Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I'm just saying that could happen. The egg just reminds me of Zuruggu more than Sandile, I think the colors match better. I mean it can be Sandile, but I think Kurumiru is a stretch. I don't really think that's forshadowing, that's what someone would normally say when they give something to someone....
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

so basically the next pokemon ash captures/gets will either be meguroko, or a kurumiru. nice.

i also saw a trailer for best wishes 2011, cool to see team rocket conflict with Team Plasma.

i wonder if Team rocket will be broken up like the rest of the villainous teams after best wishes.

best wishes so far gets five stars from me. one of the best pokemon anime series in a long while. Almost better than the indigo league episodes.

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

In my opinion the Indigo League season still reigns supreme. Though Best Wishes so far is going great.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

2 very possible new episodes

BW022 Hiun City, Fushide panic!

BW025 Hiun Gym pure fight, Battle against Insect of Heart! (Hahakomori)
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well, all we know at the moment is that Ash is seen commanding it against Iris and Kibago, anything could happen yet.

Just watched BW16, the rematch for the Basic Badge. Very good ep, Oshawott and Tepig learning new moves was fun. But no Team Rocket. Which, according to Bulbapedia, is the first time they've been absent since the middle of the Advanced Generation.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well actually, that was a clip show, so they haven't been absent since episode 1.

There is no evidence of it going to Iris, the episode 20 scans it wasn't on her head it was just standing near her and Dento.

I think that it's unlikely that Kibago will beat Zuruggu.

What with Ash saying Yatta to his new Pokemon, no need for Iris to battle for it since it didn't go gaga over Iris i think this is what dento will do

Dento notices the rivalry between Zuruggu and Kibago, so he says something like "Zuruggu, a new taste to an old spice."(Zuruggu, a unique addition to Ash's team) With the clashing rivalry of Kibago and Zuruggu and with Zuruggu being a taste not yet special( A baby not yet experienced) they should battle it out, hence the battle.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yes, oh petty one, I know it was a clip show. I was simply paraphrasing.

And I don't speak Japanese, so all I know is what the pretty pictures tell me. I never said that Ash wouldn't get it either. So stop trying to be the high and mighty lord of all BW spoilers, because it's really annoying.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yatta! Zurugu in Ash teams look unordinary but cool. As i saw in pics on serebii its pretty picky x) it would be awesome if he just don't lose to those denchuras x) Man it's so cool. Imma gonna draw ash with zurugu or whole Ash BW team. And omg i wonder how many pokes he will catch in this region 'cause he already have 6 just after 2gyms. If i recall correctly this has never happened before.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Scuba steve, it's probably just the recurring sunglasses one and Yakob, i know about as much as you do, all I'm saying i believe it goes to Ash.

More info on why it could be Zuruggu, this is from a reliable source.

here is more info from corocoro, and god i hope its true, please be true, end this scraggy debate!

* Pokemon Movie 14th title : ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム (at present)
* Distribution in Pokemon Movie 14th : Unknown at present
* Ash's Scraggy (Zuruggu) : Distributing from 28 Jan 2011 to 10 Feb 2011
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Awesome! Ash is getting a Scraggy!
...dear god, that sounds odd.

On the other hand, it's odd that the merchandise is associating Sandile with the rest of Ash's team... maybe Ash will trade someone else his Scraggy for a Sandile since there seems to be a bit of rivalry between Axew and Scraggy. Who knows?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I hope not, Ash with Zuruggu is a unique combination, it would be nice to see it in a gym battle anyway episode 15's summary/review.

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 15: Shippou Gym Battle! VS Gym Leader Aloe!!

The episode starts off with a flashback, then we see the opening, yay every Pokemon is coloured in.

Ash, Aloe, Kidachi, Dento and Iris are walking through the library part of the museum. Ash asks where the battlefield is and Dento says it doesn’t look like there is one. Aloe says for them to be patient, Kidachi puts his right hand palm on a scanner, and it recognizes Kidachi’s DNA, so it opens a metal door. They see what’s beyond the library, and it’s...another library. Iris asks what it is? Aloe says it’s a library full of valuable books and research papers and that you can only go to this section with there permission. Kidachi says that this place has the biggest collection books in the isshu region. He also says that you can find out everything about the isshu region here, like culture and history. Dento finds it amazing that there are even books on Pokemon Sommeliers. Aloe says yes, because they did originate from Isshu after all. She asks if he is interested and he says yes because as a sommelier he wants to meet as many different Pokemon and trainers. She says experience is they key, so that he should do his best. Aloe then asks if Ash wants to read a book about the Isshu region before the battle. But all Ash wants is to battle, she knows, because that is why she brought him to the secret archive/libray area. Aloe says the only people allowed here are people who want to research and challengers, she says that as well as battling, knowledge is important. Aloe recommends a book but Ash says that he didn’t come here to study, Iris recommends that he should read it, Dento says that the gym battle might have already started and that every word Aloe says and every way she acts could be testing Ash. Ash yells out fine so he goes to pick the book out, he pulls in out, but the book pulls down, like a lever and the floor near them goes down to reveal stairs that leads underneath the museum. Aloe says that the battlefield is in the basement and Kidachi says that todays challenger is pretty straightforward. She agrees, she said that what “Sommelier boy” (Dento) said was correct. Dento feels uncomfortable about being called a boy. She says that as soon as Ash entered the museum, the challenge started. Aloe says that every other challenger searched through books for what they are most knowledgeable in. Iris is amazed that they check through the whole library, for the books they like.

Aloe also mentions that she hints to where the books are. Dento asks why they search so much. Aloe says they “Read” too much into it, they take a detour. But since they want a gym match, they try to find a book they are fond of. Or a thin book so that they can read it as fast as possible, she fins it funny. She says that they she can usually figure out the trainers inclinations, by how they act. So Iris asks what sort of trainer Ash is, Aloe says that he lets her push his buttons easily, she can’t wait to see how the battle will reflect his personality as well, she’ll study him thoroughly. Kidachi can predict the match to a certain extent, Iris says Ash is the type that is always told off (Yeah by you), Ash wants Aloe to study Ash thoroughly, she then says that they should all go to the field.

They go to the field, (It’s a nice looking room I’ll tell you that) It’s a normal dirt battlefield, with no bleachers on the sides. Ash runs onto the middle of the field psyched, Aloe puts on her apron, ready for battle, Aloe wants Ash to study her first, so she brings out a Pokemon, it’s her Miruhog, from the previous episode, Ash knew that she would use it. She sends out her next Pokemon, it’s a little puppy Pokemon, Iris thinks it’s so cute, she runs up to it and she squats down so the Pokemon jumps in her arms, it licks her face and it rubs its face against hers, Pikachu jumps down off of Ash and he watches it run around. Ash scans it on his Pokedex it says “Yorterry the puppy Pokemon. The hair all around its face are good as radars. It gently senses it’s surroundings.”, Aloe says that those two Pokemon will be the ones used in the battle, Kidachi says that they are great Pokemon and that they are very obedient to Aloe. They also act as guards to the museum. Yorterry looks at Ash, Ash kneels down and he picks Yorterry up. Aloe says that normal types are good because they are not restricted by types and because they have no quirks, which make them good for gym matches.

Ash asks Yorterry to bear with him today, Iris asks if Dento is listening to what Aloe is saying. Dento says that her showing her Pokemon before the battle shows confidence. Dento goes into his Fabulous zone, he talks about Aloe testing her challengers and how she has normal type Pokemon, with a taste, but without any quirks. He says that the combination is sure to bring out a challengers taste. Aloe says that what Dento says makes her happy and she calls him sommelier boy again. She tells Kidachi to explain the rules, he says that it will be a two on two match, and that the challenger shall choose two Pokemon to battle with, whoever takes down the both of the opponents Pokemon will be declared the winner and that both the trainer and the challenger can switch out Pokemon. Dento says that gym leaders have different methods, and that the gym leaders usually show what the trainers abilities the way they think would be the best. Aloe says that she will start with Yorterry, Iris wonders what Ash will pick, Ash says that he has decided. He puts down Yorterry and it runs to Aloe, he picks out two of his Pokeballs and he says that he will use those two, Ash asks Dento and Iris to take care of Pikachu. Aloe sends Miruhog back in it’s Pokeball. They finally start the battle and Kidachi is the referee, i thought so. Aloe calls for Yorterry to go onto the field, it does while still being cure, buuuut, Yorterry then looks angry and it’s ready to battle, Iris says it’s fierce, Dento says that its friendliness from before changed quickly, it’s in its battle mode. Iris says for Ash to do his best. Ash says that Yorterry is spirited, he sends out Pokabu, Dento says that Pokabu is also very motivated. Iris thinks that Pokabu is fired up because it doesn’t want to let Ash down. Ash tells Pokabu to use ember, so it does, but then Aloe tells Yorterry to use Roar, so Yorterry uses Roar and Pokabu goes back in its ball and Mijumaru is sent out.

Mijumaru is half asleep, it wasn’t expecting to battle now, it looks around in confusion. Aloe says that Ash most likely hasn’t been on the receiving end of roar before. Mijumaru looks at Ash, in confusion, Aloe calls back Yorterry and sends out Miruhog. Ash then tries to switch, but Aloe calls for Miruhog to use mean look, Mijumaru is surrounded by a purple shadowish aura and then on the inside of the shadows surrounding Mijumaru, are eyes which are the shadow wall, looking at Mijumaru. Mijumaru is outlined in purple and then it goes away, Ash tries to return Mijumaru but the red beam bounces off Mijumaru. Aloe says that Mijumaru can’t escape. Iris thinks it’s a unique combination, Dento says that using roar to call another Pokemon out then using mean look so it can’t escape is a good strategy, because it has a mental effect, it destroys the trainers strategy. Ash wanted to start off with Pokabu and he wanted to finish off with Mijumaru, Aloe notices that Ash is confused. Dento’s talking about Aloe really testing Ash and how since Ash’s first plan is destroyed a new one will be hard to come up with. Aloe eggs Ash on so he tells Mijumaru to battle earlier then expected, Iris says Mijumaru is in a bad mood and Dento explains that it is because it came out earlier then expected. Ash orders Mijumaru to use water gun, Mijumaru fires one without caring. Miruhog dodges and it uses low kick, Dento and Iris agree that Miruhog is fast. Ash and Aloe are pumped to battle, Aloe tells Miruhog to use thunderbolt, it does but Ash tells Mijumaru to block it, (That hasn’t happened since episode 3 when it reflected Pikachu’s electricity and it zapped Ash) Miruhog is stunned and Ash and Mijumaru celebrate. Aloe is surprised, of how a water type could block and electric move like that. Ash then tells Mijumaru to run up to Miruhog, aloe appreciates his confidence, she says for Miruhog to use low kick again, Miruhog prepares to but Ash says that he was expecting that, he tells Mijumaru jump above, so it does than Mijumaru uses water gun but in a a spiral loop sort of fashion, it hits Miruhog and it knock it down, Ash tells Mijumaru to charge, then to use Shell blade. Aloe says for Miruhog to let it come and to knock it away with it’s tail. Miruhog spins on it’s next and the shell blade and Miruhog’s tail collide. The shell is knocked away behind Mijumaru (Like when Mijumaru’s shell fell away from itself in Ash’s first Gym battle in this region, when he faced Dento’s Yanappu), Ash is worried and Aloe says for Miruhog to use thunderbolt, it does and it knocks Mijumaru out.

Ash wanted to make Miruhog flinch by using water gun, then to finish it off with shell blade, he thinks that going up close wont work. Iris thinks that the water gun attack was good, whereas Dento doesn’t concur. He thinks that the combination was good, but Aloe sensed what Ash would do, so that Aloe knew she had to knock the shell away so she can strike again (Like Yanappu when Dento battles Ash), Dento is amazed. Aloe sends Miruhog back and she sends out Yorterry. So Ash sends out Pokabu, Pokabu is really pumped and Iris and Dento notice it saying that it was expected to come back since roar. Ash tells Pokabu to use tackle, it does but Yorterry dodges and it fires a shadow ball which hits Pokabu, leaving smoke around the fire pig Pokemon, it clears and Pokabu stands up. Pokabu then uses ember and Yorterry uses take down, running through the ember and into Pokabu sending it flying and knocking it out. After winning Aloe is kneeling down, patting Yorterry, and Yorterry lets out a cute howl. Ash attends to Pokabu and Pokabu sits there on the ground feeling upset, Ash thanks it for a great battle (It’s clear that whenever Pokabu loses a battle, it sits down and feels sorry for itself and lacks confidence maybe because of the whole losing to shikijika thing). Pokabu still feels upset, Ash says that it shouldn’t be sad, it wasn’t it’s fault, it was Ash’s, Ash feels sorry that Ash is it’s trainer. Dento says sorry that Ash didn’t win, Ash says that Mijumaru and Pokabu did their best and that himself, as a trainer still has a long way to go. He thanks Aloe for the battle, Aloe liked the way Ash came head on and that she wishes for a rematch soon. Ash, Iris and Dento are in the towns Pokemon centre waiting for there Pokemon to be healed, Ash is resting his head on his egg case whilst the egg is resting on his lap and his hand are resting on the top of it as well. Iris says that Ash isn’t himself, and that he’s not usually upset, Ash says that he is upset. Ash says that the battle was really bad, Dento thinks that the roar was pretty painful and Ash says it was also annoying how Miruhog used mean look and because of that he couldn’t think of a new strategy. Iris says it makes sense that that Ash would be startled, because having a Pokemon forcibly switched out at the start is something unexpected. Dento thinks it’s a lot to account for and that Ash needs to try and predict Aloe’s moves. Ash agrees, Dento says that Ash needs to raise the speed and power of his Pokemon as well and that Pokabu and Mijumaru can not match Aloe’s Pokemon, in a battle. Iris says that Ash lacks the decisive power. Ash yells out that he knows, he wont let it go down like this again, Ash knows Aloe’s type of battle. Ash is sure that he will win next time.

A chime sounds, Ash’s Pokemon are now healed, Nurse Joy walks out with Tabunne pushing the gurney with Pokabu and Mijumaru on it. Ash thanks Joy and Pokabu and Mijumaru are more fired up then ever. Ash tells them that they should challenge Aloe once more, Nurse Joy suggests that Ash should train at the battle club, Ash didn’t know you could train there as well. Iris says that it does specialize in battles after all, Dento says you can also get advice on your practice. Mijumaru and Pokabu agree, Nurse Joy says that Don George might help Ash out on how to beat Aloe.

Team Rockets part, It’s night time and James is in a van outside the museum he is contacting somebody, telling them that the hacking was successful and that James has seized control of everything. James can now manage to control the security system freely, inside the museum, we see that James was talking to Jessie and Meowth as they are walking inside, Jessie says that she will move onto the mission. Jessie scans the next room for the infrared lasers, (I’d just like to point out that i find it weird that the dragonite skeleton is now hanging from the roof instead of where it was before, maybe so no-one steals it) Jessie finds the case with the meteorite and she tells James to disable the lasers. James says that he can do it for 20 seconds, Meowth says they only need 10 seconds, so james disables them. Jessie, meowth and the box with the fake meteorite, which is moving by itself on wheels race through the room. The box opens, Jessie take the fake one, meowth jumps up and takes the glass case off, Jessie quickly switches the two, meowth puts the glass case back on and they both jumps down and run towards a safe spot, Jessie puts the meteorite in the box and Jessie looks at the room and the lasers went back on (After she watched the lasers back on, the time it took for the lasers shutting off was more of 20 seconds then 10, guess meowth was wrong). Jessie and Meowth take their glasses off and they walk away. They’re outside, and they walk into the van. Jessie says they completed the mission, Meowth says that they’ve come another step close to the meteorite and then they drive off.

Back to Ash and co., Don George says that they should leave anything about battles to him. Ash mentions that the Don george here has the same face, Don George asks Ash what kind of battle Ash wants. Ash starts to mention about him challenging Aloe, then time lapses and Ash has told the whole story. Don George says that Ash was deceived by Mother Aloe, he mentions that Yorterry’s roar and Miruhog’s Mean look are strong moves to battle against. Ash also mentions that he couldn’t keep up with the Pokemon’s speed. Iris says that the combo of Roar and Mean look is famous, so Dento says that others have had their troubles with the two Pokemon as well. But if any trainer can cope with the combo then it should get easier from then on. Don George tells Ash to get fired up today, Ash yells out to bear with him (That’s the spirit?). Don George asks Ash if he is ready, because if he doesn’t put his whole strength into it, he’ll hardly be able to beat the course. Why did they make the entrance to the battle club room so intense? Anyway, that’s the end of the episode

Good points

Team Rocket

Don George

Mijumaru’s humour

Pokabu’s personality


Bad points

I understand where Dento is coming from, but he talks to much, we don’t need another Brock, in that way, at least Iris isn’t so serious when commenting on the battle

The gym battle was okay, not one of the best battles

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

To me, Zuruggu seems to fit better with Ash's style than Sandile, then again he did have Torkoal.

So we know Zuruggu hatches from the egg... But all the pictures I've seen of Sandile merchandise with the rest of Ash's team... I wonder, maybe he does trade Zuruggu... But either way, he'll be getting a Dark-type. He might trade Oshawott... Or Snivy, or even Tepig, but then he'll be done a Water-type, Grass-type or Fire-type which he always has one of.

I really want him to keep Zuruggu, no one else would use it enough to satisfy me XD
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Don't forget about his Kurumiru, i don't think trading is the answer to everything, they can always go to Oak.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Something else I forgot about... Haderia using Giga Impact... It shouldn't be able to learn that since it's a not a fully evolved Pokémon.

But it looked sooooo pretty.

EDIT: just checked Bulbapedia, apparently it can learn it by levelling uop. Fair enough I guess.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Playerking95@ Kurumiru will not go to Ash, it will go (or it had always been) to Arty. We have seen a preview pic of the episode, and it shows Kurumiru and Arty together :b
RE: Best Wishes Episodes


You mean this?!

It will go to Arty? What's the basis, when a toy company website itself said that they would have a bandai figure labelled, Satoshi/Ash's Kurumiru, since the 2011 preview where he did his getta de ze pose, i wouldn't be surprised if this where he gets it. Arty could just be really close with nature and he is really close with Kurumiru and Arty lets Ash get, plus he dived off of a cliff for it, so i don't think it will go to Arty.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well the Kurumiru we see above could be a whole totally new one we probably see later in the episode (which I doubt would happen). I am guessing that it runs away from Arty for some apparent reason and runs away (for a particular reason). Then at the end of the episode Ash gets it from Arty.