Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Its fine, I'd rather you ask questions than be confused. You've kinda got it but remember that your starting in your team's sleeping quarters so you've got to make your way there and being descriptive never hurts :)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Ah, okay. I just didn't know how far into detail I should go. At least today's just a practice day anyway. :p This game is going to be awesome!

In: While sleeping, Blu tries to decipher the riddle and story in a dream.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Today, as you said, is pretty much a practice day and its aslo a day for questions. And now you've got it :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: safariblade wakes up. He stretches his body out to it's full length. He sees a larvitar and vulpix beside him. Everything seems strange. He decides to explore a bit.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC:Um,I really wont be online right now.Maybe after 1pmp
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: ~P99 wakes up with refreshing bubbles from staryu at his face. He stretches for a second, and proceeds past the long dark corridor into the games room. He wonders if anyone would like to play a game of billiards?

Out: Is that how I do it?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

^Pretty much whenever you can post, remember this game is for you guys to have fun and for me to mess with your heads XD so its at your leisure to post and play

@P99 yup, and how'd you know I had a separate indoor room for billiards and other games that you can find in arcades :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Out: I didn't. Every decent house / building has one though so I assumed.

In: Since no one seems to be up for a game of billiards, Why don't we do some exploring guys? Where should we start?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Ic: Lux woke up, noticing Slick was still sleeping. Hmmm.... I assume we were infiltrated by dark forces last night. This could be bad..... Lux made his way to the Game Room hoping to relax.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

As a heads up you can only explore the base for today

Also the riddle has been solved, yes already, and this is one of the hardest ones :(
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Out: Do we PM you if we solve the riddle? If we solve it, do we gain anything today?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Eh, its been solved already but I'll give anyone who solves it an extra clue :D (Send it to me via PM)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Out: When (If ever) Do you reveal the riddle answers?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

pokemon99 said:
Out: When (If ever) Do you reveal the riddle answers?

Eh, I'll have this riddle expire at the end of the day or when everyone who is playing either answers or gives up. BTW this is the only riddle where you have unlimited trys :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC:Where is the riddle?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

Out: It's here

ElectricPokemonMaster said:
Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

I'm just gonna post the game start post one more time:

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten! Game Start!

Where are you? Who am I? You wake up in a small room that you remember to be your team room within the explorer base with question spinning around in your head about the night passed. All you can remember is that you were on a mission with your entire explorer team section when you fell into a hole. As you fell you heard laughing and then the sounds of people jumping. The world went black and all you could see or hear we the words "We have fallen from our time and landed within yours! Now fate has given us our chance and so we should rule again! Our leader will rise and the Oblivions shall rule, our enemies from ages past cannot stop us now! Our lives should be your undoing and our land should be your tomb, now you will joining in a your fears!" Darkness, pitch black, and then you were here, exhausted you passed out while your leader staggered ahead to find help. And now here you are, in a room that seems like home yet it isn't.

Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.

And the game starts now, your first clue as to whom the oblivion is and an example of a riddle left for you to solve. Now please follow the in and out of character rules from now on and my luck should be with you in the upcoming weeks.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: Sakura wakes up,streches her body and yawns. She quickly ponders about the riddle. "I wonder what it means", She thinks. She then decides to go to the game room, hoping to relax for a bit, but still keeping the riddle in memory just in case.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Remember people, you can discuss the riddle here but you risk everyone gaining the clue

Edit: Two people have solved the riddle now, don't over think it!
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: ~P99 feels proud of himself for figuring out the clue.

Out: A hint to everyone. Don't overthink it!
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