Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Serenity awoke to see how late she had slepp in. She wheeled over to the Hall and peaked out. Things seemed different to her.

"The hole.."

She found herself saying those words out of nowhere. And the memory came flooding back.

"Oh thats right.."

She started to wheel on over to the Kitchen to see what everyone was doin.
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"Ohai" Victor said to the new arrival
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"Ouch..."Jay gets up,and brushes himself off.
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Serenity looked at Victor.

"Hi, Is this the Kitchen?"
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"Yes, yes it is. There's a fridge, and vending machine over there if you're hungry"
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We ate almost all of the food though :p
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OOC:I thought everyone fell down a hole?
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Serenity opens up the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. She opens it and poors it on herself. She then absorbs the water. She doesn't have a mouth so she gets all her energy from water.
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OMG the fridge has more food! HAI GUIZ! WE GOTS FOODZ! *Slick finds the chocolate ice cream, grabs the container, and runs off*
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Ooc: Has anyone seen Catutie? He hasn't posted at all today.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: Haven't seen him. Try PMing him.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Eh, probably busy. Its a Sunday after all. If he doesn't post within the next week without reason I'll look further into it
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: It would be of great help if everyone could just write what pokemon they are in this game int their sig because this is confusing
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Here's the codes for that:

HypnoticLuxray: Lux; Aron

Slickmario: Slick; Chimchar 

BrOkenICE: Chill; Poochyena

Darkvoid57: Victor; Chatot

Lukey: Somnus; Bulbasaur 

Legendhunter32: Dark; Turtwig

Ludicolo909: Maxy; Skarmory

Dark Sonic J: Ace; Eevee

PikachewTofu: Blu; Absol

Decmaster: Dec; Horsea

Shampoo-thief: Gerik; Spinarak

Gleafeon: Gleafert; Munchlax

Umbreon/Espeon: Jay; Starly

Pokemon99: P99; Nincada

Ice_Master: Serenity; Staryu

Catutie: Catutie; Larvitar

Safariblade: Safariblade; Seviper

crystaltheumbreon: Sakura; Vulpix

Take the image codes off that for use or just copy and paste your part into your sig
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

In: As Sakura was about to enter her team's rest area, she quickly changed her mind because she didn't want to disturb Catutie. She decided to head to the kitchen to see what the other pokemon were doing.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Slick ran back into the kitchen, having finished the entire container of chocolate ice cream. "Anyone seen Lux?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OUT: Updated my sig!
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