Pokemon Ice Version

Ice Arceus I am currently spriting Empeteor and have made up names for the elephant pokemon a few pages back I remember the first evo was Elepire.
@Master☪Illusion❈Zoroark: Sorry, though I forgot to mention we don't accept fusion Pokemon sprites. We would rather prefer them to be made from scratch.
Here is Sephora Town. I managed to add a hill containing the Pokemon Center and Pokemart. The middle is empty and don't really know what to add. I will take suggestions to what you guys would like to see.

EDIT: I forgot to save it, but on the previous version of the Sephora Town I had some grasses so I will have to re-add those and then I will post another picture of Sephora Town. I will also start working on getting Route 2 completed tomorrow. The programming is going slow, but will try to get all of it completed.
@Umbreon/Espeon: It will take an hour to a couple of hours. You have to really plan how you want the town to look like and be able to add your ideas on to the map. Since I had other things going on and had to program with scripts, I guess it took be about an hour in all to make it since I had to plan it out and know where to add certain things.

@Master☪Illusion❈Zoroark: Do you know how to sprite from scratch?
For the center maybe you can add some kind of shrine or memorial. It could maybe tell a bit about the legendaries, but say it's like worn away or something to not give everything away.
sephora town looks nice, this is the second town right? Perhaps you could add an evil team base or something but you can't get into it until after. Or instead of a shrine how about a museum that has the remains of one of the regions legendary or where you could obtain the fossil.
@Umbreon/Espeon thanks :)

@Master☪Illusion❈Zoroark thanks, and I know this is kind of off topic but I agree BBA is an awesome comic.
Cards are coming along slowly, but surely.

@ Master Illusion Zoroark, that's spam. Save it for PM's.

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