Pokebeach Forum's 5th Anniversary

Gosh, I remember coming in the Summer of '10...

Good ol' days. Anyone remember the 'qmaster' scandal? Or the PMJ 'no BW evolution threads rages'? Not that long ago, but still good times.
I remember when there weren't that many n00bs on these forums that spam every other post. Pretty much everything is different now than it was back then. Staff, layout, etc...
Despite only being here for a good 7-8 months, I suppose I have a few interesting memories. Of course, who could forget early September, just days before Black and White would be released in Japan. I remember that the 5th Generation forum was nothing but spam and nearly every thread in the Front Page News forum regarding the games would end in a flame and/or spam war. Also, there was the whole "Mod Applications" that made many members go WILD and made many members that had only existed on the forums for a good three weeks believe that they had a shot at the job :rolleyes:

Here's to another exciting year at The Beach! *clink*
Of course, who could forget early September, just days before Black and White would be released in Japan.
that made the site crash and caused the charge for the website that month to skyrocket
that made many members go WILD and made many members that had only existed on the forums for a good three weeks believe that they had a shot at the job
and me
now THAT was hilarious
and yes, I'm talking like Esperante now, but only on occasion.
In my short time here probably the most ammusing thing was the whole Qmaster incident as mentioned earlier.
And the time I was on the front page! Imagine all the people who read my name! For but a few hours (after which it was buried beneath an onslaught of Sugimori art), I was famous.

And also it was nice when every other PM I received wasn't from advertisers... >:0
When were you mentioned, Alvin?

Anyway, since you and me joined around about the same time, not alot of memories, but,

I remember the whole movie 13 WPM scandal, where people were all backing each other up and we all talked dirty about other websites.

I remember, when a new member victini came here and said he had information about the whole 5th generation, then i found out he was just trolling.

I remember the first information on best wishes and the REALLY believable CoroCoro scans.
Despite being here for only a year, I've had a lot of fun. Snorchu trying so hard to reform the Game Corner was pretty funny and since, there is barely any traffic except for You Laugh, You Lose. I also remember when I first joined how noobish I was. Good thing I'm not that way still! I plan to stay here at the bare minimum through High School. Speaking of Cutely Awesome, I named a Big Brother season that after seeing a really bad fanfic on it.
I remember when I first joined and esperante was still a moderator. esperante was always messing around with my signature and stuff. There was also the time dmaster got Super Modded, and he changed my username to Girl89 and everyone thought it was like a surprise or something, or asking how I got a name change.

I also remember when bacon was demodded, about that time everyone was wondering when Noobnerd got demodded when it had been about 8 months earlier. The summer was very interesting too, with the surprise and me getting banned twice, for reasons that could get me banned again. XD

I remember when Limitless decided that WPM was stupid and posted it in the Heirarchy Thread, just before he was demodded, then dmaster deleted a couple of minutes later.

I remember moving chat servers millions of times over the course of a couple of times. The gym system is also one of my fondest memories, I didn't really participate, but it was a joy to watch.

Probably my favorite thing so far in the forums was when I made Murder. I was desperate to make a good game, then I found a good game on another site and changed some things around and got Murder. Murder has since become one of the most popular games in the game corner. I'm so lad that it is going to be released again soon, it has been a long wait since the last one.

I have been on pokebeach for a little over a year now, and it has been awesome, it has been great to enjoy being here for 20% of its existence.
I haven't got any memories really, like nearly a billion other people have said. And as usual, it's due to the fact I've only been here since June/July, and not much has happened. The whole 'qmaster' thing was hilarious (I can get him to come here and complain if you'd like).

The brand new 'Ice Espeon as a Junior Mod? Woah?' I don't think will come at all, apart from Alvin.

No real memories but watching that April Fools' Prank earlier this year.
Nah, IE was un-Jr. Modded earlier ago. But it's been a really long time since I've seen that userbar.

Eh, I joined around the time when Xous' avatars were still peaking out, but weren't everywhere yet. Wow, looking back at the good'ol days. I remember how much of a noob I used to be...
Ice was a J-Mod, when did this happen?

By the way, what does a j-mod userbar look like?

That time when the site was down was terrible, though it was the quietest chat time ever.

EDIT: Found it: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/user-bars/junior-mod.png
The one thing for me that really sticks out in my mind is when we got the Zoroark silhouette. I loved seeing other people's interpretations of what it could be. I made little drawings of it as a Sableye and Sudowoodo evolution. haha

I also remember the Mod Applications(mainly because I was modded[and I quit{and I kind of want it back now}]). People with like 20 posts are like "its fair game for everyone" hahahaha! We all know that was bull.....
I saw IE J-Modded at around 7 A.M EST, but he could've been J-modded earlier than that. As for what the userbar looks like, it is kind of turquoise with Gyarados on it.
The J-Mod Userbar is wicked. Gyrados on the end with Junior Moderator + On it, or maybe just Moderator + And it's blue and green.
ice espeon was at one time a jr mod? did I miss something?

anyway, the junior moderator userbars were a teal green color, and had an empoleon for the pokemon. (that was for 2009 at least)

Mudkip said:
I remember when there weren't that many n00bs on these forums that spam every other post. Pretty much everything is different now than it was back then. Staff, layout, etc...

i think we've always had a bit of n00b problem, though it certainly less prononuced back when than it is now. (probably because we had a much smaller population then (speaking of that, anyone else remember when our average members online was only about 50? and 100-ish was the record?)) however, i still fullheartedly with everything else here.

DNA said:
and me
now THAT was hilarious

me too haha. the whole mod applications ordeal was...assuming to watch, to say the least. that pretty much locked me into that role as semi-popular veteran who seldomly posts. :3

another memory i have relating to "surprise" threads was when people seriously thought i was going to be jr. modded back in 2009. rofl those were fun times.
Well, I havent been here that much, but I have had a lot of fun here. Just saying, I wouldve been here for a year though, but I decided not to join back then. So heres to PokeBeach!
How come I missed all of this recent stuff? I have been around for a good amount of it I think, also LOL at the Mod Applications, I love how people with 30 posts were talking about how they were going to get it, when the people who actually got the positions hardly posted on the thread, link if anyone wants it. http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=84952. Speaking of Mod Applications, we still don't know what phase 3 is. Could it be on the 5th Anniversary much? Also lots of n00bs, they have been growing since the year ago I joined until now.
For those wondering about IE being "J-modded", he is not a Junior Moderator. It was just something that happened when he was switched to another usergroup, the wrong userbar was put in.
I've been here since June I think. And I'm surprised on how the forums changed. I was looking back in the history and I found a picture of what the main site use to look like back in 2006, or maybe 2007. I'll try to find it again if I can.



I also remembered the time where we had the forum re-organization and the moderator applications.

For the moderator application, I was going to apply. But I didn't think I was ready. Though if there is another one, I'll try out for it. :)