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RE: Rumors and Speculation


Vivillion is known as the "Scale Pokemon" and it says it "changes its type". What if scales are attached to it in order to change its typing?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Shining Raikou said:

Vivillion is known as the "Scale Pokemon" and it says it "changes its type". What if scales are attached to it in order to change its typing?

Then why is the bright pink one the Bug/Flying type? The one in the box looks Normal type.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Blob55 said:
Shining Raikou said:

Vivillion is known as the "Scale Pokemon" and it says it "changes its type". What if scales are attached to it in order to change its typing?

Then why is the bright pink one the Bug/Flying type? The one in the box looks Normal type.

Beats me, Vivillion looks like it should be fairy-type to me, but it wouldn't be the first pink colored bug. The one in the box does look normal-type though.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
Zielo said:
I put this in the Pokemon Direct thread but I'll put it here too:


This one is probably just a fluke, but...

The one above could probably be a Vivilon or Shiny Butterfree.
And the Magnezone below could also be an example that it's hacked.
I've said this a few times, but hacked Pokemon are no longer allowed to be transferred.

It is most definitely not a Butterfree, wing shape and overall body shape are completely different. I posted a Butterfree PC sprite for comparison in the last thread. But I can see how some people came to that conclusion. (it crossed my mind briefly too)
Shining Raikou said:

Vivillion is known as the "Scale Pokemon" and it says it "changes its type". What if scales are attached to it in order to change its typing?

I'm preeetty sure by "changes it's type", they mean that it goes from Bug to Bug/Flying. :p I don't think they meant that Vivillon itself can interchange it's type.

I'm still going out on a limb here and saying that the white Vivillon is a sort of gender difference. However, I don't recall that they previously made gender differences in PC box sprites. I do believe, however, that they did make differences in the seasonal Deerling PC box sprites (correct me if Im wrong.) So could seasons really be in X and Y? And could the white Vivillon be a seasonal (Winter) difference? Or are they doing something different this generation and showing differences like gender and shininess in PC sprites? Who knows. I'd like to see what comes out of it though either way, Its hard to believe the white Vivillon is a fluke.
(Yeah I'm probably way overthinking this.)

EDIT: Something else I just took note of (I feel silly for not noticing before.) They are giving updated PC sprites to old Pokemon. Compare:


Even in the most recent gen 5 sprites. So, this tells us that they definitely did some sprite tweaking, and probably werent afraid to do a few other things while they were at it.

(Still probably overthinking this.)
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Zielo said:
I'm still going out on a limb here and saying that the white Vivillon is a sort of gender difference. However, I don't recall that they previously made gender differences in PC box sprites. I do believe, however, that they did make differences in the seasonal Deerling PC box sprites (correct me if Im wrong.) So could seasons really be in X and Y? And could the white Vivillon be a seasonal (Winter) difference? Or are they doing something different this generation and showing differences like gender and shininess in PC sprites? Who knows. I'd like to see what comes out of it though either way, Its hard to believe the white Vivillon is a fluke.

I feel like the vivillion thing is gender. The shiny pink one is probably the male while the white one is the female. Ya know, to attract a mate stuffs.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Zielo said:
They are giving updated PC sprites to old Pokemon.

Yup, there was actually a thread about it but it seems it got merged with another one. ^^'


The icon-sprites look more detailed, which makes sense since the 3DS has a better resolution.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Blob55 said:
I thought they'd get rid of the Seasons in XY.

NO, pleaaaaase, seasons in pokemon BW/BW2 are some of the prettiest, most beautiful things I've ever seen in a videogame, SEASONS MUST STAY.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

I also really liked the seasons and I think they should stay. Although I did find it really annoying when you had to pass up a Pokeball sitting there on the ground just because it wasnt Winter yet and you needed the snow. I'd later just forget it was there and never go back.

I can understand that putting seasons in X and Y would be harder to do though because of all the different landscapes and things they have now. So if they don't, its okay. If they did come back, I would prefer it to be purely for aesthetic purposes.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Why do so many people always "talk" about what it might or might not be when something like this shows up? Just freaking look at it and NOTICE IT IS VIVILON. PERIOD. No speculation, no opinion, no guessing necessary, the pictures are as clear as it gets and 100% identical in shape *facepalm*

Its simply colorless, and that's not surprising to me in any way. The pattern on its wings has been speculated to be customizable or Spinda-mechanic or anything along those lines, not just because the pattern is literally made of giant pixels, but because its description even hints at some secret.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Uhm... Isn't it obvious? Vivillion is grayed out, because it is currently selected...

Wouldn't that make the most sense? o_0
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Sheriff_K said:
Uhm... Isn't it obvious? Vivillion is grayed out, because it is currently selected...

Wouldn't that make the most sense? o_0

Both screenshots seem to taken from the same box, it would make sense if this is the case. (or it's just GameFreak secretly releasing new info)
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Sheriff_K said:
Uhm... Isn't it obvious? Vivillion is grayed out, because it is currently selected...

Wouldn't that make the most sense? o_0

Or maybe Pokemon don't heal when being placed in the box anymore, and they need to be healed at a Pokemon Center. Grayed out = fainted?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Because even if it was a Shiny, I doubt any Shiny would have a PURELY gray-scale colorset. Even the Panda isn't black/white, but more cream colored. Who knows... Maybe it will be a pure gray-scale Shiny xD
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Sheriff_K said:
Because even if it was a Shiny, I doubt any Shiny would have a PURELY gray-scale colorset. Even the Panda isn't black/white, but more cream colored. Who knows... Maybe it will be a pure gray-scale Shiny xD

If vivillon is inspired by pixels, and it is in fact an homage to pixels, don't be surprised that the shiny has the same color palette as old school pixel games: pong and many titles for gameboy were entirely on black, white and a limited grayscale.

And gamefreak has been sneaking a surprising amount of shinies (or at the very least, not representative of the real chance of getting a shiny) so far, so, the matter becomes clear as day.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Sheriff_K said:
Uhm... Isn't it obvious? Vivillion is grayed out, because it is currently selected...

Wouldn't that make the most sense? o_0

That one hasn't crossed my mind. However I don't really think this is it because they've never been grayed out like that before when selected... but then again, they've never been recolored either spare Deerling. I suppose its possible. Disappointing, but possible.

Tatertot said:
Or maybe Pokemon don't heal when being placed in the box anymore, and they need to be healed at a Pokemon Center. Grayed out = fainted?
Ehh. I don't see this one as being likely. I don't see why they would remove that kind of feature, that would really be taking away from the game more than "fixing" something.

Mitja said:
Why do so many people always "talk" about what it might or might not be when something like this shows up? Just freaking look at it and NOTICE IT IS VIVILON. PERIOD. No speculation, no opinion, no guessing necessary, the pictures are as clear as it gets and 100% identical in shape *facepalm*

Its simply colorless, and that's not surprising to me in any way. The pattern on its wings has been speculated to be customizable or Spinda-mechanic or anything along those lines, not just because the pattern is literally made of giant pixels, but because its description even hints at some secret.

Cool your jets. Just because you don't think its interesting enough to talk about doesn't mean we don't. Theres no harm in talking about it and wondering what it could or couldn't be... Isn't that the point of this entire thread? There is always room for speculation because everyone has different ideas on what the meaning of it could actually be.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

So far we have:

1. Shiny Vivilon

2. It's selected.

3. It fainted.

I think that it's a gender difference, though that may be going too far.
Male Vivilons stay their gray-ish color since they were a Scatterbug.
It makes a little bit of sense.....
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Im for the gender difference too actually, so I'd say thats #4. And if you want to add a #5, it could be a form change or the whole "secret behind its wings" thing. As in, not having an "official" form, like Spinda.

And with that, I'd say thats really all we have left to discuss about this recolored Vivillon.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Zielo said:
Im for the gender difference too actually, so I'd say thats #4. And if you want to add a #5, it could be a form change or the whole "secret behind its wings" thing. As in, not having an "official" form, like Spinda.

And with that, I'd say thats really all we have left to discuss about this recolored Vivillon.
Can someone do a cross check with the genders of the Vivillon we've seen so far?

I think that might boost the gender thing or get rid of it completely.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
I think that it's a gender difference, though that may be going too far.
Male Vivilons stay their gray-ish color since they were a Scatterbug.
It makes a little bit of sense....

In many species of butterflies the male is the more colorful. Gamefreak has shown it often reflects real-world biology (i.e. male Unfezant vs female Unfezant), so it would make more sense if it was opposite.

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