Pokemon Ice Version

Wow Gr8Ampharos, did you actually make that from scratch? That is awesome.

Still transferring some things on this thread to the game database. The only thing I will need from those sprites are the overworld version of them, so they an be located physically on the map.
Wow, it's been a long time since I visited this thread!
It looks amazing! Sorry I haven't been on for that long lol, it's because of school and stuff. But I promise I will come on after next week (when work experience ends) ;)
Btw do you still need more userbars/banners/avatars?
Nice to see you back Jayj4. If you want you can create some userbars/banners/avatars for the team to use. I might also feature them in the game, if its alright with you.
Dustin: I'm making smaller versions.
Gr8Ampharos: It looks good... but you saved it in JPEG. :(

They are done!

Can you use small sprite for orb that is on ground?
actually i saved it as bit map 24 but its quite strange because it appears as a jpeg

i'll repost it

here it is

well, strangely enough it still looks weird


  • Alerce.bmp
    10.8 KB · Views: 17
@Shaymin7.7: The rocks seem great. They will fit nicely within the game. Thanks

@Umbreon/Espeon: All right

I am going to try to work on the battle script more, since there seems to be multiple problems with it.
We are in need for grass type Pokemon for the game. Once the grass type Pokemon are created then I can add them to Route 1 as common type Pokemon.
your little fire starter could be called Flinx, the middle could be Flintamor, and the stage 2 could be Flintaburn:)

i dont know if anyone posted names already, but these are my ideas:)
Here you go Ice Arceus, a new fakemon
I haven't named it yet, or given it a Pokedex entry, but it is Water/Steel type

Hope ya like it
WOW Jayj4,that is awesome!!Mine are not as awesome as yours,but mine are ok.Mine are all hand drawn.How do you make yours so good Jayj4?!I would post mine,but I don't know how to take a picture,THEN post it.Can someone tell me how to?It would be a great help.
^Do you have a scanner?
If no, then try using a camera, in a well lit room, and take a picture of the drawing and make sure you can see the lines clearly. Upload it to your computer. If you want you can go over the lines with a program such a Photoshop (paid) or Gimp (free). Then upload to to an image hosting site, such as Photobucket or Imageshack, I use Tinypic. Then use the Image code they give you and post it on here.
Hope I helped
Thanks, I used Photoshop to draw it. Mine are also hand drawn, but what I do is I later draw over the lines like I mentioned above using Photoshop! :D
Yes I think I do.
EDIT:OK so put my picture in the scanner,then go over the lines and other stuff on GIMP,and then upload it to Tinypic.Is that right?
Oh lol,
If you do just scan it onto your computer, and then upload it to an Image hosting site, such as Photobucket or Tinypic. Then grab the Image code and post it on here for everyone to see! :D
@Jayj4: That fakemon looks amazing and will fit in nicely with the game. It seems like that will be able to fit one of the Team Terrafrost commanders.

I will still need one of the Team Terrafrost employees/commanders for the game, since I am planning on adding them to Route 2. That will be the first place the trainer encounters Team Terrafrost.