Pokemon Ice Version

Just wondering what language this is in because I'm just learning programming now (started in september) and I know the basics I just would have to learn the new language.

Here is the origami pokemon sprited.

@Dustin, I don't mind spriting Trectrock, I'm going to have to find it through the thread though.
@i_guess_i_will_try: Ruby

@silazu: Thanks for the sprite, I will add it to the in-game database. Also I will try posting a screenshot with two of your sprites in a battle to see how the battle system will look like.
Hey, I joined this project back when it first started (see Post 106), but I never actually did anything. Now, over the past few days, I've sort of been looking at this thread, and decided to just rejoin, probably just to do concept art, or maybe draw that really cool Ice legendary for the Box Art. Maybe I could help out?

Also, Sharpeon's link is broken.
I've been following this project for awhile and never posted. I dont nescecarilly wanna work on it so much as give ideas. I can help especially with evelutions. Im not the greatest drawer but maybe one of your drawers could put my ideas to life. I love the yak pokemon the best. Nice work you guys
@chellochello: Thanks, also we're always open for ideas.

@Shaymin6.6: Its good, but looks a bit too small.

@silazu: Wow awesome sprite. Thanks.

I have been really busy for the past few days and haven't really had time to do anything dealing with the game except edit the in-game database. I was formerly going to post the updated pics of Sephora Town and post the Route 2, but after looking at Sephora Town more, I started to think it needed more work. I will be working on it a bit, and then post it whenever I get time. Though something that I will be posting soon will be a quick shot of the battle system and how it will look like in the game.
@chellochello: You can start anytime. I will read through your ideas and pick the ones that will work out the most. I am reaching the point where I will read through anyones ideas and finalize it.
@IceArceus- I would also love to help give you ideas for things. Just tell me what you need ideas for and I'll help. I'll either be on here or you can PM whenever you want!
-That is if you accept my help..
Umbreon/Espeon said:
I am in need of fakemon ideas.Maybe you could help me with that?

Sure, why not. PM with your ideas, wants and etc and work from there. Same goes with you Ice Arceus! lol
already checked it out, waiting for ice arceus! i posted an idea for a good pokemon on Umbreon/Espeon's thread in the lilycove art muesm. If you want to check out the idea, go for it! Its a white tiger pokemon! When he draws it and you like it, maybe someone can sprite it?
@ramsey1993: We are always welcome for ideas. We are at the moment reaching the point where will work with the ideas and see if they could work out in the game.

I am working with two sprite Pokemon that silazu has made and see if they work with the battle system editor.