BW/BW2 Pokedex

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I sure hope that isn't where the mouth is going. It looks person that way. If it's a ray the mouth should be on the bottom.

Also, when are we gonna see the Ground/Ghost and the other terriers?
That pokemon is based on a flat fish, which are flattened in a vertical direction, but the pokemon is flattened in a horizontal direction (like a ray).
Manta Ray ='s the kind of pokemon I like, the weird ones, the ones everyone hate, the ones that people don't even remenber, like dunsparce, qwilfish, and weirdray...I'm happy :D
I don't think it is a Manta Ray! I remember watching a video back in elementary school about dessert animals and there was some sort of flat fish thing that buried itself under the sand until it reached the water table so it could stay moist. I think that flat fish thing or whatever its suppose to be is based off of that animal since its part ground type, so I assume it will live in the desert.
I bet it isn't even a fish.. it would've been Water-type then (logically). What makes it look like a fish? It has a beak and wings, probably some weird Japanese myth just like Dunsparce.
I'm oddly falling in love with does look a bit daft but I think it's cute in a sort of helpless kind of way.

I think it will definitely be a pokemon that will benefit from appearing in the anime. (along with proper sugi art and sprites)

It's lucky it has a unique type combination, which could turn the tide in it's favour (popularity wise) Without that unique type combo I could see it being scoffed at forever.

I find it really strange that pokexperto described it as a manta ray when it so clearly isn't. Why didn't he mention the beak? If I was describing this pokemon to people who didn't know what it looked like. I'd make sure to mention the beak...and I'd sooner deduce it was some kind of bird than a fish.
The fanart is very accurate. For example, the fanart of Monmen is almost exactly the same as its official art.
I think it's the way it's bent makes it look a little silly too....It might be something similar to the way Basurao's sugi art has it's tail bent downwards to tell us it's swimming.
@Pokequaza: That's true. But he could've been lucky, and it's a pretty simple design.

Edit: I just looked at the fanart versus the official art on Monmen, and they differ slightly. So the official art for flat fish/chicken here could be off slightly. That beak could just be some sort of bump.
Ooh :S What a weird-looking thing. It's probably real though and even though it looks weird imo, I'm still neutral about it. I might end up liking it more than I do now.

Also, I just wanted to bring something else up: Anyone noticed how there have been 3 "trio masters" (I mean Lugia, Ho-oh and Regigigas, btw - not Rayquaza or Giratina)? Each one is the master of a certain generation's legendary trio. Lugia was the first, but was introduced in the generation that followed its respective trio, Ho-Oh was introduced in the same generation as both Lugia (as it was it's rival) as well as it's own respective trio, and Regigigas was introduced the generation after its respective trio.

By using this logic, there may well be a "trio master" for Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf this gen, and another one for this gen's fighting trio either now or in the 6th gen. The emotion trio were all Psychic-type, and there is to be a Normal/Psychic legendary this gen, and as the fighting trio are all part-Fighting, there is a Water/Fighting legendary this gen. This could potentially mean we will be having 2 more trio masters this gen. The only difference, however, is that these would be "event-legendaries", thus making them unobtainable in normal gameplay. But then again, the 5th generation is said to bring a fresh start to Pokemon...

What do you guys think of my crazy theory!? :p
Thats just terminology that Bulbapedia uses for no reason. Regigigas and Arceus, fine. Lugia, no. That was a movie. Not even canon to the video games.

And it's just an example of GF cramming things into last gen which would be irrelevant this gen. If they tried that for Gen 6 then good lord.
....for some odd reason, the '!'ray reminds me of dunsparce. Though, I'm not really sure why. (Note: I'm calling it !ray because it appears to have an exclamation point on its back in my eyes, though I probably didn't need to explain it)
Iirc, Lugia was associated with the legendary birds not only in the anime, but also in PMD. I know that the PMD series is a sort-of side-game series, but it still shows that Lugia is responsible in some way for the legendary birds. By using that logic, Ho-oh might have something to do with the legendary beasts. Also, just because there is no such thing as a "trio master" in the main games doesn't necessarily mean that it won't appear in the Pokedex. They could still be relevant to previous pokemon in other media.

Mamepato's final evolution silhouette, looks interesting.
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