Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Listen, Ice Arceus, I was your main spriter, for a little while, I took time out of my schedule to sprite for you guys, oh, and believe me, it was fun. But, after awhile I looked on the 1st post, and under the workers was everyone else, but toille12345. After all the work I did for you, you never gave me credit for any of the work, I even pm'd you to ask you to put me up on the first post as a main spriter. But, that never happened, I waited, asked again, but still nothing, while new workers got their names up their immediately. I never got any credit, or even better, no thanks whatsoever for my spriting. That is why i would like to take my sprites back, if you will...
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Sorry guys, but I have a bit of bad news.
Because of some complications.... at home with my Dad
I probably wont be on for a while.
Gomenasai.(I'm sorry)
^_^;; That and.. things are... very very stressful for me right now. I'll still be thinking of ideas, however.. I will not be posting anything until further notice.
I hope things go well while I am gone.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

omg, hopefully it goes well for you Garritter n_n
Ice arceus, nearly finished with the sprite no.1 (I know I haven't done much work) but it is because I too have 'things' going on right now.... so hopefully I will send it to you by the end of this week :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@toille12345: Ah I see now. Well since I couldn't keep up with everything that had totally left my mind. I just couldn't keep up with most of the things. During that time I had complication with the programming. I spent many hours trying to get the program to work, though no use. I don't remember you sending me a PM about putting your name on the front post, if you did then it just probably slipped my mine, I had many things going on. I understand that you are furious about this matter and I apologize. I could put your name on the front post right now if you want, but will only put it if you still want to help out with the game, if you don't then I will take the sprites out of the front post. So the final decision is up to you, I could add your name to the front post or you can decline and ask me to take your sprite work out of the front post.

@Garitter: I hope that things will get sorted out in your family. Well we will miss you for the time that you'll be gone. Hopefully you'll get more rest and sort things out.

@Jayj4: Thanks Jayj4, I appreciate the help.

At the moment everyone is busy. I have things going on as well which reduces my time online. Hopefully I will get more time soon and sort somethings out with the game and still program.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I will start working on Griffinch & Griffavia now, but it may take a while as the holidays where I live have ended.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Wobbuffet: Okay thanks.

I'll start spriting some of the Pokemon since we don't have many active spriters, so I will start on those and will hopefully finish those soon. I also need to update the front post with the pictures of the Pokeballs that the Jayj4 and I have made.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

^ You also need to update the coloured version of the gym leader that I made n_n
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Yeah that had slipped away. Thanks for reminding me I will update the front post right now with that.

EDIT: Okay I have updated the front post only with the colored version of the gym leader
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Still need my help...? I am getting bored and need something new to do daily. The same game, everyday, is boring me.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: Sure you can help. We need the help anyways.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: Ah what can you do?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Program, or make maps. I'm to lazy to scratch sprite anymore.

Edit: I might make a few but only if I have the urge or though process, I could also do data tables.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Could you help with the programming?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

How far are you into it and what would you need?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Well not that far. I haven't had the time for a while. I was too engaged with the art of the Pokemon as well as getting the sprites in before the programming. I just need help with the game play. I will add your name to the front post if you can help with the programming.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

What program are we using? Also is there a zip file I can get?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Well I had it somewhere around the pages a while back. I had saved it as an attachment I think. I don't quite remember when but it was around June/July. I am trying to learn the basics of the codings, we already have some of the movement codings.

EDIT: We could use Game Maker or RPG MAKER XP.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Didn't I supply the movement awhile back? It's Game Maker 8 if I remember correctly. As a matter of fact I just MIGHT have a zip on my desktop, let me take a look.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I have the movement codings on the Pokemon Ice Version forums that charidude created. I have it saved there on a thread.