Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Zugguru was already known because of the Ep20 sketches from way back. And in all fairness, you can't treat the appearance of a Pokémon on some merchendise as proof that a main character in the anime will capture it.

Seriously, nobody's gonna catch Victini, are they?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Victini, no because it's a legendary, but emonga and Zuruggu are along side the other Pokemon on the main cast, we've had other advertisements like Best Wishes posters that show most of the main cast plus Kurumiru was on a best wishes poster, and behold Ash is getting one, I'm saying it's a definite because it could be a movie characters Pokemon.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I agree with Playerking, all the info about toys, episode preview's, and the colour of the egg that he has gone over like a million times all points to being true, plus we will find out relativley soon anyways.

I am also wondering if Ash will evolve his starter pokemon, seeing as there is already a Janobii, and a Chaobu, although I am confident his Mijumaru will evolve.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I just think that Kurimuri is an odd choice. He already has a grass-type poke, a ground type makes much more sense. (But I'm only saying that because I <3 Sandile.)

EDIT: And although I hate to say it, I think Oshawott is least likely to evolve. I say this due to its personality, and the fact that Ash barely ever has water pokes that evolve. The only exception is Krabby to Kingler, in the Indigo League.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I saw the preview of the episodes that are going to be premiering this year and it seems like Ash is probably going to catch Kurimuri, though for some reason I just don't see it fitting in his team that well.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Why not? He had a Caterpie way back when and they look similar. Even though it evolved the ep after
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah... it evolved a couple of times and then he ditched it. Because it didn't fit into his team.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I've discussed this so many times over at...a place. And most of us agree that the egg will most likely be Kurumiru.

So i think

Zuruggu, Pokemon of the day, or Iris captures it
Kurumiru comes form the egg, or Ash captures it
Ash captures SM, Sunglasses Meguroko, or it comes from the egg.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Sunglasses Sandile obviously won't be coming out of the egg.

Edit: I wonder what two Pokemon will be one the last two watches o_O
I'm so happy to be seeing Zuruggu everywhere! I really hope we see quite a lot of him in the anime. Maybe I'll start watching it more often :3
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Why? I see no reason for it not to, Episode 12 probably foreshadowed it. But it could be Kurumiru as well, also when the egg hatched in the preview most of us agree that we it's just a glowing white ball, it hasn't take shape yet.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

That makes no sense, why would he be hatched from an egg in a future episode if we've already seen him walking about in a previous episode?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I'm saying a different Sandile, not the sunglasses one could hatch in episode 17, where the episode title says the wild child that hatched from the egg. The one from episode 20 sketches, is probably the sunglasses one, meaning a different Pokemon comes from the egg, or it is a new meguroko that came from the egg and it was scared in episode 20 sketches because it's a baby.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well, I highly doubt they'd bring another Sandile into the show. Ash/Iris/Dento will probably end up catching Sunglasses Sandile, since it's becoming a recurring character.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

What about Khoury in the sinnoh arc he captured gible then episodes later Ash caught a different one?
Dawn went after a bunneary, yet she caught one later and it was a different one
Why didn't Ash capture snorlax in that episode about it?
Why didn't misty go after corsola when she first decided she wanted it?
Why didn't Ash get Corphish when he first had the chance?

I don't think that it's unlikely that another Meguroko comes in the show, it might be the son/daughter to the sunglasses one, the egg was abandoned and the mother Sunglasses sandile, is looking for it.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I think this is getting too bizare and everyone needs to take a chill pill. Let's talk about a different part of the anime.

Hmmmm, what to talk about, what to talk about.

I got it! How long do you think it will take for Iris's Doryuzu to obey her? It is her fault though, because she never feeds it. Has anyone noticed that? I also wonder how she caught it with just a week Kibago. Unless......she has more pokemon! (that she doesn't feed.)
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Good point, maybe like Kibago, it was given to her, or it was an accidental capture. I hardly think Kibago battled it. I hope they will try to train it in a few upcoming episodes, maybe episode 19 or in the space of episode 20 to episode 30.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah, I think it's fair to say that she didn't capture it with her Kibago. Given that it can't take a single bullet seed hit, I'd be interested to see the effect of Doryuzuu's Drill Liner attack on it, lol.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

There is a rumor that Best Wishes will be getting a few 4kids va people back. Also it is airing on Disney XD. Not sure if its true but I would be so happy if it did!
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

JustinBieber said:
There is a rumor that Best Wishes will be getting a few 4kids va people back. Also it is airing on Disney XD. Not sure if its true but I would be so happy if it did!

Oh please no. Cartoon Network is enough. 4kids and Disney XD would ruin it all.