Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: Sakura slowly got up after falling onto the floor, trying not to slip again. "Aw man! now I got brusies all over my body!" she sighed, knowing that no one helped her and decided to get a soda.She thought about what to get. "Let's see here, what do I want? Sitrus Tea... Rawst-Cola… Max Elixir… Oran-aid… Oh! I know! I'll get Rawst-Cola!" She grabs a cup and presses the Rawst-Cola button with her paw. Sakura popped a lid onto the plastic cup and grabbed a straw. She took a sip, refreshed from the sweet taste and fizziness, but hated the how it was cold. She sat at a table next to Blu, quickly smiling at her, then focusing on her drink. Suddenly, she remembered the riddle. "I still don't know what it means.",she thought.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: I was gone for quite a while. Can anyone clue me in to the general events that happened?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): The game will be starting soon

ElectricPokemonMaster said:
I'm just gonna post the game start post one more time:

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten! Game Start!

Where are you? Who am I? You wake up in a small room that you remember to be your team room within the explorer base with question spinning around in your head about the night passed. All you can remember is that you were on a mission with your entire explorer team section when you fell into a hole. As you fell you heard laughing and then the sounds of people jumping. The world went black and all you could see or hear we the words "We have fallen from our time and landed within yours! Now fate has given us our chance and so we should rule again! Our leader will rise and the Oblivions shall rule, our enemies from ages past cannot stop us now! Our lives should be your undoing and our land should be your tomb, now you will joining in a your fears!" Darkness, pitch black, and then you were here, exhausted you passed out while your leader staggered ahead to find help. And now here you are, in a room that seems like home yet it isn't.

Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.

And the game starts now, your first clue as to whom the oblivion is and an example of a riddle left for you to solve. Now please follow the in and out of character rules from now on and my luck should be with you in the upcoming weeks.
OoC: Here is the clue. It seems like everyone is simply wandering around at this point. I'm waiting for Hypnotic Luxray to come back on :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: epm posted a riddle. Check the previous page.
Other than that, you have just woken up. Just explore the base.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!


*Victor wakes up, leaves his room, and wanders around*

OOC: Where is everybody in the base?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: Most of us are in the bunks still sleeping or in the Kitchen. The Gameroom might have some people, too. Read older posts if you want to catch up on anything.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Following safari's lead, Slick explores the rest of base, but finds nothing to do...he decides to just wait for Lux and the first mission by pigging out in the kitchen :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: Once Blu finishes her Rawst-Cola, she finds a can of tuna and makes a tunafish sandwhich. Blu gets a refill of Rawst-Soda and walks back to her team's room. She sits on the floor and tries to decipher her clue.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

*Victor, done with mindlessly walking around heads into the kichten*

"Hey guys!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Slick sees Victor, and says "Muffslakjdv aowiej vaosidj". *Slick's mouth is full of food, and is unable to say hello :p*

Suddenly, the mailman arrives, and delivers Slick's brand new 3DS :D

OoC: I got my 3DS today :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: ME TOO! Up top *Holds out imaginary hand*


"Anything good in the fridge?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

*Slick is too enthralled in his 3DS to answer*
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"They have Skittles" Gerik told Victor through mouthfuls of rainbowy goodness.

OoC: Tell me if the 3DS is worth it! It looks cool, but darn expensive
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!



"I'll find out for myself" *Victor walks over to the fridge and opens it*

"ZOMFG, UNICORN COOKIES. NOM NOM NOM" *Victor removes the box of unicorn cookies and devours it all, down to the last crumb*
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: I'm so proud that everyone likes Rawst-Cola! But there are many more drinks than the four I mentioned. They're just an imagination away! ;)

IC: Dec got down to the last drop of his Tea. He sucked the last drops from the bottom, enjoying the slurping noise. Finally, when he got tired of that, he made sure to recycle the cup. The tea had refreshed him, but also made him hungry. Dec walked over to the snack machine. Looking inside, he noted the choices. Skittles… Grandma Skittie's Cookies… Casteliacones… Fried Magikarp Scales… ew? Oh, there are so many choices! Dec finally decided on what to get. He took out a $1 Poke coin from his pocket (?). He placed it into the slot and heard the *click* that meant the machine had registered it. The litle mechanical display blinked. Please make your selection… Dec punched in the numbers of his desired item. He watched as the item fell off of its shelf, landing with a satisfying *plunk* in the bin. Reaching down, he grabbed the little package and studied it. There was a pile of cookies surrounded by a pink border. An elderly Skitty was watching approvingly from the bottom left corner. That's where Dec ripped the package, splitting the Skitty clean in two. He grabbed the White Chocolate Macadamia cookie eagerly from the package, and took a bite. The sweet flavor filled his mouth, and he let the pleasure engulf him. The cookie reminded him of his home.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Slick suddenly came out of nowhere, and lunged at Dec, completely engulfed in fire!!! He then stopped, said "hi", and ran away :p
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

*Victor threw the empty box of cookies out, and passed out on the couch*
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Slick looks around the base again, and is still unable to find Lux...where did he go???
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: @slickmario, um, lol?

IC: Dec sees the Chimchar charging at him and prepares to fight. However, the Chimchar just stopped, said hi, and left. "What is up with this guy…" Dec muttered under his breath. Dec walks up to the Chimchar. "Um, hi?" Dec says relatively awkwardly.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

"Don't get too close, Dec, he seems to have a screw loose"
Gerik then mouths In the head and points to his head.
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