Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"Yeah,let's go explore the mountain!I want some adventure!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Ooc: Grr.... I'm glad this game is in teams. Otherwise, I'd never be able to do this.... Way to fast for me.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill: Hey Lux, I've been looking for you.

We're looking for an onyx flute at the lake of insight.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"Cool!" Shivers... "Hey whats all that splashing over there!.. OMG it's a hot tub!"
OoC: Can a team member PM me I am very confuzed.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

As a heads up this is a two day mission so we're staying overnight and I've placed the clue in a location that you'll have to explore to find it (something I'm trying). Also the onyx flute gives the user the ability to teleport but I'm afraid it only teleports you twenty feet while everything in a five mile radius (one of my superpowers :p), awesome right? (Sorry Oblivions but your sect has some pretty stupid inventions):p

BTW I'm a zelda and halo fan boy so I got the wind waker reference :D

"Everyone, come here for a second," Commander Neon shouted from his resting place in a secluded hot spring that was unbeknown to the others and he had failed to point out :p "So theres something I received from the local Luminescent forces that were working with because of our situation and I forgot to hand them out thank Arceus. If that Oblivion general had seen us with these we would've been toast." Commander Neon passes out as messenger bag to everyone, each holds a rope, flashlight, matches, a grappling hook, and various other things. "Use these wisely and there's dinner in them too along with the other items."
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

pausing to listen to the commander and grabbing his new bag he continued with jason to go explore because last time catutie went out alone he was kidnapped so he wanted to go with someone this time. jason and catutie headed toward the mountains
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: I suggest there be walkie talkies
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: thanks for now telling us lol
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Seeing that Catutie and Jason begun their adventure. Chill decides to venture into the temple.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: Im tired and going to bed. Somnus will follow you arround guys and help when ever neccessary. Just direct him what to do
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

In:"Woah,whats up with all the currents around here?I knew that this water felt weird somehow",Gleafert said while struggling."And its getting dark,too...I guess I have a Luminous Orb here on my Fur Pocket".Then Gleafert took a beautiful orange orb,and lighted up everything really quick.When the lights where up,he couldnt believe what he was seeing,there were lots of frozen Pokémon stuck on the ice walls!"Oh my...This is a really freaky scene",Gleafert said while shaking.But appareantly,the Pokéon were still breathing,and it seemed that they could talk.All the frozen Pokémon screamed in joy,since they knew they were saved.A Delibird said:"YAY,FINALLY SOMEBODY!!!",then Gleafert said:"Um...H-How long h-have you been stuck in there?".The Delibird then said:"Like 1 week,appareantly.I remember that someone did this,but i dont remember who..."."Hang on here,guys",Gleafert said,"Im gonna go for help!".Then Gleafert quickly went back in a wave,and took out a Walkie Talkie.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

DarK quicKly ran into the temple, he grabbed both Victor and somnus by their wings and vines and they all entered the temple.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill gets deeper and deeper into the temple.
He gets into a dark, blank room with nothing in it but an ominous statue.
Chill sniffs the statue and out comes a Haunter accompanied by two Gastly.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

at the base of the mountain jason and catutie began to climb to another temple entrance. "looks like this whole area is one big temple" catutie said to jason
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Chill: Shadow Ball!
The dark orb hits the trio and Chill defeated them with ease.
Chill advances to the next room.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Dec nodded at the Munchlax. Then, he started off for the mountains.

Dec looked at the barren landscape as he walked. The ice stretched for miles. Snow was packed around the edges of the frozen lake. It looked so inviting…
Suddenly, a Meditite popped out of the ice. How'd that get there? Dec instinctively shot an Ice Beam at the Meditite, freezing it to the floating spot. It fell onto the ice with a *thud*. Dec ran away from it quickly.

Dec arrived at the mountain. It looked much bigger than it did from far away. The sheer rock face intimidated Dec. Dec's attack fell! The silence was deafening. A rock fell somewhere off of the mountain, and the sound of it hitting other rocks reverberated around the lake. The rock fell right behind Dec. Dec jumped and turned around. Oh, it was just a rock… Dec shuddered, but not from the cold. How am I going to explore this alone? Dec looked back at where the other Pokemon were. Some of them were walking towards him. What the Heck? I thought I'd be exploring the mountain alone! And what are they carrying? Dec turned back to the mountain and entered through an oddly well-carved entryway…

As soon as Dec entered the tunnel, he noticed why it was so well carved. It was not a mountain, but in fact a temple. It was shining with the luster of gold. There were ornately carved columns, not to hold up the ceiling, but just for decorations. There were numerous life-sized statues of Arceus, and many tablets in Unown rune.

Despite the beautiful interior, it smelled kind of musty, like it hadn't been accessed in a while. There was also something spooky about it. Nevertheless, Dec decided to continue…
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

In:"Commander Neon,I went down a geyser to see if I could find the Onyx Flute,but it turns out that I found some frozen Pokémon on the walls.Looks like somebody made a hole and put water in it,and then pushed all of them in,and whoever did this used Ice Beam.Forutnately,they havent been stuck for a long time...Also,where are all you guys right now?",Gleafert said by the Walkie Talkie.
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