Pokemon Ice Version

I have been pretty busy with some things, but have been working on the game as well just haven't posted any updates here. As for the music, I am not really too worried about getting members to create the songs since the program includes some music that will fit the game nicely. I have tried a couple and they seem to work out great.
LOL 8-Bit GaGa music sounds marvelous! Be sure to add Born This Way and Bad Romance! LOL. As for names,
Wateran Falls (Wah-ther-uhn)- A waterfall inside of Tokaw Cave. It is spoken of in legend as a waterfall that hides a universal secret. :) Hope you like it
I really do like the idea of a waterfall inside a cave, but I will have to see if I have the tiles to successfully make the waterfall. I will try my best to actually make one.

I hope to get a couple of towns completed and get some pictures up soon. I also do want to get the battle system completed but I just think that a couple towns should be completed first before continuing on editing the battle system more.
Gr8Ampharos said:
PS. please don't add an 8 bit version of any lady gaga in the game, cause then i would be humming for years
In addition to this, don't even think about a Lady Gaga based Pokemon. Of course, she might sue like Uri Geller(or whatever his name was) did, but this time they'd sue you.
This is turning into a lady gaga thread. lol

I am still in need for a male and female main characters for the game so I could add them into the game. Artwork is also needed for the characters.
I am also planning on changing the whole concept of Route 1 so it actually does look like a route and will post images once it is completed. I will try getting at least 3 towns and 2 routes done in a couple of days.
LOL I am still thinking about other names, and making sprites. I should be finished with TerraFrost in about 5 days. On my HeartGold, all of my Pokemon now have Pokerus LOL. My Sinjoh Ruins Dialga contracted it, then Arceus, then Palkia, then Giratina, then.....well, that's all. ONE MORE DAY UNTIL BLACK AND WHITE! THEY COME OUT TOMORROW!!!! Blonde moment.....sorry :p So excited! LADY GAGA POKEMON!!
GaGa- A POKEMON with unknown origins. GAGA is always found with its one move, Born. In myths, GAGA emerged from an egg, and created the rigging of the Grammys. GAGA, after emerging from the egg, sang Born This Way, and created the POKEMON World..... :D
I haven't been active for a while because of my busy schedule but I hope to at least add a screenshot tomorrow.
Seems like I couldn't get to the screenshot today. I was away from the computer for mostly the whole day and I wanted to get a couple things done with the programming (which I didn't get done). But I hope to get at least Route 1 done tonight and post a screenshot hopefully tomorrow.
does the trainer art have to be scratch sprited like the Pokemon or not

Great so i guess now your going to make a Pokemon name Alejandro and an attack called poker face.....just kidding :p
Sounds delightful Gr8Ampharos! How about.....Hmmmmm This:
Lady GaGa-
Moveset: Love Game, Paparazzi, Poker Face, Born This Way
IV: Max
EV: Max
Location to catch: Uncatchable in the wild.
How to obtain: Hatch from an egg (See what I did there? Eh? :p)
Okay back on topic! I am still thinking of names :) I have about five "good" ones.
@Gr8Ampharos: Are you talking about the trainer sprite being scratch? It doesn't really matter.

Due to my busy schedule I haven't been able to get very many things completed with the programming. Though I hope to now get some things completed and fast. I will be working on the programming more and get more things completed on time. My main objective is to get the start up picture to work as well as the professor introduction. Since we currently do not have a sprite for the professor I will be using Professor Oak for the time being until we get a sprite. Towns/Routes just take really long to make and you need to get the right layout, so making them takes more time. So by getting the quickest things done first I will be able to go back and work on the things that take more time to work on.
I've been in the Art and Naming Dept., so is there anything else I can do other than finishing TerraFrost?
EDIT: NAME ALERT! Percy or Percival. Just random LOL, butz I'z likez itzz. Incorrect grammar :3 Blonde
There is one thing that I will need help with. If you could, could you go through the previous pages and where you see some town names I will need you to post them here. This will be very helpful to me.
Sure thing! I'm on it Boss! :)
Sephora Town (Hooker)
Joulos City (Electric Gym City) as in 'Joules' meaning power. (Hooker)
Leviathon City (Main City?) (Hooker)
Lomeburg (Hooker)
Whitefern Town (Hooker)
Frostfern Town (Hooker)
Winterberry Town (Hooker)
Everglow Town (Hooker)
Greenwich Town (Hooker)
Icotropyc City (Dustin)- A city at the Edge of the arctic and volcanic regions. It has a snowy, but sometimes warm climate, due to the Volcano.
Arctican Glacier (Dustin)- A giant glacier which is the coldest spot in the region
Volcanic Crater (Dustin)- The hottest, and only dry spot in the region. It erupted 4 thoudand years ago, creating Trectrock in the process
Trexon Cavern (Dustin)
Tokaw Cave (Ice Arceus)
Wateran Falls (Dustin)
Icican (icy-can) City (Dustin) Just Made It
Snowleaf Town (Dustin) Just Made It
Iceroft Mountains
Volcanic Chasm- an area where the legendary Rectrock can be captured (Dustin) Just Made It
Veilfrost City (Dustin) Just Made It
Thanks for the help Dustin. The reason why I needed the list was so that I could access it better whenever I need to edit a town name. I am thinking that the first town with a gym should be Sephora.

Since I have extra time on my hands today I will be working on getting more of the battle system completed and start on the game intro and the scene title.
I am thinking of posting a screenshot of the battle system most likely tomorrow.
Are you informing us about your game or just posting some examples from your game to aid us?
You're very welcome! I am always glad to help out.
I beat Black yesterday LOL. Ghetsis was quite.....challenging to battle. I am playing around with the spriting to create effects (no people with atrocious thoughts, I'm not talking about that....) with color blending, yet still keep it "spritey." I am working on the TerraFrost Boss right now. I think there should be a male Commander, a Female Commander, and another Female Commander; Like Team Galactic. Then, there should be the Big Boss. I made a "me" sprite too LOL. Thanks to superfoof, I have a good start into spriting. My VS Sprite is my Avatar, and I am making a trainer card too. LOL :) I fused superfoof's original sprite with a new mouth, arm, and completely recolored it to match what I look like. If you need VS Sprites, let me know. I will make some to accompany the Terrafrost peeps, and Gym Leaders. I will go ahead, and work on Bloss since she already has a sprite.
EDIT: Added Bloss VS Sprite :) I hope you like it. A combonation of Gardenia and Candace, and the bow from the Battle Sprite


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