Pokemon Ice Version

@silazu: I will test that size out in the battle system, but think it is a bit too big.

@Garitter: I don't quite remember either xP. Sorry. I guess we will just make that a common Pokemon. I have updated the front post with all your artwork links. And also repost them once you are done. The remade drawing is great I will update the front post with the art.

I will try finishing up the scripts today and get started working on getting the cement tiles to work and hopefully post the updated version of Sephora Town soon.

Updated the front post with Garitter's artwork.
I am truly sorry for not being on much more than I have. I have just been busy with my life y'all. I am truly back this time. Your Pokemon Ice Version Co-Boss, Dustin
EDIT: Anything like names that you need Ice Arceus? I have two Pokemon names. They are as follows: Mitoran, and Imperiting. I have another name too that I'm not sure about; Ikotryl. I can make some sprites if you want. By the way, did I ever add the Bloss VS Sprite? I thought I did. If so, would you mind adding that, and the Team TerraFrost Commander? Thank you! ~ Pokemon Ice Version Co-Boss Dustin

Here is a sprite for Chikrit and Pixchi
@Dustin: Nice to see you back. Those two Pokemon names are great. What we need know would be some mountain names and also some restaurant names as well.

@silazu: Those looks great I will add them into the database.

I am almost completed with the Pokemon lab introduction script, Pokeball encounter script, and the Conditional Button script. After this I will start working on Route 2 and finishing up Sephora Town :smashcomp
gotta say im not a fan of the ice ball, seems to big. but thats just me. but i gotta say i loveeeeeee the first grass ball, electric ball and my absolute fav, the tribal ball! maybe the new safari ball? if there is one. keep up the greatttt work!
@Shaymin6.6: That potion looks great I will add it to the game database.

@ramsey1993: Thanks.

I will be finishing up Sephora Town and Route 2 and be posting both soon, hopefully around two days.
I'm making a new art thread,with a lot of my stuff.Bur It's taking so long to make,it'll probably be done later or tomorrow.I also have some new Fakemon in there.
@Umbreon/Espeon: Cool

Another thing I forgot to mention is that throughout the game the player will be given missions by the Professor's assistants. Some missions include saving a Pokemon, defeating a Pokemon, catching a certain Pokemon and taking it to a certain place. I am still trying to construct the basic script, but hopefully it should be completed soon.
Mountain Name: Iceroft Mountains (as suggested earlier in the thread by me) By the way, do you have any waterfall tiles Ice Arceus? TY! ~Co-Boss Dustin
@Dustin: Yes I do have a tileset for a waterfall. I am planning on putting one inside a cave and one outside in the open. Probably near the top right corner of the map.
Aha! As mentioned earlier, Tokaw Cave shall be in the Iceroft Mountains. There will be a waterfall in Tokaw Cave, and you will be able to obtain the Ice Sphere; the key item to awaken Rectrice. :) I was also wondering if anyone (silazu) could make a sprite for Trectrock. That would be wonderful if you had the spare time silazu. Thanks! ~Co-Boss Dustin
@Dustin: Actually Tokaw cave is going to be located somewhere else on the map besides being resided in the Iceroft mountains. I don't want to too many things inside a mountain. The Ice Sphere/Ice Orb will be most likely located in the Iceroft Mountain.

@Shaymin6.6: What is needed the most would be the items. Some basic items that I need spriting are the escape rope, repel, max repel, and a healing herb.

@Umbreon/Espeon: I will check it out.

I will be posting Sephora Town and Route 2 tomorrow.
@Dustin: There are still many things confusing about the programming, which I hope to learn. But making simple event scripts don't take long to master. Event scripts are used throughout the game and mostly consist of conditional branches, conditional buttons, scripts, text, etc. It would be helpful if there were more programmers helping out with the game (so we could complete more quickly).
I have not one inkling of what you just said :3 I'm listening to the Nyan Cat music, and it's brainwashed me! By the way, (I say By the way too much :|), I will not be on this weekend due to me visiting my dad. I will also be recording songs for my album which will also interfere with me being on. Sorry :(! ~Co-Boss Dustin