Pokemon Ice Version

will do! cant wait, stoked to see whaty you did with it


http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=tiger fakemon&order=9&offset=24#/d3c38tv

kinda of like this for the Baiger lol but not exactly, so you know what direction im going for
@ramsey ok, I'll see if I can come up with something similar to that

@ Ice Arceus can't wait to see the battle system
Here is the quick draft of the battle system. This is going to be how the battle looks like. Credit goes to PokemonEssentials for the template.

EDIT: And credit to silazu for the amazing sprites.
Just a quick question, can we make alternate evolutions from the actual Pokemon that Game Freak uses?

Also, that Battle thing looks great.
@ramsey1993: The Pokemon? At the moment I am not thinking of making them animated since it takes many frames and is a pain to add.

@Hatman: Sure.

@silazu: Thanks.
@Silazu- it looks aammaazziinngg! looks just like how i pictured it! I want yourrrrrrrrr opinion, do you think itd look a lil bettter with 2 small stripes on its front legs or no?

i was also testing out someeee colors, and blacks stripes look amazing and for its maine(if i spelled that right) a littttle bit darker than white gray color and the rest of the body white and itll be super good. You are very talented, thank you!!!!
@ramsey do you mean strips intead of socks on the socks or both. At on time I had stripe on the legs but they looked kind of empty so I replaced it with socks. But yeah it looks good with the stripes and the socks.
post it, i wanna see yours too! lol

@ silazu- you can post your picture too, i really like it. i think you got it the first time! lol forgot my earlier comments! lol u can collor it however you want and sprite it if you want
@ramsey1993, I'm coloring it right now I should have it finished in about in hour or two if nothing happens.

@Ice Arceus, I forgot to ask this lat night but do you want me to start spriting things facing right so the pokemon will be facing the opponent and you want have to worry about flipping it or anything.