Pokebeach Members Attending the Pokemon World Championships

80% chance I'm going provided I can find a ride there. San Diego's only 80 miles from me, fortunately, so Worlds this year for me is totally feasible.
I'm going! That's right, grab your autograph book.
Meaty said:
I'm going! That's right, grab your autograph book.
At the rate that this is going, I'll be going to worlds. However, I'll have to do grinders to make it into the main competition.

This'll be the first time I'll be going to worlds in years. The Last time I went to worlds was in 2008, where I participated in grinders, and then I played in some side events.
I'd say that there is about a 70% chance that I will be attending, if I can't make it, I'll just ask to be removed from the list. I have to grind in to be in the actually event.
There is a 0.01% chance that I am going. But maybe I can get pooka to take me there and if your'e wondering how the answer is we a good friends.
Gardegon I might be down for that, but chances are I won't find you or I'll be busy. And I might even want to keep my deck a secret.