Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I like this idea! I am a bit to busy to actually help up. I really like the icicle ball fakemon! Anyways, keep up the good work and I look forward to finished project!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@LostVoice: Thanks for your kind words. Though it might take a while to finish everything up, but i hope that everything works out.

I will be updating the front post today, as well as start programming on some things.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Updated the front post with some of the artwork and sprites I didn't add. Since I got some of the sprites that some members made I will be working on adding them into the game. Hopefully the program that I am using will work on my computer. If I missed any artwork out then please notify me.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Chiraami: Thanks, but it will take a while to actually get the whole project completed. We have tons of artworks/sprites for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Well were basically starting from complete scratch with RPGMXP so what do you want to start out on? Tiles?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Charizard88: Yes we could start on the tiles. I am right now deleting some unnecessary files so I have space to download RPGMXP.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Here is a box art; Temporary for now until we get a main Pokemon.


RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Charizard88: Wow that is very impressive I will add that onto the front post. Thanks.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

That is very impressive. Not symbol of realism though, which I always love to see, even if th small text on it says this isn't Official.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

It was a quick copy and paste of 3 images, and a dump tool for the BG. It took like a minute to throw together as something temporary. So it doesn't really matter.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

This is still temporary until we get further along the game and then we can try posting the new game box art.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

I love this. I'm a huge fan of Garitter's work. The ideas are creative and original. Keep up the outstanding work, guys.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

I'm making another fakemon but it will take a long time to finish.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

I'm liking the box art. I know it's temporary but still I would've liked one of the fakemon being on the cover :D Great work anywayz.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

@ Everyone: I decided to redo it again, ignore the back ground I am still working on making a good one. However I am happy with the overall appearance for version 2, let me know what you guys think. :D


RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Ice Version Box Art Added*

@SinnohTrainer17: Thanks.

@SmashUp: Okay though once you post it we will need to approve if it will be in the game or not.

@HeroOfSinnoh: Well we got another version up including a fakemon now on the front box.

@Charizard88: Like the new version box art Charizard88. Though we have a ice legendary for the game and the artwork is on the front post. Though the problem is, is that it isn't in a colored form yet. Garitter hasn't colored it yet. But the second version is nice. Thanks

Since I have gotten all that "junk" off my computer I can finally download the program for the design and start programming. Though at the moment I have a major earache and will probably set-up the program and all once I get relieved from this horrible earache which is driving me crazy.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@ Ice Arceus: I would have used the Ice Legend but it isn't colored yet like you said, so I found the only colored ice pokemon I could find. So I just kind of went with that over Articuno, since someone above suggested I use an actual Pokemon from the fakemon list. Glad to hear you can now get the program. I'm still trying to learn how to use the program so no rush.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@Charizard88: Yeah I just hope that it will work this time on my computer. If not then I will have to turn to the helpful information that you provided me.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Go towards the end of the PM if you get an ntitles server error - it's a common error among Windows 7 and Vista seeing as RPGMXP Was designed for XP. Haha