Pokemon Ice Version

@ umbreon/espeon: I will sprite one of yours, but I already sprited one of jayj4's fakemon on page 120 I think. Here it is:
EDIT: updated Sword

Which of yours do you want me to do?

EDIT: I also made a fakemon sprite for the baby pokemon of snover, name is still pending:
^That looks awesome!
But there is only one problem :p
The colours of the sword, it is supposed to be a base of black and the lines are blue, but still it looks amazing! XD
@Arceus507: Very nice spriting. Also for the Snover one, I don't tend to like using Pokemon that are similar to other ones.

I am going to be getting some of the routes totally completed today and will post a picture later on. I am also going to get started with the intro since that is my main objective.
@ jayj4 sorry. Do you want me to change it?

@ Umbreon/espeon Thanks! I will do the tree line, and I also want to do the fire bug guy

@ Ice Arceus: Thanks! Ah, I see what you are saying about the snovy. So are you not going to include any pre evos in the game?
At the moment I am not thinking of having a pre-evo of a Pokemon from the previous games, since I haven't totally picked which Pokemon from the other games will be featured in this one. If I do reach to the point of when I have to make a decision, I will notify you.
Its up to you Arceus507 ;)
btw Ice Arceus, we need two more Gym Leaders. What types should they be?
What about a Fire and Water Gym leader?I'm making a couple more water pokemon.So why not?What about an Ice gym leader?
Wow, that is now perfect! lol
KK Ice Arceus, I am thinking up of designs, I will post the lineart once done, and you tell me whether to colour it or not ;)
@Umbreon/Espeon: We all ready have an ice gym leader.

@Arceus507: I can't seem to make out how the fire bug Pokemon looks.

@Jayj4: Okay

The good thing about the program is it will make the picture background transparent. So I don't need to deal with the white background of sprites/artwork.
@ Ice Arceus It was a sprite of one of Umbreon/Espeon's fakemon, so ask him/her what it is

And, you should probably update the first post
I haven't updated the front post in ages due to it not directly being checked constantly by many people. If I do end up updating the front post it will be when something major is released like a beta version/pics. Though I will try to get some of the sprites added onto the front post just for easy access.
I will, but it could be helpful and very easy if you could post all the artwork you made for the game so far in one post so I can just add them. Also I will add you to the jobs list.