BW/BW2 Pokedex

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Aaagh! I had to read through so many pages just then! That's what I hate about school. D: Anyway, I think that the one on the left is Steel, the one in the middle is Rock and the one on the right is Grass.

The steel-type one is a Dialga-wannabe, the rock one also reminded me of Kabutops (due to the blade arms), who went to the Day Care with Grotle, and the last one looks like a cross between Arceus and Armaldo imo.
@Timeshift- lol I thought the one in the middle looked like registeel that grew 2 more legs and stole kabutops blades.
The one on the far right looks like it is wearing boots
* 615/121 - ? - ? - ?
* 616/122 - ? - ? - ?
* 617/123 - ? - ? - ?
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* 624/130 - ? - ? - ?
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* 627/133 - ? - ? - ?
* 628/134 - ? - ? - ?
* 629/135 - ? - ? - ?
* 630/136 - ? - ? - ?
* 631/137 - ? - ? - ?
* 632/138 - ? - ? - ?

18 unknown pokemon, but we know there are:
- Wargle [Normal/Flying] (2)
- Vulture [Dark/???] (2)
- Anteater [Fire] (1)
- Ant [Bug/Steel] (?)
- Buffalon [Normal] (1)
- Power Ranger [Steel/Dark] (?)
- ?? [Ground/Ghost] (2)
- ?? [Ground/Electric] (1)
- ?? [Bug] (2)
- ?? [Ice] (1)
- ?? [Dragon] (1)
Wait a minute, there is a Power Ranger Pokemon..? o_O....This gen just gets better and better (I think it should have been Fighting, but it will definately go on my team if real!) XD
W00t 200th post!

Hiro called it "Power Ranger", we do not know why, maybe it have a helmet? Or maybe is like superhypermegazordpowerfinalform.
lol hopefully it has 2 more stages where the last stage is a superhypermegazordpowerfinalform XD, I doubt it but it would still be cool
Legendary trio revealed!


I really cant tell which one is steel and ground type anymore -_-
Otherwise they look awesome, hopefully the Raijin based ones look even better!
Is it just me or did Grass types gets more amazing as the years goes bye?

...By the looks, I mean. :p
Guess the blue one is a goat, but I was kind of right how the big one was a bull, and the last was some kind of deer.

Super Goat looks weird though.
The big one looks kinda like a dog ,I thought, and the green one looks a bit like Acreus
And Woah I really want that goat to turn out to be a Llama, I mean it has a huge neck XD
I like the bulldog! The blue one looks weird though... maybe it looks better in a better quality picture.

P.S. Those sprites are unconfirmed. Just to keep it clear for everyone.
The blue one does look quite weird! (I guess that's the steel one) The Grass and Rock? one look amazing! This generation is the greatest. I have no idea how they could top this if they make a gen 6.
They could very well be real. Hiro, the one who has been making all the fan art, posted these on his twitter.

@Jstar, they could not turn the otter into a sea lion in the 6th gen. Other then that, I can't think of many improvements :p
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