Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@ Ice Arceus: Any chance you would be willing to use RPGXP? I can get you this for free if you would like. It would allow us to make the game easier plus we get an essentials pack which we would lack with Game Maker. XD
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: I was actually looking at other forums and what programs they use to make their games and I have seen that most people use RPGXP. So I downloaded it but I got an nTitle Server error and couldn't really access it. Good thing is that I have Windows XP on another computer so I could try it on that. Also I do agree that it makes the game designing much easier and is nicer. Also I would appreciate if you could get this for free.

Sorry guys I haven't been active for about 1-2 days now. I thought that I would take a day or two off away from the computer. I was just so busy and thought that I should take a while off from the computer. I am back and now and hoping to start working on the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I sent you a PM Containing information pretaining to RPG Maker XP
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

New sprite:
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: Thanks I will check out the PM.

@Shaymin6.6: Thanks for working on the sprite. I appreciate the help.

I will try to get the front post updated soon with necessary updates.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Yeah, the sprites. I did not do the artwork, the fabulous Garriter did.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Static Kid: Thanks for the kind words. Everyone is working very hard to make the game a success.

@toille12345: Well the Egyptian Cat sprite isn't on the front post. Though I won't use the sprite that you have made for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Thank you very much. I hope you guys do well in the future, and can make this game a success!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@toille12345: Thanks, we hope that one day you help out again.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@ Ice Arceus: Were basically just getting a whole bunch of hodge podge ideas and slopping them all into a pile and not doing anything about them. We need you to take some organizational lead or I could help out and get the list compiled. As of right now were 42 Pages in and a lot of the stuff we have done is either not on the main page or useless. We really need to get our act together and set forth on the right foot here. I'm going to go ahead and try compiling the list; 42 Pages to go through. lol

Edit: Change both of those 42's to 43's.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: You're right. Okay I am going to act serious about this now. I have just been busy with things that I couldn't get to everything, but now I am going to take this seriously.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@ Ice Arceus: I am starting the organization now about 5 pages in. Will edit this post when I am done.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: Okay thanks. I am also running out of space a little on my computer so I had to delete some things before installing the RPG Maker XP. Also thanks for sending me the step by step guide.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@ Ice Arceus: Okay instead of spending two hours cycling through all this let's do this;

@ Everyone: Any artwork or sprites you have submitted to us we would like to be re-finalized. If it becomes confirmed artwork let us know and we will compile it into the list of comfirmed items.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

This game seems to be epic. One of the few fake games I will actually look forward too. Keep it up guys. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if you
need anything done from Photoshop etc.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@HeroOfSinnoh: Thanks I appreciate the kind words. I will PM you if we need anything done that could be done with Photoshop.

I will be going through some of the previous pages and getting some of the things I have missed out to put on the front post and add it on to that.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Shaymin6.6: Yeah that is good enough to be in the game. I really like the design.

@Wobbuffet: I am actually thinking at the moment if we need your Pokemon in the game. We might use it later on, I will just see how the other Fakemon turn out to be.

EDIT: From now on I will be posting the fakemon onto the front post once I see it. It will save me time and it will get update regularly. I am still going to the previous pages picking some of the fakemon up and will add it to the front post soon.

Also added the fakemon that Shaymin6.6 has made.