Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Shell Pokemon~

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Garitter. Though I was wondering do you think that the shell Pokemon should have an evolution. They both look nearly the same so I don't know if we should have an evolution for that Pokemon. Oh well I will think about it later on. Thanks again Garitter.

Whenever you are free Garitter could you make a monkey type Pokemon. You don't need to do it straight away, just whenever you have time.

@Jayj4: Well we are in need of gym leaders. I was thinking a gym leader that is the height of Volkner. Not a kid. The gym leader should be a ghost type gym leader.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Name- Mushizu (derived from the Japanese words insect and water )
Classification: Light armor Pokemon
Type: Bug/Water
Height: 2' 1"
Weight: 12 lbs
Ability: Compound eyes or Clear body
Pokedex entry: The shell it hides in grows with its body, and it never leaves its shell. The large points on its back are tough enough to shatter rocks.

Name: Kawayoroi (Derived from the Japanese words shell and armor)
Classification: Heavy armor Pokemon
Type: Bug/Water
Height: 4' 3"
Weight: 50 lbs
Ability: Battle armor
Pokedex Entry: It hides itself under the sand and mud at the bottom of oceans and lakes. Its tentacle like feet are covered with a sticky substance that allows it to stick to almost anything. The shell covering its body is extremely thick and can cut through steel.

( sorry that I'm using Japanese names. I just can't come up with anything.. ^_^; so if you would like, you can try to think of a better name for it if you don't like the Japanese names. )

Sure! It doesn't have to have an evolution, and you can always scrap the prevo of that shell Pokemon. XD I don't mind at all.. and sure thing. I'll create a monkey Pokemon. ^^
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Again thanks Garitter for the Pokedex entries. I will see if I can think of names in English. If anybody else has suggestions for the names then they can post some of their ideas for the names.

Okay guys I am currently updating the front post. It should be done soon.

Okay guys I have finally updated the front post. It took a while but I got it done. In the Fakemon section the bolded names are the new ones. I didn't bold the sprite names in the Sprite Section, but I have updated with new sprites.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Here you go:

It is a rough sketch
Hopefully that isn't kid-like :p, I decided to go for the 'French' sort of look if you don't mind, if it isn't good enough please tell me n_n
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I'll sprite for you. just Pm me if you need any help.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Jayj4: Much better. I will add it to the front post and we will decide later on if he is good enough to be in the game. Thanks again Jayj4, I appreciate the help.

@JaySamuel: Sure you can help to sprite since we only have one spriter for the game, but isn't active much. But could you possibly show some of your sprite work? Because whenever we ask people who want to sprite to show their sprite work they don't reply back.

EDIT: Updated front post with the URL of the Gym Leader that Jayj4 made.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Do you want me to colour it? Or do something else? Cause I'm not busy for the next two days :p
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Okay yeah you can color it Jayj4. Could you also make another gym leader as well like a fire type?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Ok, I'm going to go now, but I have nearly finished the colouring the gym leader, and I will sketch the other fire one tomorrow, bye :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

<3 I can draw people too... I can draw pretty much anything, so if you ever need help designing gym leaders, elite four, other people.. and such. Just tell me. :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Garitter could you possibly draw a gym leader that specializes in flying-type Pokemon? Sorry if I asked too much already. You can draw the gym leader anytime you want.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

No no. You haven't asked too much at all. xD I'm happy to have a lot to draw. ^^ Keeps me occupied. lol I can do that,
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I am glad that you love to draw. I like drawing as well, though I don't post it. Anyways I am glad that we have someone that is an active drawer for the game. =)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

^__^ No problem. Drawing is fun~ heehee..

so, do you want the gym leader to be a boy or a girl and at around which age range? Or doesn't it matter? :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Hmmm, lets see what about a girl gym leader that specializes in flying-types around the age of Volkner or a bit under.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Okedokie!! =D I'll work on that right now.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Thanks Garitter. I am surprised that we got a lot of artwork done today and also got the front post updated with the artwork.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

A name for Jayj4's Frog:

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

There are also other Pokemon that are located on the front post that don't have names yet. We are taking suggestions for those. You will see the one that say No Names. If anyone else have suggestions then we are need for the names.