Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

Yeah, it doesnt matter to me. I will be gone mon and tues, but the sooner the better!
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

If it matters to anyone please speak now and I made the form to join section indicator much bigger and its recolored so you can find it easily
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

I'm going to start the game soon when one more person joins so we can have seven teams of two so join now! Though today and tomorrow I'm going to give a clue as to who the oblivion team is and I'm also going to give an example of a riddle. If we start the game and you still want to join let me know and I can probably add you in
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

just a message to anyone on my team (i didnt care who was on my team) im not good at in game dialogue. like thinking of what im finding in the dungeon and who we are facing. also does it matter if we lvl ourselves up in the dungeons? can i be a larvitar with hyper beam? lol
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

Still haven't received a PM....
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

^Well,he's not online. :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

I know. He talked to me yesterday and he said he'd try to PM everyone last night.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

I said I'd try but I do enjoy sleeping and I made a few changes because I didn't like the traitor role but I can put it back in if you guys really want me to and I changed it so that there is one riddle per location so that you can see a riddle and then go back and solve it if needed. Oh by the way I've added a few new roles :p

The Navigator: If you have this role you may travel to two places each day but you may only answer one riddle
The Librarian: If you have this role you may get hints for up to four riddles throughout the game
The Reflection: One the reflection soldier that reappeared in the future, having nothing better to do you joined the squad and you ironically ended up back here, if you have this role you may ask for the answer to a riddle twice during the game. You must eliminate both the saviors and the oblivions to win (you get to put in two teams at your accusation))

I've added these because some of my riddles are like freaking ridiculous (and I'm the one who made them). To be nice though I'll post the hardest one as the example (don't worry, I have plenty of exras to replace it) :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

I haven't received a PM yet....
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

They will be out soon, as I'm going to try to send them out at the same time and I'm backing them up in a word doc
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

PM received!
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

Same here. Do you plan to update the first post with the teams?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

See first post, also I will be posting the first clue as to who the oblivions are and an example of a riddle

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten! Game Start!

Where are you? Who am I? You wake up in a small room that you remember to be your team room within the explorer base with question spinning around in your head about the night passed. All you can remember is that you were on a mission with your entire explorer team section when you fell into a hole. As you fell you heard laughing and then the sounds of people jumping. The world went black and all you could see or hear we the words "We have fallen from our time and landed within yours! Now fate has given us our chance and so we should rule again! Our leader will rise and the Oblivions shall rule, our enemies from ages past cannot stop us now! Our lives should be your undoing and our land should be your tomb, now you will joining in a your fears!" Darkness, pitch black, and then you were here, exhausted you passed out while your leader staggered ahead to find help. And now here you are, in a room that seems like home yet it isn't.

Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.

And the game starts now, your first clue as to whom the oblivion is and an example of a riddle left for you to solve. Now please follow the in and out of character rules from now on and my luck should be with you in the upcoming weeks.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: is the note the clue of who the oblivion is, or is it just a sample riddle?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

safariblade said:
OOC: is the note the clue of who the oblivion is, or is it just a sample riddle?

The note is the just a sample riddle but the story before it contains the first clue

BTW here are the rooms of the explorer headquarters you can explore:
Your teams sleeping quarters
Other teams sleeping quarters
Mess Hall
Game Room (Has a pool, a soccer field, ect.. basically any outdoor sporting toy or game, its pretty huge)
If you think of any more rooms I should add let me know :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: ok. So does my character just wake up in the base like it said?

Since today is Sunday, isn't the game supposed to freeze for dreams?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

safariblade said:
OOC: ok. So does my character just wake up in the base like it said?

Since today is Sunday, isn't the game supposed to freeze for dreams?

Yeah, but today is just a day for talking (it won't be like a normal Sunday) and meeting your teams. Its pretty much an explore the base and try to decode my riddle and the clue day. By the way if anyone can decode my riddle and actually solve it let me know, its that hardest on and I thought I'd just use its as the example so your guys wouldn't have to deal with it later :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

PM recieved. I'll try my best for my team! (BTW, you spelled my name wrong EPM on Team 3, haha).

OOC: Am I allowed to post what rooms I'm exploring here in the forum, or do I use PMing?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Yeah, the rooms are part of the posting in character experience, I put a list of them so your guys had a few more things to have your characters do and herp derp, I'll fix that quick, thanks for pointing that out to me :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: Looks around in the Lounge of the HQ, then promptly takes a nap.

OOC: ^Is this how I do it? :p Sorry for all the questions.
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