Pokemon is a money stealing scheme. Have no cash? Playing pokemon? Connection!!!

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Of course, since I judge almost all the time, every pack I get costs me absolutely nothing.
Pokemon TCG can't steal my money because I don't buy packs. I know my luck a little too well for that. Tee hee hee.
You could be spending this same money on booze or drugs. Pokemon is a much less destructive hobby than many others out there.
^Pokemon is a business..they are out to make money..just like Every other business in the World. sure packs are 4 dollars for things made out of paper but in the context of the game its worth more. you buy a pack for $4. Sure you may pull only a normal rare or holo, but you may pull something like uxie x or luxray gl x or gengar prime and sell that card for $50-90 depending on what it is. Yes it's a Chance you could get good stuff or crap, but that's just how they make money and keep it fair. would you like it if they made world championship decks totally legal? Sure people wouldnt have to buy cards but they'd also go out of business and therefore have no card game to use those cards in. Also yeah sure there's some japanese exclusives..guess what, they all suck. oh my god they have a lucario that makes you say "roger" as you do things..that's SOOOO useful (sarcasm, more like annoying), and Pikachu M/X Also suck. if you can find me Any top tier jpn deck that uses exclusives then MAYBE that train of thought MIGHT be applicable. I have NO idea what you even mean when you say the only print "part of a card in english," but if you mean what I assume then that is Also not true. Also in terms of advertising..EVERYONE DOES IT and your statements are dubious at best. If they had Direct subliminal messages like "YOU MUST BUY THIS PRODUCT TO LIVE" then I would agree with you, and if you Ever find any actual Credible proof to support that (and I doubt you will) then fine. Your own examples of Subliminal messaging aren't working, as I am totally against what you are saying and am refuting your statement. Also in terms of the secondary market, WE the players set the prices. it's supply and demand..if EVERYONE!!! wanted/needed Snorlax X then that would be at least $30 if not 50 or more on ebay, troll and toad, etc. Pokemon itself makes NO money on people selling luxray x's for 50-100 dollars.
^ ya if they put a lv x or prime in every pack then first cards would be useless because every one else would have that card also. and two no one would buy packs or anything because they dont get anything in return. you can buy a pack and get luxray x you just payed 4 dollars and got 70 back.
I don't spend any money on Pokemon cards. If I want a card(s), I just trade at league with the cards I already have to get the card I want. So pretty much, I disagree with this article but I agree also, because some people I know get way carried away buying cards. (Again: Why buy when you can just trade?)
I know for a fact that not many people will always find something to trade for. Sometimes, only way you are able to get something you need is to buy.
This was a terrible article grammar-wise. Awful sentence structure. =\ Incorrect paragraph organization : (

Cool article nonetheless. Like, I thought about most of this stuff (particularly about the part where you describe us as becoming wild animals with no use for TCG cards). However, as several other users have already noted, this article can be applied ANYWHERE. If you're complaining about Pokemon, then it's practically your own fault for falling into the trap.
Everything is here to make money. And u don't play anymore cause u got banned for chewing up a card and putting it on a judges back. Any hobby is expensive. But once u have a collection for Pokemon you never really have to buy anymore. It is a trading card game afterall

I agree with above statement
every business in america is a money making scheme. time to wake up and realize we live and work in a capitalist society.

my take on things: if your going to spend money(which we all have to do) spend it on things that make you happy.
pokemon is a hobby/trading card game. by deffinition, that means ur going to have to spend money and trade for things to play the game.

as i see it, each booster pack i buy is an alternative to a lottery ticket/scratch off. chances are im going to lose my money, but chances are i might cut even. and a slight chance that i might actually make money buy pulling a valuable card.

either way, in the long run, im only down a few dollars but ive had alot of fun.

if your 21+ you can spend $5 for just a beer in restaurants. i prefer to buy packs instead of beer ^_^

also, a little added secret (buy booster boxes, they come down to $2 a pack and its alot more worth your money)
So, when no one plays Pokemon TCG anymore, my precious Luxray X is going to be worth no more than the paper it's printed on? Sounds like what is going to happen to your RH DialgaChomp once your ban is over. It'll most likely be rotated, and thus nearly worthless.

I just wanted to say that to make sure everyone knows this isn't completely profound commentary. Maybe a little, but it's really just sour grapes.

Every hobby or leisure activity makes you spend money that you probably won't get back in the very long run (unless you collect gold or something). Pokemon isn't an investment. It's fun.
Be thankful you are given the opportunity to live in a country where you have the right to complain about a "problem" that you see.

Your post here is nothing more than a rant by a bitter, former player who was banned for acting out of line at a tournament.
I hope after Worlds you come back to the game.
I enjoy your card playing ideas and even enjoy loosing to you.

I do not see TCG as a scam.
Rikko145 said:
I spent very little money on pokemon when I played. Tried to, at least. But they force it out of you.

Rikko145 said:
they force it out of you.

Rikko145 said:

So how'd they force it out of ya? Knifepoint? Gunpoint? Bazookapoint?

Don't blame marketing tactics if you can't control your own spending habits.

Rikko145 said:
Many people will probably say, "Well, nobody made you buy the cards!" But there's yet another gimmick. Advertising. On the television, it promises victory and greatness to every player. We all know that it's not true, but so many people lead themselves to believe it because they want it to be true. They show happy pictures of pretty colors and inviting "deals". New, "cool adventures, fun, and excitement!" are always advertised. And subliminal messaging. Using the human psychology against itself.

That's how marketing works. If an ad failed to persuade people to buy whatever it is advertising, then it would have failed as an ad.

Gimmicks exist (and work as a marketing tactic) only because there are people out there dumb enough to fall for them.

It is a matter of personal self discipline to decide what to buy and how much to buy. The money is yours and the decision is yours. Blaming the people at the other end in this case is stupid. It's like a person who gets addicted to gambling or drugs or world of warcraft, and blaming the casino or the drug's chemicals or Blizzard Entertainment, basically blaming everything other than himself.
Just to save rikko the trouble here is his story

He was tossing a chewed up card around and it landed on a bipolar judge. The judge got mad and got him banned lol.

Here is what really happens. We are opening packs from prizes. He pulls a psyduck and thinks it would be funny to chew it up and put it on a judges back since the jidge likes psyduck. I go oven and tell the judge. He gets banned for a year
Well ok there goes rikko's credibility down the poke-drain, lol

It's hard to take someone seriously when he does things like that. It's like, even if he tries to start a serious topic people would be all like "hey remember that incident with you and the psyduck card?" and then lol...
Rikko145 said:
People's sheer random rudeness never ceases to amaze me.
I got a chuckle out of this going through Rikko's posts.

But, so this isn't spam, I agree with most everything everyone posted. Your points aren't very valid, and if they were, they could be applied to anything. The worst part is, I think this could've actually been interesting. I'm always interested about the real, financial side of Pokemon. Bt you ruined it by just complaining.
if that is the reason he got banned.....ROFL. i only buy packs because 1 i like the suspense lol. and two you get throw in cards for trades. sure most people like to just buy singles but what is the fun in that lol
Oh, Pokemon can make u money to. I just trade up and have a mass selling then restart. It works and I have to do nothing.
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