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RE: Rumors and Speculation

98Greener said:
Drohn said:
How do you know it reveals the complete Pokédex?

A majority seems to be saying that Mega Evo's and Fairy typing charts are to be released.
Some people are saying that the entire Pokedex is to be released.
And even fewer and going so far to say that it'll reveal the plotline, all events etc.
Some are rumors, some may be not. I can't confirm that what all they are saying is true, because they're all saying different things. Gaaaaah!

735 is the page count.
Obviously some Pokemon will be hidden from us.
It's just the Kalos Pokedex. Not the whole Pokedex.
There will be type charts, Mega Pokemon Listings, etc. Aswell as a full playthrough guide (most likely story, not post-game. )

So, there is the summary.

735 as our Pokemon count? There is likely more.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Shining Raikou said:
professorlight said:
The entire pokedex? YES. It's game preorder time, b****s!

Better hurry, most places are just about done with pre-orders.

Oh, I don't worry, I have to "preorder" it from a guy who imports them, so even if I don't, I'll get it around november either way. the only difference is if I pay it now or I pay it when it's released in october. So, you know, when october comes, I'LL KILL ANYONE WHO SPOILS THE GAME since I won't be able to play it.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

TokenDuelist said:
98Greener said:
A majority seems to be saying that Mega Evo's and Fairy typing charts are to be released.
Some people are saying that the entire Pokedex is to be released.
And even fewer and going so far to say that it'll reveal the plotline, all events etc.
Some are rumors, some may be not. I can't confirm that what all they are saying is true, because they're all saying different things. Gaaaaah!

735 is the page count.
Obviously some Pokemon will be hidden from us.
It's just the Kalos Pokedex. Not the whole Pokedex.
There will be type charts, Mega Pokemon Listings, etc. Aswell as a full playthrough guide (most likely story, not post-game. )

So, there is the summary.

735 as our Pokemon count? There is likely more.

My horrible math skills just made me realize that 735 as the pokedex count would be a pathetic amount of new Pokemon XD
RE: Rumors and Speculation

professorlight said:
So, you know, when october comes, I'LL KILL ANYONE WHO SPOILS THE GAME since I won't be able to play it.

I wish you the best of luck. Stay off the internet.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Shining Raikou said:
professorlight said:
The entire pokedex? YES. It's game preorder time, b****s!

Better hurry, most places are just about done with pre-orders.

That's not true, I've always preordered it the week before at Gamestop, and it's always been fine. The guy there told me that if you do it at least two days before, it should be ok. But, that's where I live.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

McFadyen said:

From what i see this is gameguide and pokedex . It's said 10 and 17 .
10 is number of month which is october . 17 is date of the day .

So you can't get this in semtember even you preorder it now .
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Wait. What is this I'm hearing about the next Corocoro revealing all of the Kalos Pokemon? Is that true? I skimmed around the last few pages and now im confused.

Please dont make me stay off the internet for the next month. ._. I'd like to at least keep SOME surprises.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Zielo said:
Wait. What is this I'm hearing about the next Corocoro revealing all of the Kalos Pokemon? Is that true? I skimmed around the last few pages and now im confused.

Please dont make me stay off the internet for the next month. ._. I'd like to at least keep SOME surprises.

Umm I am going with not true... I think it is safe to bet on what we have originally thought.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

I am also confused; a guy said the 10 is for the month October and 17 for the day. However, it's September so we should have the leaks of September. October is after the release.

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: Please remember to use correct spelling and grammar in your posts! :)

[private]Edited for grammar. *Drohn
uhm i am also confused a guy said the 10 is for month oktober and 17 date but it's september so we should have the leaks of september and even that's for oktober it is after the release
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Guys, I'm just saying what other people are saying.
Remember that these are RUMORS.
Not the real deal.
Sorry if I got you all hyped up.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

pokesaurus1 said:
uhm i am also confused a guy said the 10 is for month oktober and 17 date but it's september so we should have the leaks of september and even that's for oktober it is after the release

I mean this book won't release until 17 october 2013 . Since gameguide book always release after the game .
RE: Rumors and Speculation

yammark said:
pokesaurus1 said:
uhm i am also confused a guy said the 10 is for month oktober and 17 date but it's september so we should have the leaks of september and even that's for oktober it is after the release

I mean this book won't release until 17 october 2013 . Since gameguide book always release after the game .

Its corocoro. The same magazine we've been seeing leaks off the ~10th of the month before the month its meant to be for, since...well as long as I've been a proper internet user.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Mitja said:
yammark said:
I mean this book won't release until 17 october 2013 . Since gameguide book always release after the game .

Its corocoro. The same magazine we've been seeing leaks off the ~10th of the month before the month its meant to be for, since...well as long as I've been a proper internet user.

To add to this- it appears the release date is set so that the magazine wont leak before the games even come out, so people that dont wish to be spoiled need to stay off the main sites and forums after the 10th Id say anyways.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Okay is this the place to put this!? lol

I just finished watching Pokémon smash and towards the end it seemed as though Mewtwo was Mega Evolving but no into the Mega Mewtwo we know? Maybe? This should be confirmed on next week's Pokémon Smash episode.

Here are some screens that I took:
Now I don't speak nor read Japanese so I could be totally wrong.

It also seems like they may be talking about the starters, Evolutions? Mega Evolutions? Anything else that isn't currently in my head?

So what do you think?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

The yellow bubble over Mewtwo says "mega shinka", or Mega Evolution. I don't see anything saying it's a new one, but it is odd that they'd block it from view. So, maybe! The leaker did say it would have two.

As for the starters, can't tell anything from that since it's just them and their names. D:
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Momaster12 said:
Okay is this the place to put this!? lol

I just finished watching Pokémon smash and towards the end it seemed as though Mewtwo was Mega Evolving but no into the Mega Mewtwo we know? Maybe? This should be confirmed on next week's Pokémon Smash episode.

Here are some screens that I took:
Now I don't speak nor read Japanese so I could be totally wrong.

It also seems like they may be talking about the starters, Evolutions? Mega Evolutions? Anything else that isn't currently in my head?

So what do you think?

Yeah it has to be the other form. I mean why else would they block it? We'll just have to wait and see next week.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

It is most likely the other form that was mentioned on the front page. Since Smash usually does't reveal new information I get the feeling we will find out in Coro Coro first.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

The Dialgia event card says something about traveling together to increase your bond...
Reminds me of needing to have a strong bond with your pokemon before it megavolves...

Mega Diagia/Palkia/Giratina FTW
Mewtwo confirmed to have a SECOND Mega evolution!

I don't have any pictures for you (sorry guys), but in the preview for next week's Pokemon Smash, it was confirmed that Mewtwo would have a second mega evolution. This follows the leaks given to WPM several months ago.

Specifically, the preview showed Mewtwo megavolving, but the result being blocked from the screen. One of the hosts appeared to be shocked as well.

So yeah, discuss. Skip to about 0:22 to see it.

RE: Rumors and Speculation

Drohn said:
It is most likely the other form that was mentioned on the front page. Since Smash usually does't reveal new information I get the feeling we will find out in Coro Coro first.
Coro Coro's next issue... it's suppose to be released this week, (and more than likely leaked before that,) right?
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