Pokemon Ice Version

You should try a white tiger pokemon ( my favorite animal!). basic and stage 1 line. Basic can be a cub with little nubs for teeth(a cub like Rufflet, Mandibuzz and etc.) and the stage one can be a lil Fiercer. It should be a normal type because its white and etc (duh). Thats my first idea! And itll be like the Spinda of the generation, no two will have the same tiger patterns lol.


name-Baiger (Baby+Tiger)
attack-Fang Thrust (like armthrust, but repeatedly biting the foe for 1-5 turns)

If you dont like the name or think of a better one, let me know

I didnt think of a name for the stage 1 white tiger yet
umbreon/espeon is working on it for me, i just give ideas to artists and they make it for me. imma try to do unused animals lol. does the white tiger idea sound good?
@ramsey1993: I like the idea, though will have to see it first. Also Umbreon/Espeon needs to clean the images a bit up or PM it somebody who can re-draw it onto the computer.
At the moment we have lot more ice types then other types. Probably this Pokemon could possibly be a normal type Pokemon, since we don't have much of those yet.
I'm working on avatars and banners,so it might not be done until tomorrow.I'll also ask my dad if he can show me how to use a scanner.
@Umbreon/Espeon: Okay

I am currently working on getting the added, and if that happens then I will be re-positioning them for how they will be presented into the battle.
Hatman said:
Hey, I joined this project back when it first started (see Post 106), but I never actually did anything. Now, over the past few days, I've sort of been looking at this thread, and decided to just rejoin, probably just to do concept art, or maybe draw that really cool Ice legendary for the Box Art. Maybe I could help out?

Also, Sharpeon's link is broken.
Hi. So can I (re)join?
@Hatman: Sure you can re-join.

I tried to edit the editor more, but made some mistakes by adding some trainers and mis-placing some of the Pokemon. If it doesn't work then I will have to edit the battle system from the game database system and then make some changes to the PBS files.
All this editing is tiring and probably will only work if I add it to the PBS files and edit the system from the program itself. If it does end up working then that will be awesome and lucky.

I sprited Trectrock.
@silazu: That looks amazing, thanks. Could you possibly sprite the ice type? Also I will be using two of the sprites to create a sort of rough draft of the battle system.
Thanks.I didn't see an ice type version of Trectrock, I'll have to look through the thread again, but yeah I can sprite it. I can't wait to see the battle system hopefully my sprites work out for it.
Yeah hopefully they fit into the battle system nicely. I will have to reposition them most likely after I find a way to work it out and activate it via conditional branching.
@ramsey1993 if Umbreon/Espeon doesn't draw the white tiger fakemon for you then I would be more than happy to give it a shot since it sounds like a nice idea.
sure! thank you!!!!! i have be trying to find someone to do it! i always like when more than one person works on it, better diversity.

you got all the info right? you need me re-post it?
and if youre gonna draw it, are you going to sprite it right away?
No I won't sprite it till I know you or Ice Arceus likes it first. You don't have to re-post the info I've seen it.