Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I'd just like to say that I'll be going on a four-three day holiday, the place I'm staying, might, might not have internet connection, if i miss news, I'm sorry, now with the event that advertised Ash's Zuruggu, and no evidence of Iris getting it, and from the description of Pokemon smash that someone said happened like this,

Ash capturing Zuruggu (OFFICIAL)
Ash sends out his entire team to see the hatching of his egg
The egg hatching into Zuruggu
Zuruggu attacking Pikachu and Pidove and arguing with Axew
The group shot of Ash Dent Iris and Ash's team

I'm sure Iris wont get it, but i still want her to get Pokemon, like Doredia, that flower Pokemon thing, and Shimama in the future.

Also, this doesn't state it's Ash's zuruggu, but it's nice to look at,


If i don't get connection, I'll see you later, and have a good time.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Zuruggu will probably be jealous of the other Pokemon around it, somewhat like Chikorita.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Here are some possible new episode title, that came from the same source that said Ash would get Tsutaja and Shooti would get Hatoopoo,
BW019 - Triple Battle! Intense Evolution!?

BW020 - Trouble with Meguroco! Lost Flock!!

Here is a lunchbox for Best Wishes, it might spoil the future team, here's my ideas


I'm guessing

Monmen : Dento's

Hatoopoo: Ash's

Mamambou: Bianca's or it Represents Ash's first isshu pokemon he saw in Isshu.

Waruvile: Ash's, or the SM evolves and then Ash captures it

Zoroark: Movie 13

Baoppu: Pod's

Churine: Iris's

Tsutaja: Ash's

Zuruggu: Ash's

Pikachu: Oh i wonder who owns Pikachu

Ishizumai: Dento's

Emonga: Jessie's? In the 14th movie owned by a main character, like notched ear pichu?

Darumakka: No idea, Shooti's? Belle's?

Onondo: Iris's

Pokabu: Ash's

Koromori: Jessie's?

Chillanccino: Belle's?

Hiyappu: Corn's? James's?

Mijumaru: Ash's

Rankurusu: Belle's? Shooti's? I have no idea

Yanappu: Dento's

Kurumayu: Ash's

Doryuzu: Iris's

Yabakuron: Shooti's?
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Hmm. I'm surprised that they're hinting at evolving Iris's Axew into a Haxure, mostly because it's being marketed as a "main character", almost as a counterpart to Ash's Pikachu. Just feels weird that it would evolve.

But man oh man, that is a sick lunchbox.
I think it'd be neat for Iris or Dento to catch an Alomomola. Also, I look forward to seeing Ash's Sandile evolve into a Krokorok, and his Pidove evolve into a Tranquil. Maybe the "Intense Evolution" episode hints at that. Maybe Iris's Axew will evolve? Then again, it seems too early for a "main character Pokemon" to evolve :3
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I think the evolution will be Ash's Mamapeto, because his starly evolved early, i don't see why his Mamapeto can't.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Playerking95 said:
I think the evolution will be Ash's Mamapeto, because his starly evolved early, i don't see why his Mamapeto can't.

That'd be hilarious--he barely ever uses the thing and it evolves just like that. It just wouldn't feel right if you ask me. She at least need some more screen time first.

That said...I'd love to see James with Reuniclus or Dent with Emolga. Epic stuff right there!
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

I still think it's weird that Game Freak based a Pokemon off of General Larry Platt from American Idol.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Starly hardly did anything, but that's not the point.

Real title - Soak in the awesomeness

BW019 - Sommelier Showdown! Ishizumai vs Futachimaru!!


'Inside a newly opened Pokemart, Kaberune, an officially authorised Pokemon Sommelier is 'tasting' Pokemon and their Trainers. What happens when Ash presents the/a Pokemon he is proud of....?'
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Ooh, interesting. But it can't be Ash's Oshawott evolving, because the ep.20 concept sketches that we've seen still show it as plain ol' Oshawott.

On a BW17 note, it was a fun one. All of Ash's Pokes made an appearance, and most of em slammed Scraggy into the ground, which was lulz. Plenty of battling in this one, it was a great episode. And ElecNet looks awesome with the shiny new graphics...

Next week: something about a bug. Meh.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

We know, this isn't anything new. :rolleyes:
Hmm. Intense evolution, if Ash's, could refer to his Snivy, possibly. Maybe Dento's Pansage or Dwebble will evolve?
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

That was a fake title

BW019 - Sommelier Showdown! Ishizumai vs Futachimaru!!
This is the real one, Dento gets a possible rival, so that cool. I hope Cabernet(Sommelier's name) is recurring.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Ahh, missed that post. It does seem a bit too early for an evolution, I must admit.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

It's Japanese so it's acceptable!

Remember that guy in Final Fantasy named "Cloud"?
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Hmm a bit of conundrum at the moment,

People are saying the diamond and pearl episodes are best wishes episodes, and the fushide, episode 22 episode, is actually episode 20, meaning that the ishizumai one might be episode 21, with Diamond and Pearl episodes being episode 19 and 20, or they're episode 20 and 21. But i still believe they aren't best wishes episodes, so as you can see it's all very confusing

We have the ishizumai vs. Futachimaru episode,

The Fushide episode

Koaruhie, Meguroko episode

Supposed episode 25 gym battle episode

So take the episode numbers with a grain of salt.
RE: Pokemon: Black and White Episodes

Well, before that, we've got the special episodes focusing on Dawn and Brock. So yay, more confusion. Also yay Quilava.