Pokemon Ice Version

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However, this doesn't edit the picture at all. :(
Ok I could try that.Right now I'm making one more pokemon,and then I'll post all of them.Tell me if you lie my ideas:My first fakemon is a skeleton pokemon.He's ghost/fire,and his name is Skeleburn.Then a tree evolution line.the first one is a seed,and his name is Sapiling,he's grass.Then he evolves into Plantling,a Grass/Rock pokemon.then Treeling,a Grass and rock.I will post them soon.
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Here are some of them.If you don't like them that's ok.
Sapiling:Grass type,Height:5 in,weight:1Lb http://tinypic.com/r/2nc3vc0/7
Plantiling:Grass/Rock,Height:3 Feet,weight:50Lb http://tinypic.com/r/2ic7gue/7
Treeling:Grass/Rock,Height:8 feet,weight:100 Lb http://tinypic.com/r/2n0v8n5/7
Don't have a name for the next two.Still need descriptions for everyone.If you could post descriptions for the pokemon,that would be great.
http://tinypic.com/r/2u6cow2/7 http://tinypic.com/r/24zaq94/7
Tell me your thoughts!
EDIT:Here is Skeleburn: http://tinypic.com/r/fmnq1g/7
You think?!Thank you!I didn't think you would like it,but I was wrong!Which was your favorite?What type should I make next?
Ummm I liked the Sapiling line, really creative.
I think you should make.... dunno really lol. It's up to Ice Arceus and you.
I made one quite quickly, so it wasn't as good as the other one
Here it is:

I haven't named it, like all my other ones XD
I have though, made a Pokedex entry:
It is very playful and affectionate towards other Pokemon, it is training to fight like it's mother and father, however it isn't ready it. The leaves it holds act as a weapon for self defense and also for medecine.

It is Grass type, and I am making it is evo, which will be Grass/Fight!
Hope ya like it!
So many posts while I was logged off. O_O

@Umbreon/Espeon: The fakemon look amazing but will need to clean it up a bit.

@Jayj4: Nice grass type. :)

I am currently working on getting more Routes done and also getting the title screen fixed.
Ok,I'll make those soon.Here are some:
Crabion,Water/(I can't think of another type for him) http://tinypic.com/r/2gvvpew/7
Flowiknight,Grass http://tinypic.com/r/mv6zq9/7
Larveli,Bug/Flying http://tinypic.com/r/sg6cd3/7
Buzzili,bug/flying http://tinypic.com/r/2ugo574/7
I might draw evolutions for Crabion and Flowiknight,but I don't know.Tell me what you think!
EDIT: Ice Arceus,could you put my name and my pokemon on the front post?
Here is NinjaVine.He's Grass/Dark: http://tinypic.com/r/vmssxk/7
I can make an evolution for him if you want.Oh,hello Arceus507!Can I see you sprite one of my fakemon?
EDIT:I made 3 more pokemon.The first one is Anteon,he's Fire/Bug.The second is a crocidile pokemon,but I need a name for him.The last is a robot T-Rex.
http://tinypic.com/r/suzlg6/7 he is Fire/Poison http://tinypic.com/r/e1b0nr/7 he is steel http://tinypic.com/r/a32l2f/7
How about the gym leaders be Water and Fire?I made enough fire pokemon,and I can make some more water pokemon.
I think there is already a water type, not sure though.
I don't think there is an ice type!