pokemon flint version.

do you think the project is going well?

  • it is great and should carry on!

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • errrr,not too bad...

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • no,the pokemon are horrible and you should quit now

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

orlight will stay and ordim will stay the life controlling pokemon controlls life.orlight/dim will only affect things in theyre presence.good news,we now have 56 pokemon.we will do sprites and pictures AFTER we have completed the dex.so lets get to work.and yet another gym,and less importantly before i do this gym*sigh*ellys pichu has been swappped with boomball:).
deeplunge lvl 36
inflaring lvl 30
deefloat lvl 35
cloyster lvl 32
corsella lvl 29

and some dex entrys to keep everyone occupied:
boomball/bomb pokemon/electric/1'2/20lbs/boomball have a carefree personality,and treat life as a game.However,they are very sensetive and explode on impact.
boomblast/bomb pokemon/electric/2'3/47lbs/boomblast travel in groups.boomblast within a small distance will explode along with eachother.
boomba/giant bomb pokemon/6'7/360lbs/boomba move slowly with theyre feet.however,they can exceed 70mph while rolling.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

hey guy sorry but those sprites i can't do them there to hard
I can't do pull it off I get started and then I fail I got a litle peace but further nothing srry guy's
here's a litle piece of bladesol
and i cant  atach it soorry

and I got a watery idea wat do you think of golduck only when male and silvduck when female golduck is psy and water and silvduck could be dark and water what do you think guy 's
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

there are lots of pokemon that you think shouldnt be girls
slowking and mr mime are a few(but we have mrs mime).ok everybody look at the first post and see list of pokemon if you are cobnfused:)will update soon.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

sorry but.. the boomline is too similar to voltorb & electrode...:(
off topic: CF's previous avater was better
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

they arent.you will know when you see them;).just imagin boomball,a little cute baby bomb:)that explodes when you touch him.oh about my avatar,my computer has caught a disease and missingno. has infected it(bum bum BUUUUUUM!!!).we have lots of pokemon now.but we want 111 of them:D.anyway you dont have an avatar:p.and am making new pokemon.lets do more dex entrys:
inflaring/water/life guard pokemon/3'4/10lbs/inflaring has an infinite amount of air.it uses its anchor to attack.because of this usefullness,it is often used to rescue people at sea.
deefloat/water/life saving pokemon/2'1/3lbs/.Deefloat can carry people and other pokemon.it can pinpoint its destination in its brain.it will still follow its course while sleeping.
pyrock/fire-rock/melting pokemon/pyrock will often hide in its shell.it is able to melt rocks at touch.when performing this though,it has to circulate its bllod unnaturally fast.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

OK good entries. just one thing, if inflaring has an infinite amount of air, it would be infininite itself.
oh by the way, I made mrs. mime. I'll post it soon
CF:sorry but I think I can't put attachments in my PM's so... here are the "sugi's" pics you said, I made one of dragolia, one is before editing with paint and the other is after the edit.
Oops! the pic's size is too big. gimme your mail and I'll send it to you, then rezise it so it doesn't loose quality before you see it
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

sorry to double post, but I can't keep editing. is aeireiss (dunno if spelled right) the LCP? and the dragonite-tyranitar etc. lines go at the end of the dex, before the legendaries...
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

ewww how ugly.haha,thats the basic idea of it though.not ugly,....good job though.i dont use my mail ever as i am too young(and cannot be bothered) plus it dosnt work on the computer i use.now if i add bladesol and a few more pokemon then i will count up how much pokemon we have made and how much more we need:).i have storyline done, will be next post(storyline so far).otherwise it would be far too long.updating list next post in about,a few minutes/seconds.actually i have an idea.i am going to make a fan fiction on this:)it will be great.
garchomp didnt:p
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

OH you're right about garchomp.. Oh I forgot to say that! the fox's line can be the second dragonite-tyranitar etc. line along with the dinos' one. stay tunned because when another helper is online, I have lots of ideas!!
EDIT:well here are the pics I told you, don't watch exacly what they are because they loose quality when they're rezised..."escanear 05" is the original, and dragolia is the edited one
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

togepi is on writing iolite fic now bye:)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Hi! It took me a long time to read EVERYTHING you guys said.I could try to make items,but I won't get far because I am very busy with my schedule.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

hello togepi!! wow I can't believe that after only a week or less this thread has got 12 pages!!!!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I know.I had to go to school on wed. thurs. and fri.but I could use the computer today because tomorrow I have no school!Yay!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

any new ideas? I posted at the clan
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

ah i have school day after tommorow:(.oh well,i am always on the computer anyway so,thums up:).i have made fic and will continue tommorow.it is called "a new world" and is based on pokemon iolite.it was built for the following reasons:
1.i have never done one before:p
2.pokemon iolite is intresting and will help kill some time:p
3.it will attract members:)
4.it will tell you guys the storyline of it,so read on!:D
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

what about my dragolia's thing? I've posted at the fic's thread, very impressive!!!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

yes,i couldnt do much but will do a bit more.and i will check the clan now:).REMEMBER IT WOULD BE HELPFUL IF PEOPLE READ THE FIC,BECAUSE IT WOULD GET YOU TO KNOW THE STORYLINE.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i thought of a new move bug splirt is that good it has 70 power,80 accuracy and may lower foes accuracy is that good?
r u guys forgetting about the curry loving maniac dark charizard? I know i hven't been on it i couldn't it was not working i hve drawn this new pokemon and it is so weir u will wet ur pants i will show it 2 u next week on my avatar kk it is a cool charizard (the 1 on my trainer card) eating a big plate of wait for it......CURRY!!! Curry rules! i know that is out of the subject of iolite but can some1 make kitfire if u do not know who the hell kitfire is look on where i discribed him on this thread kk. Also can some1 tell me were the clan for putting the ideas on this iolite thing on miscanulous(spelling wrong?) stuff.ty
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Just post ideas here.Read the story "a new world".It is based on pokemon iolite and will tell you the storyline.its meant to be quite funny actually.No I havnt forgot you.Sprites are hard to make and i said that we will be completing dex before more pictures.and here is evolurion line for you oli:

kitfire-lvl 16-nyarpuss-lvl 40 male-roalion
lvl 40 female-roaliess
sorry about the mmmmmmmmmm bit on the title.any ideas oli?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

why is that mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thing on the tittle?(I didin't know how many there were and would probably lose count counting them:))