found out Greninja actually used a new font, which was apparantly revealed in the Torchic clip, something which was still not known at that point.

I even want to go as far to say both leaks are real. I'm usually skeptic about this, but having seen the leaks being revealed right in front of me, knowing the full story, I have difficulty imagining them as fake.

- The leaker could have had pictures already made when it started do post.
- The second leak of Hawlucha may have been organised.
- You really undervalue fake ability.
- Nothing is true until confimation.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I'm kind of glad Chespin and Fennekin's final evolutions haven't leaked, because I can see a lot of people getting annoyed with Froakie's (if this one is real, that is) similar to how some people reacted to Sylveon (some people hate it because we knew hardly anything about it for months which led to arguments etc. among the fandom)
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

palkia07 said:
- The leaker could have had pictures already made when it started do post.
- The second leak of Hawlucha may have been organised.
- You really undervalue fake ability.
- Nothing is true until confimation.

Again, they both didn't post random pictures, people requested specific pictures. They cannot be photoshopped, unless they had 1000's of possible pictures to answer any question with. Which also proves the second leak wasn't organised, it were real time posts.

No, I have spend enough time on dA to know the difference between a fake Pokémon, and a real one. Occasionally some good looking fakes are made, however there's usually something that disproves them. The amount of detail that has gone into the leaked pictures make it difficult to classify them as fake. Everything is just right.

Of course nothing is ''official'' until the actual release, nothing is, but that isn't the point of this thread. Remember it's called Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Pokequaza said:
Again, they both didn't post random pictures, people requested specific pictures. They cannot be photoshopped, unless they had 1000's of possible pictures to answer any question with. Which also proves the second leak wasn't organised, it were real time posts.

No, I have spend enough time on dA to know the difference between a fake Pokémon, and a real one. Occasionally some good looking fakes are made, however there's usually something that disproves them. The amount of detail that has gone into the leaked pictures make it difficult to classify them as fake. Everything is just right.

Of course nothing is ''official'' until the actual release, nothing is, but that isn't the point of this thread. Remember it's called Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers.

Yes, i'm actually there when the second leaker (Hawlucha and Binacle) posting the requested images. At first i gasped in surprise, seeing the overworld scene with the rocky landscape, if for all, that is one thing that no one can fake. After that, people request the legitimate proof of Hawlucha, which leaked along with Greninja before this guy appear, and he post it, clearly. And afterwards, people want some proof of his earlier claim about Binacle, and again, he posted it in no time.

If this leaker is friend with the one who leaked Hawlucha and Greninja before, i doubt it, the OVERWORLD screenshot seems too REAL for that to be fake.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I was there too, I remember only a few minutes in between posts.
To be fair though, he did mentioned Binacle in his first post, and people asked to see it. He could have had the image prepared in case people asked about it.

But yes, the overworld image and Quilladin battle are too legit looking to be fake.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Pokequaza said:
palkia07 said:
- The leaker could have had pictures already made when it started do post.
- The second leak of Hawlucha may have been organised.
- You really undervalue fake ability.
- Nothing is true until confimation.

Again, they both didn't post random pictures, people requested specific pictures. They cannot be photoshopped, unless they had 1000's of possible pictures to answer any question with. Which also proves the second leak wasn't organised, it were real time posts.

No, I have spend enough time on dA to know the difference between a fake Pokémon, and a real one. Occasionally some good looking fakes are made, however there's usually something that disproves them. The amount of detail that has gone into the leaked pictures make it difficult to classify them as fake. Everything is just right.

Of course nothing is ''official'' until the actual release, nothing is, but that isn't the point of this thread. Remember it's called Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers.

It is possible that the leaker has the game and leaked Howlucha (real) and Greninja (fake) to avoid problems, as he himself seems to have stated. Again, we cannot know..
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Poison Master said:
I desperately want Hawlucha to be real and Greninja to be fake. :/

I like Graninja. It lost a lot of things from Froadier, but now I maybe read that "spectalur" said by Yoshida as "Tongue-scarfed ninja Frog". I think that its tongue will be for sure retractable ad Lickitung. Also:

Extrasensory (x2 on Poison)
Bounce (x2 on Fighting, Grass, Bug)
Hydro Pump; (x2 on Fire, Rock, Ground)
Hi Jump Kick; (x2 on Normal, Dark, Ice, Steel)
Ice Beam (x2 on Dragon; Flying)

It is already SE against 13 types and it will have great attack stats and great speed.
If they give him earthquake and a dark move (add x2 electric, ghost and psychic to the above) It will destroy everything (It could maybe have a poison move against Fairy being a frog and grass Knot for water pokemon)
P.s. I know it's weal but it can also learn lick (X2 ghost, psychic)

My personal perfect move poll will be:

Bounce; Earthquake; Ice beam; High Jump Kick

SE against 14 types and with moves normal effective to the other 4 (Water; Ghost; Psychic and Fairy). That's a bomb.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
I was there too, I remember only a few minutes in between posts.
To be fair though, he did mentioned Binacle in his first post, and people asked to see it. He could have had the image prepared in case people asked about it.

But yes, the overworld image and Quilladin battle are too legit looking to be fake.

Right the quilladin was really the only thing people asked for at random. He offered the over world and howlucha first thing and mentioned biancle in text. The private screening thing could be right but all he got a picture of was an over world. And faked the rest. Because the overworld would cement peoples trust. I can't explain the quilladin.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

More rumours:
- There are over 100 Pokemon, I won't go into the exact number but it is more than 100 and a less then the 156 Pokemon of the previous games 'Pokemon Black and Pokemon White'
It's a good substantial amount of Pokemon that I'm highly sure that everyone will be happy with.
I won't reveal the names of these Pokemon in case I get in trouble so I'll just describe them!

- There are a lot of unique typing's that haven't been seen before! the best in my opinion being a Electric/Fire type!

- The Starters final evolved forms are of that, that has been rumored, Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting.

- Chespin's final evolution - Grass/Dark is very round and spiky, lots of spikes all over it's body, its spikes are a sort of armor and it also holds a giant spike like a sword.

- Fennekin's final evolution - Fire/Psychic is very majestic looking, it now holds the stick it use to have as a Braixen and the flame on it is a lot bigger, it's tail is longer and more sleek, it's ears are very pointy and the fur in it's ears is longer with puffs at the end of it, it's fur is longer too, almost looking like a dress/gown of sorts.

- Froakie's final evolution - Water/Fighting is a lot more sleek and looks fast! it's almost completely dark blue and has black coloured spots on it's face, it has some white markings still but not many, the bubbles around it's neck is also longer.

- Swirlix can be found after the first gym it evolves into a pure Fairy Type, it looks more like a dog now and has a bigger tongue and drool dripping from it's mouth, it's paws/ears are larger and it has a swirl of 'fur' on it's had now and it's tail looks like a lollypop.

- Spritzee evolves into a Fairy/Dark type, it looks like a cross between a Flamingo and a human, it's quiet creepy actually...it has wings like Lugia's as in they're not shaped like wings but more like arms, it's beak is bigger with a black marking on the tip of it, it's eyes are more evil looking too. It has White feathers for a tail. It's now a dull Pink colour.

- A new Wolf Pokemon that is Ice/Normal type, it's soooooooooo cute! it's a little puppy with white fur and big bight blue eyes, it has 2 black marks on it's back and 2 black spots above it's eyes and a little black puffy tail, it evolves into a Ice/Dark type Wolf, much larger and more menacing, it still has it's bright blue eyes, it has dark gray fur and 2 white spots above it's eyes now, it's 2 black marks on it's back become spikes of fur with white tips, it's tail is bigger with a white tip also, it has 2 long fangs sticking out of it's mouth also.

- A new Fire/Rock type that looks like a little walking Volcano, has a similar appearance to Snorunt as in body shape, it evolves twice.

- A new Moth Pokemon, it's a Bug/Psychic type, it's little and cute, it has a white body with long yellow antennas and black wings with a yellow crescent on each wing, it evolves.

- You get given a Pokemon Egg from the daycare upon arriving, the man says that a trainer left their Pokemon there and when he came back he didn't want the Pokemon egg so you take it. It hatches into one of any of the pre-evolved Pokemon (Pichu, Elekid, Magby, Happiny, Togepi, Whynaut, Munchlax etc...)

- There are a total of 11 Legendary Pokemon.

3 Game Mascots, 5 Side Legend, 2 Event Legends and 1 Pixie Legend.

- The 3 Main Mascots have to do with Life/Peace and Death/Destruction and the 3rd being responsible for keeping things moving forward in the world (I'm not sure how to word that but things like beginning's and endings I think?).

- The 5 Side Legends have their own legend, 4 of them are 'brothers' and the other one is their 'noble steed'

- The 2 Event Legends have to do with the Past and Future, the Past one accidentally falls through time to present time and the Future one has something to do with coming from the future to stop an event that will destroy the Kalos Region.

- The 1 Pixie Legend has to do with bringing luck.

- Pokemon that become Fairy type are Marill, Azumaril, Mawlie, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (All become pure Fairy type) Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss (All become Fairy/Flying minus Togepi) Dunsparce, Gardevior and the Chansey line.

- Some attacks that become Fairy Type are Sweet Kiss, Metronome, Moonlight, Swift, Charm and Wish.

- There ARE Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon, there's not as many as Generation 4 though. I won't say which Pokemon have them but there are a couple of fan favorites getting Evolutions which actually look really cool!

- All the previous generations starters get Mega-Evolutions, but a couple more Pokemon getting Mega-Evolutions are Raichu, Farfetch'd, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Heracross, Miltank, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Tropius, Floatzel, Cherrim, Togekiss, Haxorus, there are a few others too.

- Not all starters mega-evolutions, mega-stones can be found in the game, this is probably to do with special giveaway events.

The Gym's types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Rock, Grass, Dark and Fire
The Elite Four's types are Normal, Flying, Water and Steel
The Champion uses mix types/the types left over (Ground, Poison, Ghost, Ice, Psychic, Dragon)

- 'Spike Barrage' is a Grass type attack that attacks the foe with spikes 1-5 times, it raises the users Attack and Defense but lowers it's speed.

- 'Belch' is a Poison Type attack, it causes damage and has a high chance of Poisoning the foe.

- 'Aqua Blade' is a Water Type attack, it slashes the foe with blades of water, it raises the Attack and Special of the user.

- 'Glow Punch' is a Fairy Type attack, it punches the foe with a fist of burning light, it can also cause confusion or can burn the foe.

- 'Fire Pulse' is a Fire Type attack, the user releases a blast of fire from it's body, it causes damage to all those on the field (Good for Horde battles) even the user gets damage, it however raises Attack and Special Attack of the user, it can also Burn the user and foes."

It all sounded good until he mentioned the event legendaries. How would he have seen them? afaik, we only knew about Meloetta/Keldeo/Genesect because the game was hacked.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
More rumours:
- There are over 100 Pokemon, I won't go into the exact number but it is more than 100 and a less then the 156 Pokemon of the previous games 'Pokemon Black and Pokemon White'
It's a good substantial amount of Pokemon that I'm highly sure that everyone will be happy with.
I won't reveal the names of these Pokemon in case I get in trouble so I'll just describe them!

- There are a lot of unique typing's that haven't been seen before! the best in my opinion being a Electric/Fire type!

- The Starters final evolved forms are of that, that has been rumored, Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting.

- Chespin's final evolution - Grass/Dark is very round and spiky, lots of spikes all over it's body, its spikes are a sort of armor and it also holds a giant spike like a sword.

- Fennekin's final evolution - Fire/Psychic is very majestic looking, it now holds the stick it use to have as a Braixen and the flame on it is a lot bigger, it's tail is longer and more sleek, it's ears are very pointy and the fur in it's ears is longer with puffs at the end of it, it's fur is longer too, almost looking like a dress/gown of sorts.

- Froakie's final evolution - Water/Fighting is a lot more sleek and looks fast! it's almost completely dark blue and has black coloured spots on it's face, it has some white markings still but not many, the bubbles around it's neck is also longer.

- Swirlix can be found after the first gym it evolves into a pure Fairy Type, it looks more like a dog now and has a bigger tongue and drool dripping from it's mouth, it's paws/ears are larger and it has a swirl of 'fur' on it's had now and it's tail looks like a lollypop.

- Spritzee evolves into a Fairy/Dark type, it looks like a cross between a Flamingo and a human, it's quiet creepy actually...it has wings like Lugia's as in they're not shaped like wings but more like arms, it's beak is bigger with a black marking on the tip of it, it's eyes are more evil looking too. It has White feathers for a tail. It's now a dull Pink colour.

- A new Wolf Pokemon that is Ice/Normal type, it's soooooooooo cute! it's a little puppy with white fur and big bight blue eyes, it has 2 black marks on it's back and 2 black spots above it's eyes and a little black puffy tail, it evolves into a Ice/Dark type Wolf, much larger and more menacing, it still has it's bright blue eyes, it has dark gray fur and 2 white spots above it's eyes now, it's 2 black marks on it's back become spikes of fur with white tips, it's tail is bigger with a white tip also, it has 2 long fangs sticking out of it's mouth also.

- A new Fire/Rock type that looks like a little walking Volcano, has a similar appearance to Snorunt as in body shape, it evolves twice.

- A new Moth Pokemon, it's a Bug/Psychic type, it's little and cute, it has a white body with long yellow antennas and black wings with a yellow crescent on each wing, it evolves.

- You get given a Pokemon Egg from the daycare upon arriving, the man says that a trainer left their Pokemon there and when he came back he didn't want the Pokemon egg so you take it. It hatches into one of any of the pre-evolved Pokemon (Pichu, Elekid, Magby, Happiny, Togepi, Whynaut, Munchlax etc...)

- There are a total of 11 Legendary Pokemon.

3 Game Mascots, 5 Side Legend, 2 Event Legends and 1 Pixie Legend.

- The 3 Main Mascots have to do with Life/Peace and Death/Destruction and the 3rd being responsible for keeping things moving forward in the world (I'm not sure how to word that but things like beginning's and endings I think?).

- The 5 Side Legends have their own legend, 4 of them are 'brothers' and the other one is their 'noble steed'

- The 2 Event Legends have to do with the Past and Future, the Past one accidentally falls through time to present time and the Future one has something to do with coming from the future to stop an event that will destroy the Kalos Region.

- The 1 Pixie Legend has to do with bringing luck.

- Pokemon that become Fairy type are Marill, Azumaril, Mawlie, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (All become pure Fairy type) Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss (All become Fairy/Flying minus Togepi) Dunsparce, Gardevior and the Chansey line.

- Some attacks that become Fairy Type are Sweet Kiss, Metronome, Moonlight, Swift, Charm and Wish.

- There ARE Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon, there's not as many as Generation 4 though. I won't say which Pokemon have them but there are a couple of fan favorites getting Evolutions which actually look really cool!

- All the previous generations starters get Mega-Evolutions, but a couple more Pokemon getting Mega-Evolutions are Raichu, Farfetch'd, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Heracross, Miltank, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Tropius, Floatzel, Cherrim, Togekiss, Haxorus, there are a few others too.

- Not all starters mega-evolutions, mega-stones can be found in the game, this is probably to do with special giveaway events.

The Gym's types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Rock, Grass, Dark and Fire
The Elite Four's types are Normal, Flying, Water and Steel
The Champion uses mix types/the types left over (Ground, Poison, Ghost, Ice, Psychic, Dragon)

- 'Spike Barrage' is a Grass type attack that attacks the foe with spikes 1-5 times, it raises the users Attack and Defense but lowers it's speed.

- 'Belch' is a Poison Type attack, it causes damage and has a high chance of Poisoning the foe.

- 'Aqua Blade' is a Water Type attack, it slashes the foe with blades of water, it raises the Attack and Special of the user.

- 'Glow Punch' is a Fairy Type attack, it punches the foe with a fist of burning light, it can also cause confusion or can burn the foe.

- 'Fire Pulse' is a Fire Type attack, the user releases a blast of fire from it's body, it causes damage to all those on the field (Good for Horde battles) even the user gets damage, it however raises Attack and Special Attack of the user, it can also Burn the user and foes."

It all sounded good until he mentioned the event legendaries. How would he have seen them? afaik, we only knew about Meloetta/Keldeo/Genesect because the game was hacked.

Some of that info was proven fake and the people who came up with some of that info came out with it being fake :) but some of them are new :) I want the wolf it sounds interesting I want that to be true :)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Ghost King said:
Razmos said:
More rumours:

It all sounded good until he mentioned the event legendaries. How would he have seen them? afaik, we only knew about Meloetta/Keldeo/Genesect because the game was hacked.

Some of that info was proven fake and the people who came up with some of that info came out with it being fake :) but some of them are new :) I want the wolf it sounds interesting I want that to be true :)
Bleh, that's a shame. I honestly would have been very happy if those things had turned out to be true.
Especially the "creepy" Spritzee evo.
Plague Doctor PLS!
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
Ghost King said:
Some of that info was proven fake and the people who came up with some of that info came out with it being fake :) but some of them are new :) I want the wolf it sounds interesting I want that to be true :)
Bleh, that's a shame. I honestly would have been very happy if those things had turned out to be true.

I said some of the info was fake but some others, I have never heard of like the 3 new pokemon: the moth, the snorunt thing, and wolf is new to me :)

Razmos said:
- There are a lot of unique typing's that haven't been seen before! the best in my opinion being a Electric/Fire type!

- The Starters final evolved forms are of that, that has been rumored, Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting.

- Chespin's final evolution - Grass/Dark is very round and spiky, lots of spikes all over it's body, its spikes are a sort of armor and it also holds a giant spike like a sword.

- Fennekin's final evolution - Fire/Psychic is very majestic looking, it now holds the stick it use to have as a Braixen and the flame on it is a lot bigger, it's tail is longer and more sleek, it's ears are very pointy and the fur in it's ears is longer with puffs at the end of it, it's fur is longer too, almost looking like a dress/gown of sorts.

- Froakie's final evolution - Water/Fighting is a lot more sleek and looks fast! it's almost completely dark blue and has black coloured spots on it's face, it has some white markings still but not many, the bubbles around it's neck is also longer.

- Swirlix can be found after the first gym it evolves into a pure Fairy Type, it looks more like a dog now and has a bigger tongue and drool dripping from it's mouth, it's paws/ears are larger and it has a swirl of 'fur' on it's had now and it's tail looks like a lollypop.

- Spritzee evolves into a Fairy/Dark type, it looks like a cross between a Flamingo and a human, it's quiet creepy actually...it has wings like Lugia's as in they're not shaped like wings but more like arms, it's beak is bigger with a black marking on the tip of it, it's eyes are more evil looking too. It has White feathers for a tail. It's now a dull Pink color.

- You get given a Pokemon Egg from the daycare upon arriving, the man says that a trainer left their Pokemon there and when he came back he didn't want the Pokemon egg so you take it. It hatches into one of any of the pre-evolved Pokemon (Pichu, Elekid, Magby, Happiny, Togepi, Whynaut, Munchlax etc...)

- The 5 Side Legends have their own legend, 4 of them are 'brothers' and the other one is their 'noble steed'

- The 2 Event Legends have to do with the Past and Future, the Past one accidentally falls through time to present time and the Future one has something to do with coming from the future to stop an event that will destroy the Kalos Region.

- Some attacks that become Fairy Type are Sweet Kiss, Metronome, Moonlight, Swift, Charm and Wish.

- There ARE Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon, there's not as many as Generation 4 though. I won't say which Pokemon have them but there are a couple of fan favorites getting Evolutions which actually look really cool!

- All the previous generations starters get Mega-Evolutions, but a couple more Pokemon getting Mega-Evolutions are Raichu, Farfetch'd, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Heracross, Miltank, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Tropius, Floatzel, Cherrim, Togekiss, Haxorus, there are a few others too.

-The Gym's types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Rock, Grass, Dark and Fire
The Elite Four's types are Normal, Flying, Water and Steel
The Champion uses mix types/the types left over (Ground, Poison, Ghost, Ice, Psychic, Dragon)

- 'Spike Barrage' is a Grass type attack that attacks the foe with spikes 1-5 times, it raises the users Attack and Defense but lowers it's speed.

- 'Belch' is a Poison Type attack, it causes damage and has a high chance of Poisoning the foe.

- 'Aqua Blade' is a Water Type attack, it slashes the foe with blades of water, it raises the Attack and Special of the user

- 'Fire Pulse' is a Fire Type attack, the user releases a blast of fire from it's body, it causes damage to all those on the field (Good for Horde battles) even the user gets damage, it however raises Attack and Special Attack of the user, it can also Burn the user and foes."
The one that I just quoted from you are fake from the original sources sites, but who knows they probably guessed very lucky if they came true :), but these up here are fake. The typing of the starter evolution could be true, but the descriptions were fake :)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
More rumours:
- There are over 100 Pokemon, I won't go into the exact number but it is more than 100 and a less then the 156 Pokemon of the previous games 'Pokemon Black and Pokemon White'
It's a good substantial amount of Pokemon that I'm highly sure that everyone will be happy with.
I won't reveal the names of these Pokemon in case I get in trouble so I'll just describe them!

- There are a lot of unique typing's that haven't been seen before! the best in my opinion being a Electric/Fire type!

- The Starters final evolved forms are of that, that has been rumored, Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting.

- Chespin's final evolution - Grass/Dark is very round and spiky, lots of spikes all over it's body, its spikes are a sort of armor and it also holds a giant spike like a sword.

- Fennekin's final evolution - Fire/Psychic is very majestic looking, it now holds the stick it use to have as a Braixen and the flame on it is a lot bigger, it's tail is longer and more sleek, it's ears are very pointy and the fur in it's ears is longer with puffs at the end of it, it's fur is longer too, almost looking like a dress/gown of sorts.

- Froakie's final evolution - Water/Fighting is a lot more sleek and looks fast! it's almost completely dark blue and has black coloured spots on it's face, it has some white markings still but not many, the bubbles around it's neck is also longer.

- Swirlix can be found after the first gym it evolves into a pure Fairy Type, it looks more like a dog now and has a bigger tongue and drool dripping from it's mouth, it's paws/ears are larger and it has a swirl of 'fur' on it's had now and it's tail looks like a lollypop.

- Spritzee evolves into a Fairy/Dark type, it looks like a cross between a Flamingo and a human, it's quiet creepy actually...it has wings like Lugia's as in they're not shaped like wings but more like arms, it's beak is bigger with a black marking on the tip of it, it's eyes are more evil looking too. It has White feathers for a tail. It's now a dull Pink colour.

- A new Wolf Pokemon that is Ice/Normal type, it's soooooooooo cute! it's a little puppy with white fur and big bight blue eyes, it has 2 black marks on it's back and 2 black spots above it's eyes and a little black puffy tail, it evolves into a Ice/Dark type Wolf, much larger and more menacing, it still has it's bright blue eyes, it has dark gray fur and 2 white spots above it's eyes now, it's 2 black marks on it's back become spikes of fur with white tips, it's tail is bigger with a white tip also, it has 2 long fangs sticking out of it's mouth also.

- A new Fire/Rock type that looks like a little walking Volcano, has a similar appearance to Snorunt as in body shape, it evolves twice.

- A new Moth Pokemon, it's a Bug/Psychic type, it's little and cute, it has a white body with long yellow antennas and black wings with a yellow crescent on each wing, it evolves.

- You get given a Pokemon Egg from the daycare upon arriving, the man says that a trainer left their Pokemon there and when he came back he didn't want the Pokemon egg so you take it. It hatches into one of any of the pre-evolved Pokemon (Pichu, Elekid, Magby, Happiny, Togepi, Whynaut, Munchlax etc...)

- There are a total of 11 Legendary Pokemon.

3 Game Mascots, 5 Side Legend, 2 Event Legends and 1 Pixie Legend.

- The 3 Main Mascots have to do with Life/Peace and Death/Destruction and the 3rd being responsible for keeping things moving forward in the world (I'm not sure how to word that but things like beginning's and endings I think?).

- The 5 Side Legends have their own legend, 4 of them are 'brothers' and the other one is their 'noble steed'

- The 2 Event Legends have to do with the Past and Future, the Past one accidentally falls through time to present time and the Future one has something to do with coming from the future to stop an event that will destroy the Kalos Region.

- The 1 Pixie Legend has to do with bringing luck.

- Pokemon that become Fairy type are Marill, Azumaril, Mawlie, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (All become pure Fairy type) Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss (All become Fairy/Flying minus Togepi) Dunsparce, Gardevior and the Chansey line.

- Some attacks that become Fairy Type are Sweet Kiss, Metronome, Moonlight, Swift, Charm and Wish.

- There ARE Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon, there's not as many as Generation 4 though. I won't say which Pokemon have them but there are a couple of fan favorites getting Evolutions which actually look really cool!

- All the previous generations starters get Mega-Evolutions, but a couple more Pokemon getting Mega-Evolutions are Raichu, Farfetch'd, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Heracross, Miltank, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Tropius, Floatzel, Cherrim, Togekiss, Haxorus, there are a few others too.

- Not all starters mega-evolutions, mega-stones can be found in the game, this is probably to do with special giveaway events.

The Gym's types are Bug, Fairy, Electric, Fighting, Rock, Grass, Dark and Fire
The Elite Four's types are Normal, Flying, Water and Steel
The Champion uses mix types/the types left over (Ground, Poison, Ghost, Ice, Psychic, Dragon)

- 'Spike Barrage' is a Grass type attack that attacks the foe with spikes 1-5 times, it raises the users Attack and Defense but lowers it's speed.

- 'Belch' is a Poison Type attack, it causes damage and has a high chance of Poisoning the foe.

- 'Aqua Blade' is a Water Type attack, it slashes the foe with blades of water, it raises the Attack and Special of the user.

- 'Glow Punch' is a Fairy Type attack, it punches the foe with a fist of burning light, it can also cause confusion or can burn the foe.

- 'Fire Pulse' is a Fire Type attack, the user releases a blast of fire from it's body, it causes damage to all those on the field (Good for Horde battles) even the user gets damage, it however raises Attack and Special Attack of the user, it can also Burn the user and foes."

It all sounded good until he mentioned the event legendaries. How would he have seen them? afaik, we only knew about Meloetta/Keldeo/Genesect because the game was hacked.

The Swirlix and Spritzee is basically what everyone speculates into, if you search "Swirlix evo" or "Spritzee evo" on google, you will stumble into image which totally fits the description in the rumor, so it's kinda suspicious.

I never want to believe any rumor stating legendaries. Though some of the new pokemon mentioned would be interesting :)
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

The rumor of an Ice type wolf Pokemon is kind of old. This is just a variation that's more specific.

Anyone remember this list?
Hariboogu - Possible Chespin evo. "Hari" means "pin/needle", while "boogu" could be derived from "bougu" (Japanese for 'armor') or "bogue" (French for 'chestnut shell')

Burigaron - Possible final evo for Chespin, or possible Ice type wolf (hope not). Derived from "brigandine" (which may be the origin of 'buriga') and "marron" (French for "chestnut"). Burigaron could also be derived from "burizaado" (Japanese for 'blizzard') and "garo" ('fanged wolf')

Mafokushii - Possible Fennekin evo. Derived from "foxy" and "ma" (meaning 'magic' or 'demon')

Teerunaa - Possible final evo for Fennekin. "Teeru" being romanized to "tail" and "runaa" being romanized to "lunar"

Gekkouga - Possible Froakie evo, or new Bug type moth. It could be "gekogeko" (an onomatopoeia for a frog's croak) and "Koga-ryu" (a school/branch of ninjutsu) or "Gekkou" ('moonlight' in Japanese) and "ga" ('moth')

Gekogashira - Possible final evo for Froakie. Again from "gekogeko" while "gashira" means 'head' (like a boss or something similar)

Dianshii - A possible deer Pokemon, named after "deer", "fancy" and/or "antsy"

Borukenion - Romanized to Volcanyon. "Boruke" derived from 'volcano' and "nion" from 'canyon'

Horubii - From "horu" ('dig') and "bee". Could also mean "horrible", referring to a common attitude theme with its evolutionary family

Jigarude - Possible Horubii evo. Named after the Japanese red-banded wasp, jigabacchi. Could also have something to do with an ego, based off of "rude" (you know, cause wasps. lulz)

Nyaonikusu - "Nyao" being Japanese for 'meow', whereas "nikusu" may be derived from 'sphinx'. Could also be Meowstick from the original leak a couple of months ago

Fuupa - Basically "wind-something" ('fuu' meaning 'wind', but 'pa' could translate into many things)

Dedenne - No currently known interpretations

Torimian - No currently known interpretations

I saw this before Dedenne and Bunnelby were revealed, and so far, Hariboogu, Teerunaa, Gekogashira, Horubii, Nyaonikusu, Dedenne, and Torimian were all revealed as real names, giving some credence to the rest being plausible. I think someone read this list and took it from there to design what it looks like. Still, I do love wolves and dogs, so I do find myself hoping that the general idea ends up being true.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Pokequaza said:
Hawlucha and Binacle, along with the overworld and battle scene cannot be photoshopped, you cannot just do something like that within 30 seconds. He didn't just post them, people asked for specific pictures, for proof, and he gave them (the same happened to the first leaker). The second leak of Hawlucha provided even more credibility for the existence of Hawlucha, but it also provided more credibility for Greninja, which was posted along with the first picture of Hawlucha.

But let's say his 'confession' was true. The one where it states that he played a demo at an invite only event and he doesn't actually have a review copy. There are some people who can shop anything convincingly, and if his confession is true, he probably took a couple days to shop it.
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