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RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

CMP said:
She means the blue/white/red Kalos symbol.

Considering we haven't seen any 'dex registration without all three colors, it's possible that that's the default "new registered info" symbol. It might not be until you get to the status screens that it shows otherwise.

What if the colours represent which regions they're in?

Blue = Coastal
Red = Mountainous
White = Central/Event
Black = Not in this area

I havem't examined all of them, but does this fit at all?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Well, glad Hawlucha is seemingly real. Took a while for it to grow on me, but I love it's design, what it's based on and it's typing. Excited to get one. On the downside, I'm sorta disappointed with Delphox, but I wasn't planning on evolving my Braixen anyway. I wonder if greninja is real, though.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Okay, just a tip for future leakers; if you have something that people want, take pictures as you go along, but don't post them to the internet until you have all the money info you want. Then release them all en masse.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Ghost King said:
I really don't think anyone, could have imagine how spritzee would turn out to be that purple fluff monster :p, I was expecting a Flamingo, Witchdoctor, parrot....Something on that line :)

I just thought about the design, where I used to live, there was a voodoo priestess who wore a like the brown, grass-ish dress. Except spritzee is a purple color :)

Edit: So possibly it could be a shaman, voodoo priestess type deal :)

Flamingo Witchdoctor was exactly what I was imagining it to evolve into. I only hope it evolves again because it kinda reminds me of Vullaby.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

DAMN! No more leakers, huh? Guess I'll take a nap, as I only got 2hrs sleep last night.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

CMP said:
I actually really like it. Not at all what I was expecting, but if it's real...fantastic!

There's also been talk of new, clearer images of Hawlucha...


I don't know how the different parts of the pokedex are going to work, so I won't talk about the fact that it has the same dex number as Skiddo, as pointed out before.

However, wasn't Hawlucha supposed to be Flying/Fighting, and not Fighting/Flying? I know we've never seen it before, but all the leakers talked about a Flying/Fighting Hawlucha. Unless they were just sloppy, and didn't care.

I do think Hawlucha is real, but I have my doubts with this picture. I might be very well wrong.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Until this generation, it hardly mattered. I heard people toss around primary and secondary types interchangeably...it wasn't until Noivern became primary Flying and Litleo/Helioptile secondary Normal that anyone seemed to really care.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ScorchingShock said:
Vincent said:
And all the leaked pictures are gone.

Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

Oh, yeah. That must be a bummer for her.
Welp, no more leakers means we can all go peacefully on our ways.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Expect pictures of new stuff from me in a few hours.

That's all I'm going to say. lol
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Vincent said:
ScorchingShock said:
Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

Oh, yeah. That must be a bummer for her.
Welp, no more leakers means we can all go peacefully on our ways.

Poor her. :( She worked so hard probably to get that fandom up of hers. To have someone crush it, must suck. D: I wouldn't know though.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Vincent said:
ScorchingShock said:
Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

Oh, yeah. That must be a bummer for her.
Welp, no more leakers means we can all go peacefully on our ways.

What about the guy who was streaming earlier? Do he get taken down too?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

SavvyJackal said:
Expect pictures of new stuff from me in a few hours.

That's all I'm going to say. lol

and BAM!!! you will get nintendo'd too =(
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Featherwick said:
Vincent said:
Oh, yeah. That must be a bummer for her.
Welp, no more leakers means we can all go peacefully on our ways.

What about the guy who was streaming earlier? Do he get taken down too?

Im actually not sure. I'd have to check but I'm not really sure that I can as I am at school. Anyway, I can try. I just don't got the link. :/
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ScorchingShock said:
Vincent said:
And all the leaked pictures are gone.

Not just the leaked photos but also the old ones that had nothing to do with the leaks!

That is weird, lets just say Nintendo got her, do they have the authority to shut down her instagram? I wonder what was going on right there? that is very peculiar >.>
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