PokeBeach's Official Redshark League! Where did everyone go?

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RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

I just beat Jamtok in a challenge match.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

I challenged kool2def, and won. This is as of 12/21 at 11:04 PM central time. So the next time I can challenge is a week from now (don't know the date XD).
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Well I played against kool2def247 and beat him 1-0.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Ok. Everything's updated now.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

I think its about time I get my act together then~ lol

My statistics aren't looking so amazing...
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Don't worry. I erase all records every month.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Oh Really? I suppose that lifts a little pressure off! xD

I will be battling a lot more now, knowing that. lol

Thank you~
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Zyflair said:
Ok. Everything's updated now.

I'm afraid not. I know I don't have 6 losses, and I beat kool2def in a challenge match, so I should be whatever number he is. If anything, I have 3 losses. Tell me where the other 3 came from.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Jamtok said:
Zyflair said:
Ok. Everything's updated now.

I'm afraid not. I know I don't have 6 losses, and I beat kool2def in a challenge match, so I should be whatever number he is. If anything, I have 3 losses. Tell me where the other 3 came from.
They came from an error.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

@ Zyflair: Thanks for the fixes! ^_^

P.S. - I am thinking about running T2 Scizor at my next cities. I know it's off-topic, but do you personally think it's "better" (sorry for using such a vague word) than Cherrim and Scizor? I want to know your personal opinion, please.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

kool2def247 and I played a game and I won.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Zyflair said:
Don't worry. I erase all records every month.

Why are you going to erase the records at the end of the month? I will be working for a great record only to have it erased. Maybe you should have a point system where at the end of the month each win counts for 2 points and each loss counts for 1 point but you can still delete the record but you replace it with points at the end of each month.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

You know what? I have a better idea. The record I will have posted up beside your name will be the current monthly record. However, below the ladder, I will post an overall record, which will state all of the games played in this league; Either way, if you have a bad month, your overall record can save you. Sounds fair?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Celebi23 and I played. I won.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

I just beat Lunar Wing. We're 1-1 now.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! No spots left for now!

Zyflair PM when a spot opens. I need some practice =]
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