Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

dark was yelling into his walking while catutie tended to the frosslass. he gave it a lum berry and it floated off. "who are you talking to dark?" catutie said but at that time the gengar came through the wall and made a loud creepy scream that shook the whole temple. "WHAT IS THAT" catutie yelled
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC:Oh thanks.
In:"What the heck was that!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"Thanks for saving the Frosslass! I'm sure she will properly thank us someday." Suddenly Dark realized what was happening, he backed up and did a leaf tornado at the gengar, in the confusion, he and Catutie made a run for it.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

In:"Um...Sure,no problem...Just tell me if you need something!",Gleafert said while looking at Chill running.Then Gleafert when to the next room...
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OoC: Cautie already helped the frosslass!
In: Dark finally came to a halt at around the entrance to the temple. I think I'll post again in an hour.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

catutie ran as fast as he could. the gengar wasnt far behind. he used dark pulse to slow it down but it didnt even pause for a second and it flew over the explorers into a wall. "what just happened" catutie said while his adrenaline still pumping
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Jay was running with Gleafert,not knowing what to do."What are we supposed to do!?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill found the Gengar and used Dark Pulse.
Unfortunately, the result was the same and the Gengar flew away.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

In:Gleafert then said:"Um,look for the Onyx Flute,but be careful of the ghost type pokemon...Specially some Gengar".
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"Ok thanks!Let's go find that Flute then!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

catutie kept running down the hallway because he felt somthing following him. he ran as fast as his legs would carry him and he saw somthing ahead of him but couldnt stop in time and he slammed into the object. it was chill. "OUCH IM SO SORRY" he yelled to the figure he still couldnt identify. "oh chill, im so sorry" chill looked at catutie dazed and confused
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill's head was filled with anger. To him in his confusion, Catutie looked like another enemy.
Chill prepared to use Shadow Ball.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Dark reacted fast and used a energy ball to weaken the shadow ball.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill, surprised he came close to hurting his friend,
ran away to isolate himself in shadows. Where he'll stay until Comander Neon calls the group.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"thanks so much dark" catutie said. "CHILL WHERE ARE YOU GOING" catutie yelled down the dark corridor, to no response. "well i guess we should go try and find that flute and get out of here. by the way...which way is out?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

In:Gleafert then met with catutie and Dark."Hey...Where is Chill going?",Gleafert asked.But then he felt that somebody was watching them...It turned out to be Gengar.Gleafert then turned and shouted:"Watch out guys!".Gleafert then quickly used Protect and the Gengar used Thunderbolt.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

catutie hid behind the newly made shield and used rock slide. the gengar didnt even flinch and came again with thunderbolt. luckly gleaferts protect worked again and catutie jumped up with a dark pulse. the gengar showed a sign of pain but soon floated through the closest wall. "i wonder if he is attacking the other teams also"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: Ok, so I read about the mission and all, but I need a quick explanation of whats going on in the mission please.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: we are all in a temple that has ghosts in it. gengar has been flying through the walls and attacking all the teams. we are looking for the onyx flute. it is an over night mission
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Safari saw the gengar flying about. He decided it was now or never.
"Guys cover me. This wont work well, but it will distract him!"

"Poison Tail!"

The attack had no effect really, but the Gengar was momentarily distracted.
Safari kept attacking.

OOC: how do we know what moves we know exactly?
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