BW/BW2 Pokedex

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615: Hexagonal Mirror Pokémon. Front part of mirror features an angry face full of hate. Pure Ice Type.
A lot of ice types; probably going to be in the ice mountain(s). The mirror sounds very interesting, I guess its the standalone ice type.
Loads of poks based on objects this gen interseting also of they match the fan art then surely they are likely to be fake? As the fan art won't be right?
Angry face ice mirror? LOL Might be angry cause ice isn't a very good mirror. Melts at room temp and gets covered in frost in cold areas.
LOL! An evil mirror!? You could make a crazy haunted house with that mirror pokemon, the candle pokemon, Desukuun and those alien pokemon.
New pokemon is based on:


...I suppose!
I'd laugh if it was schizophrenic (not that I have anything against people with this condition), only because it would be a 2-faced mirror (pun not intended).

Off-topic: Once at school me and my friends were teasing one of our other friends (as he was annoying) that involved making a happy face on one side of A4 paper and an angry face on the other, and constantly showing him both of the faces (as it reflected his volatile nature). It was funny though because he got angry, and you don't wanna see him when he's angry! o_0
616: A clam with red body and a helmet shell. 617: Ninja clam with no shell. Pure Bug Type.
Ninja Clam!!!<--Awesome
Pure bug? wouldnt it be part fighting or water aswell
(they should have made a new type called Ninja, it would be epic)
A clam that is bug type? Awesome! I am really liking this gen. But the ice mirror doesn't sound appealing to me.

(A little off topic):I've noticed that there are a bunch of medieval like pokemon in this gen (And don't forget about Team Plasma). :)
618: Marbled Electric Ray Pokémon. A yellow/brown ray like in this image: Electric / Ground Type
^Best. Pokemon. Ever. Rays are my favorite animal and mantine/mantyke didn't cut it for me. Weird typing for a water pokemon though.
@Wolf - As for all the descriptions you're providing, does that mean that only the description is available? In other words, if we get a description of the pokemon, would that mean there won't be a silhouette or fan art of said pokemon (so there won't be any silhouettes or fan art of the mirror or clam pokemon)?
Maybe it lives in the desert?

@Timeshift, unfortunately, he doesn't provide fanart for each one. So there are no silhouettes or images for these pokemon. We'll probably have to wait until the games are released to see them. (Or they might be in the CoroCoro.)
Yeah will we be forced to imagine these things in our minds o_O, I need pictures XD
Also the ray pokemon sounds like a better version of mantine, but yet it is not water type...?
Ah true but in the picture you provided for us it is camoflaged in the ground so it makes sense and Ground/Electric is an awesome type combo
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