Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

@silazu haha, lets see how that goes. Never had albino pokemon characters before.

@Ice Arceus

When you say terrafrost that really (in my mind) means frozen world...Its just hard to think of anything else for them to do. I think climate lowering would be good, and the only thing that really makes sense for them. The legendary should get snow warning (or a new name for the ability with the same effects like turboblaze to mold breaker) to suppliment this idea. I think the outfits should be made for cold weather for sure, with the leaders having distict colors and designs.

EDIT:And for the Ice Staff Userbars on the front page...Do you think we should get some new ones? I think we should have one that says Pokemon Ice Version with the three starters on it. If its ok with you Ice, Il see if someone can make it. Also, I cant get the links to the usebars to put in my signature.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Um, I dont follow that at all. If you click the links on the front page, there are loads of fakemon
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

@silazu: Thanks for the professor, I will add it to the intro script and post screenshot(s) regarding the introduction of the game. Besides adding it, I just have to re-position the sprite.

@patrick329: I will check it out, thanks.

@SpaceBehemoth: Yeah, I guess lowering the climate and making the region inhabitable for the Pokemon to thrive would be good main goal for the team. If you guys want more userbars we can get more. You just copy the url of the userbar and put
around the url.

Icelet Town as well as other intro screenshots will be posted later.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Yeah I know about coding :)

but I cant get the URL from the userbars.

Also, how would oyu like me to display my ideas? And how many co-leaders do we want?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Right-click > Copy Image URL.

Do you mean Co-Leaders for the game or for this thread?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

No, I meant for the evil team. What do you mean by thread co leaders?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Well there isn't a specific way I want you to display your ideas. You can just post whatever you have. For this thread we have Co-Leaders. They are the ones who run this thread and answer questions whenever I am logged off.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Oh ok. And Im asking you how many evil team co-leaders do you want? And are the pokemon on the front page all accepted? Because Il come up with some evil team usual pokemon if thats ok.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Around 3-4 Co-Leaders. Yeah most of, if not all Pokemon on the front post are all ready accepted into the game. Though there are more Pokemons scattered through out this thread. I will be going to back through all the pages (eventually) and getting all the Pokemon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

OK, well should I start making line ups for them? I cant do concept art caus eIm on vacation and dont have a scanner or camera, and besides, I suck at drawing :p

But Il make (pokemon) teams for them and can start developing there personalities and all that. Which legendary is the main one for them? And are you going to use the idea of making it have a new (named) version of snow warning?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Yes, you can start making the line-ups. The main legendary is Serpentice. Also I will see what I can do about the Snow Warning idea.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Ok. I would name the ability something else though. Something freeze like. Mega Freeze or somethign like that. Is that legendary picture on the front page?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

I think Garriter has the updated Serpentice version on her DeviantArt page. You can check there.

What should the ability's effect be?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

I was saying it should be a clone of snow warning (maybe a little extra something? Like being able to hit through protect 100% of the time in snow?) but with a unique name, Like how turbo blaze is a clone of mold breaker
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

The ability to attack through protect in the snow.... Interesting....
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Well, in hail blizzard usually has a 30% chance of hitting through protect. So I was thinking with this guy we have his ability cause hail and all of his Ice moves hit through it...That sounds unique and makes sense without being overpowered. And as for the level, it depends on how long the main game is and when you encounter it, but if its the standard (right by 8th gym) propably lvl 45-55
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Serpentice will have the ability to create hail during the battle. The ability will power it causing the Pokemon (who uses protect) to get damaged.

For the level I was thinking around 70-75, to make it more challenging.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

Well, I would say dont have hte legend any more then 5 levels above where the trainers pokemon should be at that point. I was just thinking about kyogre and groudons abilities and was thinking Snow Flurry or just Flurry would be a better name.

So, Im thinking the ability could go like this:

When brought into battle, this pokemon creates a lasting hailstorm. When hail is in effect, This pokemon Ice moves can hit through the oponents forms of protection.

How does that sound?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *3 New Screenshots - Check Recent Post*

I like it.

The trainer will be able to encounter the legendary Pokemon after battling the champion. We want to make this game challenging for the players. The player will meet the champion in Wintibir Town and that is when the player learns about Serpentice.