Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Nah, Zuruggu is Iris's i think, well BW020 sketches say that. I'm pretty sure Sunglasses Meguroko will be a recurring character like Jigglypuff and the egg will hatch into a Meguroko. After episode 13 they will all be filled in, then a new episode in episode 16, probably.

Does anyone care for my summaries? Anyway, i'll bring the next summary as soon as i find out what happened or if the subbed version comes soon.

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 11: Ishizumai! Take back your house!

The episode starts off with the gang witting along a rocky river side. They set up a table and Dento is preparing a Potato salad Sandwich, when Dento finishes with Iris’s She eats it before he cuts it up. Then he gives Ash his cut up and Ash loves it. Kibago and Pikachu are enjoying their Pokemon food until Kibago hears something, he jumps off the table and Pikachu follows, Pikachu wont let it wander off, maybe because of what happened two episodes ago. Kibago runs off and Pikachu and the gang follow, they comes across a Pokemon scratching a Rock, Dento says that it is an Ishizumai and that it’s rare to see it without its shell, Ishizumai keeps scratching and Ash looks it up on his Pokedex and it says that Ishizumai will hurt their own bodies to protects their shells. Ash goes up to look but Iris pulls him down because it might run away. Ash is surprised that it builds its own shell itself.

After the opening it sprays some white/greenish liquid in the shell, Ash’s Pokedex says that it makes it easier to scratch their rocks. Dento says it’s perfect, he wonders if it is finished yet. It’s not it tries to wear it so it goes back in to do some more adjustments, it tries it again and it fits, Dento explains that, that is what the natural appearance of an Ishizumai really looks like, Ash says it’s perfect and Iris thinks it’s cute(Go figure). Three more Ishizumai come out of the ground, Iris wonders if they are friends, the friends two the boss Ishizumai tackle the friendly one. Then the two go in for a slash attack, but our Ishizumai uses protect. Our one then does the same thing and tries to use slash but the two combined their protects and the slash didn’t work, the boss Ishizumai then launches backwards and his giant shell knocks out Ishizumai so hard it comes out of it’s shell. Then the boss takes it’s shell and puts it on his own by making the two stick together with a special liquid from its mouth. The three bullies leave and our Ishizumai, digs as well, so Dento sends out Yanappu to try and find the bullied one and the bullies. Yanappu comes back up and he couldn’t find anything then the friendly Ishizumai comes up and Dento goes and talks to him, but Ishizumai runs away. So the gang chase it and Iris jumps ahead of Ishizumai, Ishizumai runs away and is front of Ash and Dento. Pikachu jumps off Ash’s shoulders and tries to make peace, but Ishizumai used slash and it hit Pikachu and a Rock near it, a segment of the rock hit Yanappu on the head, so it falls to the ground.

Dento sprays Yanappu with a Potion, Ishizumai comes up and feels guilty, Yanappu is happy and they all know it wasn’t on purpose. Iris ask why it can’t just build a new home. Ishizumai says no, probably because of the effort he put into it. Dento says that himself and the others will try and get it back for him. Ishizumai is sad so it digs under ground. Now with Team Rocket, we see flint standing on the right side of the entrance to a abandoned subway station. After a car drives past, Team Rocket appear on the left hand side. They start to walk in and then a car drives past and they vanished(That’s some fast running). James is happy to learn that it’s abandoned. They get to business, Flint explains that they need to collect and cease information on the meteorite. So Flint holds his left hand up with his palms facing Team rocket, a ring on his middles finger projects a screen, Flint mentions that there is a facility that has information on the meteorite. Meowth asks if they need to infiltrate and Flints nods his head. He says they need to retrieve the information from a servers computer. James says okay and flint wants to see if they have the skills.

Back with Ash and Co., Mamapeto tried searching but she couldn’t find anything. Yanappu and Ishizumai come up from underneath the ground but they couldn’t find the bullies anywhere. Dento asks if Ishizumai wants to spend the night with them, so Ishizumai agrees. All of them are having dinner, Ishizumai likes the food and Yanappu has a fever (From getting hit with a rock), so since Yanappu has Rockitis, Iris explains that her and Kibago found some berries before that could help Yanappu, so they go and come back. Iris is finished mixing the berries into a paster. She feeds it to Yanappu and Ash thinks that Iris is awesome because she knows that. Ishizumai stands their worried for Yanappu. Dento wakes up to find Ishizumai staring at Yanappu, Dento says that Ishizumai should get some sleep if they are going to try and find it’s shell tomorrow. Ishizumai then puts the blanket over Yanappu and goes to sleep.

With Team Rocket, they are in front of the facilities perimeter. Jessie throws a grappling hook up and they all climb the wall and sit on it. Then they put on their goggles on which shows all the laser censors. They then dodge them all and make their way into the attic of the facilities middle roof part. They remove a bit of the floor beneath them and James pulls out a box, we see the box has a propeller so slowly flies down and lands on the computer. Something comes out of the box and it retrieves the data. Meowth watches is and before james gets the information he needs a password, luckily he retrieves one and then they get the information. Now it’s morning and Yanappu is jumping like a gymnast on prozac. Ishizumai walks up to Yanappu and is happy, and Kibago is extremely happy. They are all in their pajama’s except for Iris so they better go change.

Next scene they are in their normal clothes(Thanks for listening) and they encounter the three Ishizumai with the help of Yanappu i think. But the bullies walk away and Kibago follows them, he runs past them and, he hears a sound and looks behind him and it was nothing, but Kibago isn’t stupid, he pretends to start walking, but he quickly turns around and he sees that the Ishizumai were hiding. Ash and Co. catch up Ishizumai starts to fight the bullies, he goes in and the bully with the red shell launches past our one as a decoy and the one with the green shell attacks our one with it’s shell. Then the green shelled one goes for a slash so our one copies and uses slash but our one is too late, it’s slammed to the ground then to a cliff leaving smoke near it. It comes through the smoke to attack the green shelled ishizumai but it failed to attack because of protect, so then the boss hit our one with it’s shell and it sent it to the ground.
The bullies left using dig again.

Dento comes up with a plan to use food as bait. So they tied a black rope around Dento’s, Iris’s and Ash’s main Pokemon, Yanappu, Kibago and Pikachu, respectively. So the Pokemon and their trainer each hid behind a rock and the food bowl on the other ends of the rope were in the middle of the rocks in a triangle formation. The bullies surfaced and started eating then our Pokemon ran off, Dento said to get them one by one. First it was the one with the red shell, Ishizumai went to attack with a slash but the bully knocked it away. The bully kept trying to hit our one with Slash but it didn’t work because our one kept dodging, so it kept using slash until it hit a rock which sliced it in half. The bully used x-scissor, which caused a nearby boulder to roll down and hit the bully sending it flying.The bully landed so our Ishizumai used x-scissor and Slash on the bully, which finished it off. Dento thought it was a spicy combination(Seriously what’s with the food comments?). Now it’s Kibago’s time running.
Ishizumai used attack on the Green shelled one, then our one lured the bully in between two cliffs, our one jumps through the gap but because of the bullies shell it got stuck. So our one used X-scissor to send it flying. Ash and Ishizumai jump up in happiness and they Ash says that only the boss is left.

We come to the boss and the boss turns around and finds that it’s friends are gone. The boss lunges backwards trying to hit our little Ishizumai with it’s giant shell but it dodges. So now our one uses slash, the bully stops it by turning around, because our Ishizumai wont attack it’s own shell. Ishizumai stops in mid air and the bully hits it with it’s giant shell. The bully uses slash but our one dodges it so the bully uses Knock down which sent Ishizumai towards the ground. Ash encouraged Ishizumai and it got up Ishizumai ran towards the bully then it turned right. The bully followed and it got itself stuck so our Ishizumai used X-scissor which was a direct hit. It left smoke behind then the bully used slash. So our Ishizumai had enough and used shell break, Iris said it lowers the defense but it raises it’s attack, so Ishizumai used a super special awesome X-Scissor. Ishizumai finally got his shell back and everyone celebrated.

With Team Rocket, Jessie gave Flint the Data and Flint said they are one step closer for their mission in the isshu region. James said there is no need to praised and Meowth said Flint should leave. I guess they are nothing more then just partners in this. Flint said he would tell the boss and that they should await the net mission. Flint turns around and when he walks past the screen Team Rocket aren’t there anymore (Have they thought about entering the olympics).

With Ash and Co. Dento says to take care, Ash says that they will meet again and Iris tells Ishizumai to always hold onto its shell. They walk away but Ishizumai cries out(kawai!) Dento asks what’s wrong and Iris says it probably wants to be Dento’s Pokemon. Dento thinks about how it got it’s own shell back and how it showed a “gentle flavour” towards Yanappu. So he throws his Pokeball, Ishizumai jumps up and is caught. Dento says he caught Ishizumai with “Good Taste!”. (Really Dento? Really?). Anyway at least Dento has a crabs crab.

Good points
There are no bad points

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Where the heck have I been? This might have already been answered, but @PK95: Where are you finding all this? Some of these pictures such as the drawings are pretty interesting to look at. Regardless, thanks for the information, Playerking! It's nice to be caught up after missing a good seven episodes of the anime, LOL.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

he wont tell u i asked and he said he had a secret way of getting them or somthing like that
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well people somehow find this, i don't know how, the sketches and Artwork are things Sunyshore bought, she is creator of Sunyshore, she likes Electric Pokemon and she has the sketches for the Lt. Surge gym battle episode. But the other stuff people all over find, when i find things i give them to you.

Anyway, do you guys think Meguroko will hatch from the egg or Ash will get the sunglasses one?

Edit: Also from a website

Bandai figurines. Chaobu, Chillarmy and Kurumiru. One thing interresting


translation: The pokemon who will become within easy reach to Ash [Kurumiru]

So Ash might get Kurumiru.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I do wonder what they're going to do about the OP in a few episode's time. As far as I can tell, we're only missing Yabukaron and Chaobuu. Personally, I'd love to see a new OP, now we've been properly introduced to the world of Isshu/Unova.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

You guys might be excited about this but spoilers: Dawn and Brock return on the 3rd!!!





The 3 February 2011 there will be a DIAMOND & PEARL ONE HOUR SPECIAL.
About Takeshi (Brock) and Hikari (Dawn).

New Side Story/HoSo !

Hikari and her Pokémon will go to Yosuga City for the new career of Buneary.
Cyndaquil has evolved into Quilava !
Brock's Marshtomp will evolve into Swampert.

The summary says also about Ash's Buizel, and Dawn's Ambipom!

Source? Corocoro.

Chillarmy is Belle's?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I love google translator...

"Anipoke to see people talk about the future, so please look at.

Anipoke on February 3, 2011 a special version of the hour special 1 DP
Hikari seems to be drawn and finished the journey and Satoshi Takeshi
In the image that would be 見Nikui ↓
"Hikari Pokemon of a large set" I have written and where
Pokemonpinpon Etebosu and turned to you anyway
Was also re-emerged Buizeru Ash Pokemon
Want to see a complete set of?

* Pallet Town and Kuchibashiti Institute (Okido), etc. A difference of
Both dogs will be here in two tho
I wonder if Hikari spin drawn Mimiroru of filming - after all Hearthome City

I thought the sequel Usokki Takeshi, Guregguru not just lucky
Haganeru, Ishitsubute, black bat, Foretosu, Runpappa the Numakuro
Do you expect it to reappear?

* I want to have evolved at all if Numakuro
To visit the biggest crisis since left it to the gym Giraud
I want you to deposit a set used in the battle after a while someone!"

That's what your text says, playerking. Teehee.

But seriously, it sounds fun.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

So I guess, being a Diamond and Pearl thing, this won't tie into the Best Wishes story at all? Or am I just not understanding this correctly?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yep, i guess this just tells us what happened between best wishes and Diamond and Pearl, this air two days after my birthday :).
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Hmm, I'm not all that surprised Chillarmy is Belle's. I would've hated to see Dento with the neighborhood rodent, for some reason.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Sorry the Brock and Dawn thing might be fake. And yeah, i'm happy Belle got it, it somehow fits her.

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 12: The Yabukuron Squad and the Secret Base!?

The episode starts off with Dento showing Iris and Ash the town map on a dirt path in a area that looks like a farming area. Then the group hears something and they see a bunch of kids on their kids tricycles. One kid seems to have a Pokemon on the back of his Tricycles the kids get ready with Mud balls in their hands they then throw them at Ash and co. Iris dodges it but Dento and Ash get hit in the face(lol). The kids cycle away and the Pokemon’s arm carries Ash’s hat away. The opening starts

After the opening Ash and Dento are on the ground, Dento is wiping his face and Iris jumps down from the fence that she jumped on to dodge.
Ash and Dento stand up and they are mad. Iris wonders what’s wrong with the kids, Dento mentions that pranks have there limits and Ash is mad now. Two women run up to Ash and co. they came from the same direction as the kids. The younger looking woman apologizes and she mentions that they are the children of her Kindergarten, she asks for forgiveness and the older looking woman apologizes. Then the SM(Sunglasses Meguroko) appears again after 8 episodes, it’s head comes up from the ground, SM looks around then he goes back under ground. It turns out he came up in front of the Pokemon Daycare house, which has a lot of eggs yum(Just joking). Apparently Yuri is the teacher at the children Daycare but the older woman,(Her Grandmother)Kikuyo helps is the owner of both Daycare’s. The gang introduces themselves and Yuri apologizes and she says that the kids brought back a Yabukuron without permission. Ash understands that the Pokemon with the kids was a Yabukuron. So Yuri has a flashback to when the kids found a crying Yabukuron in a scrap yard. Ash looked it up on his Pokedex and it explained that Yabukuron came to be when a trash bag was mixed with toxic waste(During the day he is Garbage but at night he is Garbageman!)and that it hangs around garbage. Ash says that his hat is Garbage. Dento say that the pokemon has a strange taste. Yuri flashes back to when she took Yabukuron away. Yuri asked why the kids brought it to the kindergarten. The kids said that they felt sorry for it but the teacher said that they can’t keep it because it would bring garbage, the kids said that they would clean the garbage up. She still said no but the kids kept yelling out saying they want to keep it. it released a stench from it’s mouth and Yuri hated it, the kids kept yelling that it didn’t smell but Yuri thought it did so she picked it up(I guess you can say she took out the trash(Wow that was bad)) and she put it back at the scrap yard saying that it can’t stay with the kids. Kikuyo said that Yuri took it back to the scrap yard but something happened this morning. Ash asks what happened.

We go to outside with Ash, Iris, Dento, Yuri and Kikuyo are standing outside looking at something. Ash and co. discover that the children and Yabukuron are in a secret base in a tree inside the gates of the kindergarten and they surrounded it with rubbish from the scrap yard. Ash is impressed so Iris calls him a child. Yuri is worried that all the rubbish will fall down so Kikuyo asks the group if they can help. They all agree to help. The kids open the curtain of the secret base and they go on the edge of the base, building in the tree with Yabukuron, the main kid has Ash’s hat, they say that they are the Yabukuron squadron and that adults cannot enter. Dento mentions that they must be playing the squadron games and Iris calls them children(Maybe because they are Iris? Or am i mistaken). Ash volunteers to go and put an end to what’s going on, because Ash used to roll play like that as well. So Ash climbs over the barrier, but the kids spot him, Yabukuron unleashes a sludge bomb and it stinks so then the kids fire mud balls and most of them miss except for the last one that hits Ash in this face. The main kid orders Dango ( The chubby one) to turn on the fan. The electric fan on the balcony is switched on. The fan pulled a rope which pulled a leg that held Ash supportive on the rubbish Ash fell down and he went down a (SUPER FUN HAPPY) slide and then he fell in a tyre. The kids aimed their cardboard swords in front of Ash. Iris asked what happened, Ash said that he was caught. Iris said to pull himself together. Ash said to wait a little while longer. The main kid says to behave, Ogura(Another boy) and Choko( A girl) spray Ash with water guns. Ash promises to behave.
They take him to their base. Ash is impressed and asked if the kids built it themselves. Choko says yes, along with Yabukuron. The main kid says to not make friends with the enemy. She says sorry Hirotan. Ash asks if that is the main kids name, he says it’s actually Hirota. Ash introduces himself and Pikachu. The other kids say that Pikachu is cute and they ask if they can pat Pikachu. Ash says it’s fine. They all touch Pikachu except for Hirota, Ash says to Hirota that he isn’t his enemy and that he is only here to talk. So Hirota touches Pikachu but Pikachu doesn’t like it. Ash says that if they annoy Pikachu he will electrocute them. They all back away, Ash explains that Pikachu is an electric Pokemon and it can use Thunderbolt. Pikachu shocks Ash, by electrocuting him. Pikachu poses, and all the kids are amazed, then Yabukuron comes up and it tries to pose as being cute as well. Ash says it’s kid of cute and say he is really cute. Hirota gives back Ash’s hat, Ash says thank you and he puts it on.

Team Rocket are at a subway station, sitting at a bus stop, while a news woman on a screen is talking about the disappearance of garbage at a scrap yard, and Yabukuron might be responsible. They sit at the bus stop and a guys sits on the other side of them. Jessie asks what time the limited express will depart, the mysterious man says 7pm. James asks what the business is about. The mysterious agent asks if the mission is going nicely. Meowth says “Obviously”. And Jessie says that they make no mistakes. The mysterious man has a small, he pushes it over to their side and he says that the headquarters asked to bring them this. James asks what it is and the man says it’s a dummy of the real meteorite and that he will contact them later with the details. The man stands up and says that Giovanni is impressed with them. James says of course. Just as the man leaves a train passes the screen.

Back at the base, Ash asks if the kids should apologize. Hirota says that it isn’t Ash’s fault, Choko says that it isn’t their fault and Hirota says that it is Yuri’s fault. Ash says that she had a point because she said it smelled. Choko, ann the other girl says it is. Hirota says it isn’t and Ann changes her mind. Yabukuron releases the smell and Ash can’t stand it, he yells out , everyone hears and him and the other kids run out. Hirota and Yabukuron, run out and they’re fine. Ash says that Hirota has a good friend. They hear a sound, something is digging, it’s coming from the inside of the barrier, right under a bit of junk, on the inside. It’s Meguroko, Ash has a flashback to meeting it(What is this? Lost?). Ash and the Yabukuron squadron are on the ground under the shade of the tree. SM notices Ash and Pikachu, he’s angry so his back glows white then white bits shoot up from it’s back they spin around and become grey rocks, they are launched at Ash and the Yabukuron squadron. Ash notices that it’s stone edge, he tells the kids to run away. They do but the stones hit near Ash. Then the kids thrown mud balls at SM, so SM uses stone edge at the kids. Yabukuron isn’t happy, it launches Toxic spikes. The purple ball goes into the sky leaving behind streams of purple poison it exploded and multiple blasts hit the ground. SM steps on it and it gets hurt. Ash orders Pikachu to use Iron tail, it hits Meguroko in the air, then Yabukuron fires a sludge bomb which sends it blasting off again?. Ash and the squad are happy. Yuri hears and she is not happy that Ash is having fun. Iris wonders what’s going on and Yuri says it can’t be helped. Yuri says she will have to do it then. Kikuyo agrees.

Yuri and the others climb on to the top on the barrier and look down at Ash, Yuri asks to talk about it properly, Iris asks why Ash is friends with them. Ash says he got caught up in the moment. Yuri asks how longer they will continue this. Hirota says, until they can keep Yabukuron, Yuri says she said no. The kids say that they don’t understand. Ash begs Yuri to listen to the kids. But Yuri tells Ash to shush, Yuri mentions that it is her Kindergarten, Ash says it’s the kids as well, but Yuri says she has to protect them. She pulls out a Pokeball and she sends out her Shikijika. The kids are worried, Ash isn’t happy so he says that he will be her opponent. Dento and Iris are shocked, just like Shikijika and Yuri. Yuri doesn’t understand, so Ash says that he is now a part of the Squad, the kids cheer. Yuri says it can’t be helped, She says for Shikijika to use tackle, so it does. It hits Pikachu. Pikachu is ordered to use/uses Thunderbolt. Shikijika dodges and runs along the barrier then it uses tackle, it misses and hits a it of furniture. The whole barrier starts to shake, Kikuyo says that Shikijika cannot move and Kikuyo calls the battle off. Pikachu and Ash help out Shikijika, Dento and Iris come down to help Ash, Ash tells them to secure the kids. Yuri tells Hirota to move but he wants to stay with his friend Yabukuron, she pleads more. So something starts to fall on Hirota, Yuri goes behind the two and she stops it falling, the two are happy. Iris is telling the kids to climb the tree, Dento is up there telling them to stay safe, Kikuyo is Kidnapping carrying Ogura to safety. Just as Ash was loosing his strength Yabukuron has had enough, Yabakuron launches multiple sludge bombs at the falling junk. Yabukuron saves the day. everyone is thankful, even Yuri.
As the sun is about to set, the kids say sorry and Yuri apologizes for not listening and she is glad they are safe and they all hug. Ash asks on behalf if the kids can keep Yabukuron, Kikuyo asks what she is going to do. Yuri looks at the kids pleading faces. She gets up from kneeling and she says to Yabukuron that it can stay, Yabukuron and the kids are happy. The kids hug Yabukuron. Kikuyo says that Yabukuron wouldn’t breath out the bad smell if you made friends with it. She says that Yuri needs to raise it well. Dento asks if she knew that all along. Kikuyo explain that of course because she is a daycare worker. Iris asks why she didn’t just say that before, so Kikuyo says that whether you have children or Pokemon you have to find out how to raise them on your own. She laughs but Yuri isn’t happy.

Later that night all the Pokemon are cleaning up the rubbish, Mamapeto is carrying a box, Ash is carrying a bit of furniture, Pikachu is carrying a rug, Pokabu is pushing a tyre(Cute), Iris and kibago are carrying boxes, Yanappu is carrying a box, Dento is carrying a bit of furniture. Mijumaru is carrying a box, Tsutaja is unloading things off of a cart, using her vines, to Ishizumai. Ash says that they will continue this until morning, Yabukuron is happy. It’s the morning and everything is alright, in appreciation, Kikuyo gives Ash a Pokemon egg in a incubator. Ash is thankful, so they head off with the kids with waving at them, goodbye. Ash and Co. are headed towards Shippou once again.

Good points

- No bad points


Best wishes episode 14 picture


Best Wishes episode 15 picture


More BW020 sketches, by our faithful girl, Sunyshore.






RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Belle is crazy-hyperactive.

And wow, Chaobuu's moves were amazing. Some graphical greatness is glorious.

BW14 looks cool too, Desumasu causing trouble, and a Dragonite skeleton. Can't wait.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Just some new images, they promise yooteri is going to evolve, and also that page with don george says ash decides to go special train pokabu and mijumaru.



Also this guy, "Professor Zehgeru" apparently is the guy doing research with the meteorite.

Thanks go to Sunyshore.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Hmm. Double battle at Shippou gym? Interesting! Pokabu and Miju working together would make for an epic battle.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Actually it's not a double battle i don't think unless someone on here can translate more, i think it's a single 2 on 2 battle.

Mijumaru uses Aqua jet, why hello new buizle

Pokabu uses Nitro Charge, what's happening chimchar.

So yeah, It mentions that Ash decides to train his pokemon at the battle club. Pokabu enhances his speed and the power of his moves. And even Ash ups his physical ability by swimming with mijumaru. Miruhoggu fights with very fast movement and it seems it can use electric type moves. It makes mention of how both pokemon use attacks that make it so the opponent can't be recalled.

Miruhog is using Mean Look and Yoterrie is using roar.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I saw a few images of the next episode and all I have to say is: what is going on with iris?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Iris? Nothing, I think since Aloe's husband says the building is haunted she says "THE MUSEUM IS HAUNTED!" Then we see dark mist over the museum, to show somethings going on.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Ooh, fun stuff. More glorious fire-type moves that will look uber-spiffy. And if Yorterrie evolves, we'll see if they've done anything special with those graphics.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

*Possible SPOILERS*

Shouldn't next episode be Team Plasma's debut if Anime goes by the game's storyline like it usually does? they've been alluded to by Giovanni in a few past episodes.
or has the new and improved team rocket replaced Team Plasma?

i hope not, because seeing a Team Rocket VS Team Plasma scenario would be cool, kinda like back in the advanced series when we got Team Aqua VS Team Magma.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Episode 16 episode name


Shippou gym rematch! Explosion of confidence!!

airdate: January 13th

Episode 17 title

BW017 - Hatch from the egg and rage!
20 January 2011