Pokemon Ice Version

with some of the new abilities created with similar affects as the actual abilities present in the pokemon games...
would it be easy to script into the game?? :eek:
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

It took be several hours but got Route 1 completed. The next town that I will complete will be Icelet Town, which will be posted tonight or tomorrow.

These attachments can also be found on the front post....
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

Nice screen shots they look cool. I like how you made route 1.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

I don't know if it's worth anything, but I am calculating the exact stats of the elite four's Pokemon at level 50.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

If you still need help with any Fakemon movesets, base stats, abilities, etc, I'd be glad to help. Route 1 looks amazing by the way.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

I don't know, I asked Garitter to come up with movesets, because he drew most of the Pokemon, but we are only doing Elite Four movesets so I can make their teams right now, but IceArceus will let you know when we need help with movepools.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *2 New Pics - Check Front Post*

@silazu: Thanks.

@nabby101: Thanks nabby. If you would like to help then you can.

Since I am getting closer to finishing setting up the mini-demo of the game I will probably start sign-ups soon for play testing. I am planning to get around 4 people to play test the mini-demo version out to see if it works fine. After the 4 people play through the demo the mini-demo will be available to the rest of the community. I am thinking of getting 2 Pokemon Ice Team members and 2 non-Team members to work play through the demo.

The final version of Icelet Town will be posted soon.
All right. That means we have 3 more spots left.

After 4 people get to try it out the community will get to playtest it.
Can I Test it Ice? :)

Ice Arceus said:
It took be several hours but got Route 1 completed. The next town that I will complete will be Icelet Town, which will be posted tonight or tomorrow.

These attachments can also be found on the front post....

Why is route one sooo big? Hahaha :p and why does it have a PokeMart?
I think it also needs more grass in the paths.
Garitter, I need you to please make movepools for the dark type elite four and the other 2 psychic elite four Pokemon. I will add the last two psychic types.
Tester #1: nabby101
Tester #2: Hooker
Tester #3: patrick329
Tester #4: superstarxalien169
Tester #5:
Tester #6:

I decided to add two more testing positions.
Yes, you guys play the demo and see if everything works fine. If there's a glitch of some sort or the battle transition isn't working quite well then you would report it to me. However, I will be playtesting the game first to see if any problems rise up.
Will do.

I am planning to go in order and send individual PMs to the testers. The demo should be sent around mid-next week/end of next week, but isn't official yet.
The fakemon won't be present in the game, since I haven't gotten to editing the templates and uploading them. They will most likely be presented in the next game demo.

Two more game testing spaces left....