Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Slick sees this, and goes on a rampage!!! Before he can do anything, someone feeds him a Persim Berry, thus curing his confusion. Slick sees everyone looking at him, and decides to leave to continue searching for Lux.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: Blu still can't get a clue but has enjoyed her tunafish sandwhich. She trots back to the Kitchen, completely unaware of her surroundings and orders a bag of Fried Magikarp Scales. She pops open the bag on the cozy chair in the corner and turns up her iPod and listens to some hiphop.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: this is getting pretty random. Unless we discuss the riddle meaning, all of this nonsense is kinda pointless.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: Agreed. Kinda boring without Hypnotic Luxray -__-
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Out: The riddle itself has no point. It's the clue you get from it that's useful. Should I post the clue?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: The clue has already been solved and it has no meaning. Today's just a day to get to know everyone and the teams.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

The clues, both the one that the oblivions say and the one gained if you solve my bonus riddle have some good points. Also if you are only posting in character you don't have to put the in in your post :)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

In: After finishing her drink, Sakura threw the cup in the trash and headed to the snack machine. She ordered a bag of Fried Magikarp Scales and headed to her team's sleeping quarters to see if Catutie was awake yet or maybe get some sleep herself.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Ooc: Sorry Slick, I had an umm.... prior engagement to tend to. Gonna get my 3DS soon, so ya might still have to be lonely.

Ic: Out of nowhere, Lux rammed into Slick with a mighy headbutt. "Mwahaha, I have suprised you. What do you think of the riddle?"

Ooc: Better to discuss via PM, right?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

One more reminded that I will reveal the answer to the riddle tomorrow morning so if you don't send in your PM with the correct answer to me before that its null and void. Also please not that you have unlimited try for this one riddle but there is a point where I will stop you
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Ooc: Sorry for being impatient, but is anyone going to post now?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: I'm new. Can someone tell me a summary of what happened?

In: Wanders outside looking for Slick and Lux.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

ElectricPokemonMaster said:
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten! Game Start!

Where are you? Who am I? You wake up in a small room that you remember to be your team room within the explorer base with question spinning around in your head about the night passed. All you can remember is that you were on a mission with your entire explorer team section when you fell into a hole. As you fell you heard laughing and then the sounds of people jumping. The world went black and all you could see or hear we the words "We have fallen from our time and landed within yours! Now fate has given us our chance and so we should rule again! Our leader will rise and the Oblivions shall rule, our enemies from ages past cannot stop us now! Our lives should be your undoing and our land should be your tomb, now you will joining in a your fears!" Darkness, pitch black, and then you were here, exhausted you passed out while your leader staggered ahead to find help. And now here you are, in a room that seems like home yet it isn't.

Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.

And the game starts now, your first clue as to whom the oblivion is and an example of a riddle left for you to solve. Now please follow the in and out of character rules from now on and my luck should be with you in the upcoming weeks.

Posted that and everyone has wandered around in the base, eating whatever their eyes should see and wondering about the riddle and the clue. If you solve the riddle PM me the answer, you have unlimited trys but I will stop you at some point. Nothing much other than that
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

Slick goes outside and finds his new member...Chill! After introducing himself, they both go inside to find Lux, who constantly disappears...
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC: This is a really hard riddle

IN: "Anyone seen (Insert lukeys characters name)?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: His name is Somnus

In: Nope
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

^^He's been on frequently but he has yet to post

I'm thinking I'll bring my character in pretty soon (no he can't make an accusation he's just kinda there to run the show)

Edit!: Please welcome legendhunter32 into the mix, he'll be on team two :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OOC:Can someone tell me what happened?
Jay woke up and saw Gleafert was gone."OH NO!!!!! I SLEPT IN TOO LONG!!!!!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (Join by PM): Game Start! W1 You can still join!

OoC: Not much really. Everyone is just wandering around the base, fooling around.

/me looks at his character, Slick
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