Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*


this is a sprite that i made of charcolt
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@Gr8Ampharos: Wow that is very cool. You did a nice job on that. The only thing that is different that I see is that the fire on the head and tail are a bit different from the the artwork. Also it seems like that you have also used the flames of Ponyta. I am trying to stay away from seeing other sprite features copied that are already used. So if you could make the changes with the fire then that would be very much appreciated.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@ Ice Arceus: Add BKoala88 - That's me.

@ Gr8Ampharos: That's very good! :eek: However the back leg facing us could use a little touch up, it's to jagged. You can't edit a ponyta sprite and call it your own that's a fusion. -__- Nice attempt but you failed.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

ok -__- (meany)
i'll try to make it look better if i can
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@Charizard88: Okay I added you.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Awhh gawdd lol, you criticise too much Charizard..... lawl
I 'll get to it ;)
About the Pokeballs, I am making a flying one, which has 3x the catch rate if the Pokemon is a flying type.
EDIT: Made the Flying Pokéball:

Hopefully it is good enough
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Here's the Caterpillar
i know its kinda bad, but I'm still a newb at the program.


  • catti.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 18
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@Jayj4: Sorry though that doesn't really seem to me like a flying ball. It just seems like a light blue ball with a feather on it. Try to change the color and make sure that the feather is actually printer onto the pokeball.

@angelo1104: Ummmm. I think you should try getting used to the program first. Though I would recommend you drawing it first and then try drawing it on the computer.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

I am working on the fire Pokeball but can't get it to look right. I have tried many things, though can't really get a flame look on the Pokeball. I have re-colored it to look more red, though am still trying to get it to look more of a fire pokeball. Though once I get it right I will update the front post.

I will also be downloading the program that Charizard88 has provided me. I was really busy this week and couldn't get to downloading it, so I will be trying it out and see how it turns out and hopefully I will be able to add some things and get started soon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Well i made some grass starters so use them if u want just i couldn't make up a head for the third evo here they are

By leebro96 at 2010-10-28
001 Lefant Ant pokemon height 0.8ft weight 12lbs Type Grass

By leebro96 at 2010-10-28
002 Lefaint Prince Princess ant pokemon (depends if male or female) height 2.11ft weight 48lbs type grass flying

By leebro96 at 2010-10-28
003 Lefernator King Queen Ant pokemon height 5.1ft weight 104lbs
use them in th game if u want and mess around with them how you want


By leebro96 at 2010-11-03
i've also made up a new poke'ball The Tribal ball (above)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Night Pokemon Master did you make these sprites from scratch cause they are really good?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

Yeah NPM has done a really nice jobs with the sprites.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

It seems like things are going slow. I apologize for not updating with anything new, I was quite busy with some things and it reduced my time online. I am going to be downloading the program hopefully soon (most likely tomorrow) and start working on some of the things on the program and finish some spriting up.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

this is my first scratch sprite so if you don't want it then fine its ok

here is the download link

BTW if its to bad that you can't even guess what it is than its Punchilla
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

I'm now mading sprite of Clawnetic. I think I will post it in next 5 days.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Box Art Version 2 Added*

@Gr8Ampharos: It looks nice. I will add it to the front post and we will see if there is a better version in the future, but for now I will add it to the front post.

@Shaymin6.6: Okay thanks.

@Night Pokemon Master: Yeah they are very cool. I would love to use them in the game. I have added them to the front post. Thanks. Is it possible for you to make more sprites for the game cause your spriting abilities are great.

EDIT: I have updated the front post with the sprites. Also Night Pokemon Master I have changed the names of the Pokemon a bit if you are fine with that.