Pokebeach Forum's 5th Anniversary


Who's ready for Pokemon Worlds 2011!
It's almost the New Year, and the day after New Year, is Pokebeach's 5th Anniversary! Discuss the great moments in the forums history, the bad ones, the funny ones, everything from the rise of greatness in members, to WPM's riddles, let all of the Beach's great moments be recorded here, as we celebrate Pokebeach's 5th Birthday!

Countdown: 20 days

Recorded Great Moments: All great moments will be logged here, from threads, to posts. The day before, their will be a poll to decide the greatest Pokebeach moment in history so far.

I want to add the greatest moment I can remember... the creation of... DMASTER SMASH!! o_O

Have fun, and happy 5th anniversary!:D

*side note to mods, if you think this thread won't get any conversation or is pointless, give it a couple days, I think it will*
Nice thread, I have not been here long, but I think the best thing the Beach has done for me is me learning how the TCG actually works.
I can't find it, but WPM's big surprise was hilarious. Too bad Greatest Threads got deleted, cause there are good ones on there.
When "SUP I'M ALEX" was created during the BoTW. It was a pretty cool experience in general. Seeing our own best members dueling is really exciting.
I still remember the Ban Game from forever ago. I probably had more posts in it than anyone else.=p
Mark you probubly had around 500 posts in that thread. Almost every other post was you. lol
dragonexpert said:
I still remember the Ban Game from forever ago. I probably had more posts in it than anyone else.=p

I remember having the most, but that doesn't matter...

I've been here for 3 years and will be 4 in April, again doesn't really matter. There have been so many fun, cool and exciting events that have happened over the past 5 years.
Wow, I had no idea that this website was this old.
I miss the Chillax thread. That should have never been deleted!
I remember when DNA gave dmaster his smash card... lol, of course, this is only a kind of recent moment, I'm sure somebody has a much older memory much better... (searches for ban game)

It wasn't PMJ.

dmaster out.
Sidenote: If you guys are able to find the threads yourself, it would be a great help, so I don't have to spend hours trying to find all the suggested threads
I really liked reading the surprise thread. People just kept on guessing and guessing and soon it turned out Gale becoming administrator for a short while. Another thing I liked was when many users started to talk about polar bears in the Chillax zone, it was a nice conversation.
I joined when I was 8. I was a spammer, and seriously, I have so many memories here.
Once for New Years, I send everyone an animated sprite of their favorite Pokemon ^^
And once, I won a deckbuilding contest and started a group because of it ^^
There are way too many memories to name, but those are the best ones! lol.
Well, Im kind of saddening now. It's going on my 5th year on this forum, and I'm still just as satisfied with it as always!
The Holy Star Forum Takeover fiasco was really fun. Everybody thought they'd have to remake their Trade Threads again, because the Forum was "hacked". :0
Those who were in on it tried so hard to act as if it was an actual takeover, but in the end, it was just an April Fool's joke. Great times.

EDIT: Does anyone here remember a user named Wolfe? He drew Christmas ornaments in the shape of Pokemon as avatars for the users. That was really fun.
I remember when DNA gave dmaster his smash card...
I actually got mentioned. Amazing.

I think the most memorable moment was when Zyflair started cutely awesome, I continued it, Zyflair started fanning the flames, and then everybody jumped on my bandwagon.

As usual.
Wait, I thought it was me who started cutely awesome. In Xous' first Art Thread, I meant to say "Bidoof is cutely awesome" but I accidentally said "Bippa is cutely awesome". Then I quoted that post, and then people caught on x.x
I honestly have no idea who started it. I just assumed it was Zyflair. It was probably you.

Also, I just realized that the same thing happened with dmaster SMASH!!!!!! 0_0. Meaty started it, dmaster continued it, I fanned the flames for it, and then everyone jumped on my bandwagon and kept using my card.

As usual.
...and I came in a time between the HS and Xous avatar eras. (though i still remember hs avatars being a bit popular when i first came here)

anyway, I have too many memories i've gather over the past 3+ years I've been here. (has it really been that long now?) I remember being nostalgic for those ancient exp/ev/hp bars not long ago, even though they were more of a pain than anything. (i remember feeling a sense of pride that i still had full hp in the first month that i was on the site haha, and feeling disappointed about losing it all when I hit the "level 28 glitch.")

another memory i have from earlier days is when the site went down for about a week in april 2008. (and the AWFUL lag in the weeks leading up to it) being a bit younger then, i remember being really upset about it...lol. i also remember when i when i first discovered the chat room in ~early 2008. i'm heavily surprised I wasn't perma-banned from the place! i was such a heavy spammer then. ;/

and of course, I probably won't ever forget my "gs remake petition" i made about two years. haha i was so naive back then....but nonetheless it will still have a soft spot in my heart. <3

like other old-timers, i could probably write a book about my own memories and experiences with pokebeach, but I think I will just post these few personal things that happened to come to mind.

ps: for the record, sdb did have the record for most posts in the ban game. (i believe he stood at about 11/1200 posts when it was closed) (ugh now I feel nostalgic for the ban game and the "Are YOU popular" games now ;P)