Finished Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *2 spots left* We have started!

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RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Freeze thinks for a second, then has an idea. She turns toward the rest of the group and starts making hand motions. She points at the time gear and imitates a grabbing action. She grabs a twig still covered in Nuzleaf blood and draws four more time gears on the ground. She makes grabbing motions toward all of them and then draws a picture of time standing still. She then shows a Pokemon standing next to a time-frozen primal Pokemon and holding the time gears to next to it. Freeze then finishes up her drawing by showing the primal Pokemon turning normal again. Freeze thinks again for a second, then draws a really tall tower and the 5 time gears on top of the tower. She then draws the land returning to normal again.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Freeze must be some artist to be able to draw all that.

IC: Barry looked at Zephyr first. "Do you know the name of this legendary Pokemon? It seems like it could be worth our while to try at least." Barry then turned to Freeze and said, "You mean that we should use the Time Gears to turn time back time do the Primal Pokemon don't appear? That's a great idea, but I'm seeing a tiny problem. What's to stop the Pokemon from becoming Primal after we turn back time? If there is something out there making Pokemon become Primal, they could just do it again after we turn abck time. However, we should do that if we find and stop whatever is causing the Primal Pokemon to appear."
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Freeze shrugged as if to say "That's a good idea on your part, but that wasn't what I was thinking." She points to the picture of the Pokemon holding the time gears standing next to the frozen primal Pokemon. She then draws a picture of the non-primal Pokemon holding up the 5 glowing time gears and the power form the time gears being unleashed on the primal Pokemon. She draws a picture next to it with the primal Pokemon cured of it's primalness.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

"If i remember correctly it was celebi but where to find her I have no idea." "Same idea turn back time for that Pokemon to before they went primal." "However they still keep their memory which could be helpful as it could have been another Pokemon that changed them".
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Silver was thinking to himself on what the Alakazam said (or telepathied?) to him. ~Its something in their DNA...~ Silver snapped himself out of self thought and was registering the world around him.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

Ummmmmmm.... DV? Are you going to continue?
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Yeah, I was procrastinating. Sorry.

IC: "So I think you mean to go to each Primal Pokemon and individually turn them back to a time when they weren't Primal? If that's not it feel free to correct me. Anyway, both Zephyr and Freeze have good plans. I think we should vote on which plan to follow out, and we'll see if that works. If it doesn't we will do the other thing." Barry said.

Use the Time Gears: 0
Visit Celebi: 0
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

OOC: Alright, alright. I'm just going to explain what Freeze meant out of character because Freeze isn't supposed to speak. Freeze isn't trying to turn back time, she's trying to use the pure power of the time gears to get rid of primalness in Pokemon. I guess she's sort of using the power of time on them, but that's up for you to decide how exactly it's going to work.

IC: Freeze writes out use the time gears in the ground.
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *1 spot left* We have started!

"Well other than here the closest time gear is is at fogbound lake and my clan is in mount thorn. My clan elder would know where to find Celebi so we could do or at least start both at the same time"
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *0 spots left* We have started!

Alan the Alakazam was trekking along on his solo mission when he heard a rumble. He looked up to see a giant boulder falling above him. He quickly stopped the boulder's descent with Psychic, but the boulder then openned its eyes, revealing it to be a Golem. Enraged at being attacked, the Golem used Explosion, flinging Alan backwards. A louder rumble was heard, and Alan looked up once again. The Explosion had set of a rock slide falling above him. He desperatedly tried to stop the boulders but there were too many and he was crushed by them. Pleased with his work, a dark figure atop the cliff retreated into the shadows.

Rocker the Umbreon was traveling along, nearing the completion of his mission. Suddenly, the fur on his back stood up straight-it felt like he was being watched. "Who is there?" he called out tentatively. A chilling breeze swept alongside him and a claw shot out of the shadow of a nearby tree. The claw grabbed Rocker by the neck until he suffocated, then it returned to the shadows.

Those were modkills for activity, in case you couldn't tell.

Barry looked around. No one seemed sure of the correct path except for Freeze. "All right, how about this." He began. "We'll take this time gear, then visit Celebi tomorrow. If Celebi can't fix this, then we will already have 1 time gear. Does this sound like a good plan?"
RE: Pokemon Mysery Dungeon: Primal Rampage *0 spots left* We have started!

OOC: I just joined, look at the last Spoiler on page 1 to see my description.

IC: "Oh hey Barry, Freeze, Zephyr. Just got back from the mission out at Crystal Crossing. The Time Gear is acting strange, it's spinning tirelessly like a Bronzor using Gyro Ball. We've got some bad news too. Azelf's missing! At this point, Magnezone only has only two suspects: Weezing, the member of the now disbanded Team Skull. Skuntank retired and Golbat became primal and disappeared, which drove Weezing to madness, he's been comitting crimes all over Treasure Town. The other is Marowak. Ever since he abandoned the Dojo, he's been bitter. He has the motive too. Years ago, Uxie erased his memory. After that, he came to Treasure Town and built the Dojo. Before Dusknoir went back to his time, he told him about it, and Azelf is very close to Uxie. Barry, what do you think?"
OOC: Talk about a large addition to the storyline.

IC: Freeze nods at Barry and then draws a picture of the group running out of the forest as fast as they can once the time gear was taken to prevent being frozen in time.
OOC: Yeah, I'm like that.

IC: "I need to check on Uxie, because of Marowak. Zephyr, you come with me to help me deal with those pesky Magmar."

OOC: He's not here :(

IC: "Ok Freeze, I'll have you to go with. But don't get yourself Knocked Out by those Fire-types!"
OOC: Woah, slow down a bit. If you want to add some important stuff to the storyline, could you run it by me first next time? Thanks.

IC: "Ugh, it seem slike a lot is going on. Unfortunately, I'm not sure who we can spare...not Zephyr, because he is the only one who can lead us to Celebi. I think we will send Kaalia and Silver. (inactivity missions for you guys)"
OOC: Understood.

IC: "Right, I'll meet them there." *leaves*

IC: Kricketune picked up the Heavy Chest.
Rukari used ExtremeSpeed!
Kricketune took 68 damage!
Kricketune used Bug Buzz!
Rukari took 31 damage!
Rukari used Ice Punch!
Kricketune took 147 damage!
Kricketune fainted!

*looks inside the Heavy Chest*
*gasps* "A Pledge Rock!"
(A Lucario item that boosts SAtk by 5 and SDef by 3)
OOC: @WujiKyruem Personally, I don't care, but watch out for godmodding warnings from DV as the previous post has a 100% chance of being warned. You should go back through the RPG and see how it works before you post. We aren't following the exact storyline and mechanics of the game.

IC: Freeze, sort of confused at what was going on, went and floated over to the time gear, waiting for the signal from Barry to pull it out.
OOC: WujiKyruem, in this RPG damage isn't dealt in numbers, and you don't decide how much damage you do. DV does. Also, finding an item that good is not up to you and is considered god modding.
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