Pokemon Ice Version

@Umbreon/Espeon: Your fakemon look good, though we will have to clean them up a bit. We now need some electric types and also some poison types.
I made this right now. I think it should be Electric/Psychic or Electric/Steel


Hope ya like it :D
I don't have a name for it lol
Things came up recently and had to attend to them. I will be dedicating most of my day tomorrow programming and getting the battle system working.
electric fakemon

Here is an electric fakemon. The first stage is called voltacoot(Voltage+bandicoot). The second stage is called Voltaroo(Voltage+Kangaroo). I'm not sure if it should be pure electric type of electric/dark type.
Thanks for the designs silazu.

I will be working on improving Sephora Town by adding a couple more things into it and start working on the database and getting the materials uploaded as well.
I have been working more on the programming and have transferred about 99% of all the materials (not including the ones on this thread). I am also working on getting some of the scripts completed for the battle system and hopefully they will end up working.
@MotorRotom I didn't even notice that lol. I think it may be the ears that make it look like a miniature umbreon

@Ice Arceus No problem glad I can help :)
I got a number of things completed with the programming recently. I am now dealing with a series of problems with compiling the data. With this I can't really 'Playtest' and can't really test it out. I am going to try editing the scripts more so I can have access to the playtesting. Besides that I have edited Sephora Town more to make it looks less-empty. Sephora Town is the first town with a Pokemart and a Pokemon Center.

After I get completed with Sephora Town I will be starting on Route 2 (which comes before Sephora Town in the map). Route 2 is one of the biggest routes on the island and will take a while to get completed.
I made some new Pokemon.Tell me what you think of them!
Fossil Pokemon
Mawile Evolution
Poison Pokemon
Sableye Evoltion(Not colored)
Sableye Pre-Evolution(Not colored)
Fire Cat
Sorry I haven't been active.I'm running out of ideas,so any ideas would be HIGHLY appreciated.
@Umbreon/Espeon: Thanks for the art.

I am almost completed with Sephora Town, but the middle part of the map just looks plain and hope to add something there. I have also completed adding the water tilesets on to the map. I am going to try editing the scripts more, adding/deleting some so the battle system could start working.
At the moment I am trying to get some of the scripts to work. I am not at the moment asking for much artwork/sprites because there are several things wrong with the scripts which I am trying to fix. Besides that the only things I will need will be some town and cave names.
I am sorry to say that IcyChezburger is no longer part of PokeBeach. Obviously, he isn't stat creator then, either.
I am currently making progress on the Ice Version "TCG series."
The stats I am formatting into both "dots" out of six, like the guide book, and base stats out of 150. Some extreme pokemon may have more, like Alomomola having Base 170 HP, Groudon having base 190 attack, and Kyogre having base 180 Sp. Atk.

Anything else we need? I need a card template badly.
you're having problems? D: I read earlier on you're not in a big hurry for artwork right now right?
So i might come back later, think of some good ideas while you get things figured out.
Sorry, I've been sick so I haven't gotten any art work done. But if you don't need any artwork right now then I can see if I can help with anything else, although I can't program or anything like that.
@MotorRotom: Could you try possibly putting all the stats that you have made into one post and post it again. I will need it for the one of the files.

@Garitter & silazu: There have been several problems with the scripts and am trying to fix them as best as I can. There is a possible solution, but will take a while and I will need to re-organize the scripts a bit more. At the moment there isn't a big hurry to get the artwork completed, but if you guys feel like contributing more artwork then thats great. Another thing that is needed are sprites of the Pokemon. We don't have many sprites, so we need to catch up with the spriting.

@Umbreon/Espeon: The types of Pokemon that we are low on are water-type Pokemon.